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BUNK POLICE: Watch festival-goers get their drugs tested


Moderator: DS
Staff member
Jan 23, 2013


The Bunk Police are a roving drug-testing organisation run by Adam Auctor (not his real name.) They travel to festivals throughout America, offering punters free drug tests to check the purity of their good-time meds.

Sounds like a pretty fine festival addition to me.

But (obviously) here's the catch: although the kits are completely legal, The Bunk Police are forced to smuggle them into festivals. Promoters are against the idea because the appearance of a drug-testing kit implies that illegal substances are indeed being brought into the festival.

The denial rule is due to the aptly named Reducing American's Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act (RAVE), which pretty much states that music promoters are liable for any illegal substances.

continued http://stoneyroads.com/2014/09/watch-festival-goers-get-their-drugs-tested

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Very cool, thanks for posting this.

"Bath salts aren't in Canada!" <----- LOL.
Fantastic! Just the other day I was wondering why I'd never seen even a basic example of how to reagent test drugs on film.
Very cool, thanks for posting this.
Yeah really a cool documentary


Bunk Police

This organization provides free drug testing, promotes drug testing, spreads awareness of the need for testing, and provides access to testing supplies.
They also spread the word about dangers caused by drug prohibition and the unregulated drug trade it creates.
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This organization provides free drug testing, promotes drug testing, spreads awareness of the need for testing, and provides access to testing supplies.
They also spread the word about dangers caused by drug prohibition and the unregulated drug trade it creates.

They forgot to add: "sell test kits". That is what this for profit business does. I wouldn't call that an organization, more like a company. And is this a documentary, or an ad? Where are the positive test results? I would have liked to seen some total stats too, like 500 samples and 400 were fake or something. Just some sort of idea of numbers rather than "the it's all fake" message they give because it's not all fake. They make the black market out to be worse than it is IMO. It's in their interest to do so.
Also one guy claimed there a festival where 10 people died of nbomes and 30 were hospitalized, that just never happened because it would have a been a story on here. Why do I feel very manipulated after watching this?

^I too am uncomfortable with the term bath salts

Great documentary!

They won't call it substituted cathinones (sp) or methylone because bath salts have super negative reputation. This was made to generate fear and sell test kits. Nothing in this film was there because of ignorance, it was very calculated.

They forgot to add: "sell test kits". That is what this for profit business does. I wouldn't call that an organization, more like a company. And is this a documentary, or an ad? Where are the positive test results? I would have liked to seen some total stats too, like 500 samples and 400 were fake or something. Just some sort of idea of numbers rather than "the it's all fake" message they give because it's not all fake. They make the black market out to be worse than it is IMO. It's in their interest to do so.
Also one guy claimed there a festival where 10 people died of nbomes and 30 were hospitalized, that just never happened because it would have a been a story on here. Why do I feel very manipulated after watching this?

They won't call it substituted cathinones (sp) or methylone because bath salts have super negative reputation. This was made to generate fear and sell test kits. Nothing in this film was there because of ignorance, it was very calculated.

Yeah i wish they were magical fairies distributing free test kits to all drug users under a beautiful rainbow. But then again this is the real world and nBome is loads more dangerous than LSD, people end up in the hospital, jump off very high balconies, and some die from research chemicals regularly. I can't find it now but I think they stated that 40% of the tests they run reveal unwanted chemicals. With the price being around 50 cents a test I feal this is more than reasonable. IMHO there is absolutely nothing wrong with making some money doing a positive service to the world. With headlines everyday surrounding people getting really sick and dieing from improperly dosing or taking bad drugs I think they are warranted in spreading the fact that this is a very real problem.

EDIT: It would be nice if they came up for a test for fent
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The Bunk Police are a roving drug-testing organisation run by Adam Auctor (not his real name.) They travel to festivals throughout America, offering punters free drug tests to check the purity of their good-time meds.

Sounds like a pretty fine festival addition to me.

But (obviously) here's the catch: although the kits are completely legal, The Bunk Police are forced to smuggle them into festivals. Promoters are against the idea because the appearance of a drug-testing kit implies that illegal substances are indeed being brought into the festival.

The denial rule is due to the aptly named Reducing American's Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act (RAVE), which pretty much states that music promoters are liable for any illegal substances.

continued http://stoneyroads.com/2014/09/watch-festival-goers-get-their-drugs-tested

I can't believe music promoters would be held responsible for other people's drug use

Next parents will be responsible for their adult offspring's drug use

Then we'll hold husbands and wives responsible for their partner's use
well everyone wants to make $ and at least there doing it on a< informed level> ! would you not feel manipulated by buying some RC and having it advertised as MDMA. know your drug don't let your drug know you. or some BS like that.
They forgot to add: "sell test kits". That is what this for profit business does. I wouldn't call that an organization, more like a company.

Thanks for bringing this up, because it should be noted that there is a massive profit being made on each test kit being sold by companies like Bunk Police, DanceSafe, and Test Kit Plus. For example, the amount of Marquis reagent being sold by bunk police for $20 costs less than a dollar to produce, maybe $2 to $3 at most once you include the dropper bottle and any labels and such. Anyone can make these reagents in their home with no chemistry experience. For example:

Marquis reagent:
- mix 100 mL of sulfuric acid with 5 mL of 40% formaldehyde

...and that's it, you've got enough for over 1,000 tests.

