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Buddhas...Personal preferences?

Depersonalized said:
On two separate occasions I've taken 2 blue buddhas and 2 orange and the blues were better in every way.

Only got to try the blues on 3 seperate occasions months back and they felt like no more than 70mg MDMA and nothing else so I would hope the orange are stronger because the blue weren't shit unless doubled. Keep in mind I would've paid double for more of the blues and bought all they had but they went in 1 day
(A lifetime tolerance may take part in my dosage assumption)
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woodpecker said:
Only got to try the blues on 3 seperate occasions months back and they felt like no more than 70mg MDMA and nothing else so I would hope the orange are stronger because the blue weren't shit unless doubled. Keep in mind I would've paid double for more of the blues and bought all they had but they went in 1 day
(A lifetime tolerance may take part in my dosage assumption)

It was either your tolerance, or just a weaker batch, because my tolerance was quite low when i took each color.
I got some yellow ones in. Have had the oranges before and they were fantastic. I will report how these new ones compare, reports sound good though, MDMA only as usual.
Me and 4 other friends took the blue ones and we all got sick. When i tested them with the marquis it turned purple but also green and red before it became purple. The buddha pressed on the pill is sloppy and the face cannot be seen compared to other buddhas (red and orange). The blue buddahs were not the same flat shape as the other buddhas, but slightly domed
aoe2junkie said:
Me and 4 other friends took the blue ones and we all got sick. When i tested them with the marquis it turned purple but also green and red before it became purple. The buddha pressed on the pill is sloppy and the face cannot be seen compared to other buddhas (red and orange). The blue buddahs were not the same flat shape as the other buddhas, but slightly domed

The Marquis turning red & green could be a number of compounds in the 2C family. I have heard of this copycat Buddah press going around, is it domed on both sides?