So why am I not selling these and undercutting everyone? Well, I've thought about it! But in fact, all of these companies are most likely operating illegally, and flying under the radar. Most of these text kits contain, primarily, sulphuric acid. This is a List II chemical in the U.S. and, analogously, a Class B precursor in Canada. To produce and sell these, you need to apply for an exemption from the government. I am very doubtful that these companies have done this.

All that said:

This was made to generate fear and sell test kits. Nothing in this film was there because of ignorance, it was very calculated.

Why, then, would they have included all the drug policy and legalization arguments? That's counter-productive, as the Bunk Police would lose their entire market if drugs were legalized.
Been on this hr movement for a long time now.
Only person I know in my state with a test kit and that actually knows aboUT rcs and drugs in general.

This is great to see they are spreading the world on a larger scale only complaint is the constant use of "bathsalts" cathitones is much more correct and doesn't have all the hysteria.

Test kits people this could save your life your friends life your family's life.

Be wise rest your drugs know what your ingesting!
This is really great news!
All festivals should have this.
Thanks for posting, NSA.
I understand 3rdeye's view, but I think it's still very much a positive to get this testing info out there, I went to bunk polices fb page and they asked when did you start testing your drugs and most people were answering this yr or last yr, I know alot of us here have been doing it for much longer, I myself have been for quite a bit over a decade now and I dont mind paying 25 or 30 bucks for all the reagents, im not going to fuck around and make them all and print out the colour changes and buy bottles and droppers etc.

I have no problem with what they are doing and as my post right after the OP mentions there was a team here in Aus doing the exact same as these guys are basically around a decade ago.

Some people dont even know about testing I am sure and to get the message out far and wide (even more so today than a decade ago) is essential. If they are making some profit off it who cares, good on them, might help them get to more festivals and raves and spread the word even more so, even just sharing the vid is helpful imo.

ps) I love watching gurners on vids. Reminds me of me and my friends when we were 17, 18, 19 etc..

pss) Why did they buy $4000 worth of molly (that apparently turned out to be bath salts) ? I guess it was for a group of 10 of them or something, and what will happen they will go out and sell it just like it was sold to them and then they will try and find some real MDMA (and probably get something else that isnt MDMA again).. heh around and around it goes.
Because of the actions of those involved in testing people's drugs, many lives may have been saved - even if those people did end up wasting a lot of money on bunk. What's important is that now a parent may not have to bury his or her child because they bought and consumed what they thought was MDMA, but was actually some extremely toxic RC.

So thank you very much to the "bunk police," because in this instance, "to protect and to serve" is something you guys are clearly doing a much better job of than the thugs in uniform who should be by your side doing the same thing, yet are instead ruining more lives than the real drugs themselves (actual MDMA) ever would.

Not suggesting recreational drug use is a good idea, nor that it's without risk - this is a lie, as no drug is 100% safe or risk free. However, the use of mind altering substances by otherwise law-abiding individuals for whatever reason is not something which should be considered a felonious crime, especially when there are at least 2 such substances which have killed countless consumers, yet continue to remain completely legal to adults. It's just incredibly two-faced, and the public is not as stupid (not all of them anyways) as the politicians and bureaucrats seem to think.

"Tear down this wall" of fascism towards a minority group of recreational drug consumers which has caused eons more death and destruction than the drugs themselves ever would have, or ever will.

Do not discriminate against me because my intoxicant of choice isn't one which is accepted and openly glorified at times by our society.

Humans have different tastes and preferences regarding everything - recreational drug use is no different.
I really wish someone would put out a test for fent and it's analogues as someone mentioned. Along with some Naloxone if would be like the junkies' med kit. I mean, I know it's extremely unlikely if for no other reason then junkies aren't very popular - I mean, MDMA I would certainly think has a better reputation than dope - and policy is geared more towards killing them off. So not much incentive to create it, assuming it's not impractical to begin with. Still, it would sure save A LOT of live too, and the other arguments against aren't arguments really at all...

Too bad, too bad. Especially from a HR perspective, cause I could totally imagine them handing test kits out for fent at Exchanges or even alone, especially in part of the country...
I really wish someone would put out a test for fent and it's analogues as someone mentioned. Along with some Naloxone if would be like the junkies' med kit. I mean, I know it's extremely unlikely if for no other reason then junkies aren't very popular - I mean, MDMA I would certainly think has a better reputation than dope - and policy is geared more towards killing them off. So not much incentive to create it, assuming it's not impractical to begin with. Still, it would sure save A LOT of live too, and the other arguments against aren't arguments really at all...

Too bad, too bad. Especially from a HR perspective, cause I could totally imagine them handing test kits out for fent at Exchanges or even alone, especially in part of the country...

That sounds like an excellent idea. And I certainly wouldn't mind buying one if they were available.

Edit - If they are available for sale, well... I've been living under a rock. A special rock with internet access.
Ah yes I know the rock you're talking about. Is the internet free though??? That would be a nice rock!