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RCs Bromonordiazepam (Desalkygidazepam)

Jen X

Moderator: NSADD, OD, & Blogs
Staff member
Jun 28, 2021
Anyone have any experience with this one?
I have seen this one appear recently. Have not tried it myself. The only thing I picked up from the little research I did was it is long acting and somewhat like diazepam.

I have not seen this before a few months ago so maybe people with experience will trickle in.
I just ordered some Friday. My doctor won't increase my clonzepam( i'm on 2mg a day) but with my last living parent dying a couple months ago i wake up 1/2 near in a panic attack. Funny how they would increase my methadone when i was on it and tried to keep me on it but a medication that lets me live in a non panicked state is a no no.

Frustrating because i have never abused the clonazepam but get hydromorph for pain no issues and im an ex user. I'll post back after i tried them so others can know.
Hang in there Jenn. It is BS a doctor won't increase you after years of being someone that took them as prescribed. I often think of you when I think of benzos as a med working for years by simply staying on the low dose and not abusing. Continue to keep it low with the supplemental benzo and remember the anxiety of such a situation will pass in time. It is a nice thought to think the parents would not want you stressing so much but it is totally understandable. It is amazing the stress we go through. Never ends. One thing ends, another begins.

If/when you get a feel how the bromonordiazepam is come and update us. And get some rest. :)
I have been lucky enough to try this one and so far it has been wonderful as far as being extremely anxiolytic with no hypnotic/sedative effects. It’s very clearheaded and doesn’t cause euphoria which is exactly what I wanted. I haven’t taken benzos in years because I used to have a pretty bad Xanax problem when I was in my late teens / early 20’s and because I have to be able to be clearheaded at all times. I just recently discovered RC benzos and the only other RC benzo I have tried is bromazolam and I absolutely hate that one it just makes me feel cloudy and want to go to bed. But I do have debilitating anxiety (mainly social) so I really wanted to try pyrazolam based on everything I read on experience reports and other research I did but I found that to be literally unobtainable. With Desalkylgidazepam you have to take pretty high doses of it though, I usually take it in the 10-20 mg range and it just calms me down and allows my brain to not be thinking about anything and everything all at once or go to grocery store without freaking out that’s there’s so many people around. I’m still experimenting with dosages because supposedly it has a very long half life but I haven’t noticed that too much. It’s a metabolite of a prodrug that’s actually prescribed in Russia called Gidazepam, and Gidazepam is known to have an extremely long half life but I think that is because it has to metabolize into Desalkylgidazepam first but that’s just my theory. I have dosed this multiple days in a row and haven’t really noticed an increase or build up in effects so I’m not sure on the half life yet. So far it has been a blessing for my anxiety while still allowing me to think and function properly though.
O yeah, they are funky, work like long, and after10 minutes you get that rush, good sleeper, also euphoria, yeah must have, I always got some, Here they are orange, It's like good diazepam, the best
I recently discovered Flubromazepam and that one is my new absolute favorite! By far the best benzo I have tried to date! Eliminates my anxiety without making me too sedated and absolutely no memory impairment. I’m trying to stockpile this one as we speak! I’ve been dosing it in the 3-6 mg range and so far it has been the greatest thing for my anxiety
I recently discovered Flubromazepam and that one is my new absolute favorite! By far the best benzo I have tried to date! Eliminates my anxiety without making me too sedated and absolutely no memory impairment. I’m trying to stockpile this one as we speak! I’ve been dosing it in the 3-6 mg range and so far it has been the greatest thing for my anxiety
Does it come on quickly as well? I use quetiapine for anxiety / anger-induced stress since it comes on quick for me but I don't like how I feel on it.
The vendor I got them from sold them as bromonordiazepam 2.5mg, it made short work of my hangover that I had been working on for half a week but even having been running on 3-4 hours of sleep lately and often sleep better on hangovers unless I'm feeling too feverish and/or vomiting it just wouldn't let me fall asleep until 16 hours after my first dose.

I kept titrating up the dose slowly over the day till I had had 10mg total then I stopped until I needed to sleep, took 5mg +5mg an hour later, did not find it helpful for sleep, I still had to take some ibuprofen for my lower back pain and I couldn't even reach the floor, on a good day I have no problem touching the floor with my palms.

I kept waking up every three hours, not only having nightmares every sleep cycle but I could also remember them better than I usually remember my dreams, when I had managed to sleep enough I woke up woozy, good I like long lasting benzodiazepines even if it takes three days to establish a dose that works but doesn't impair your judgment or cause delusions of sobriety.

This is day three on them and I've had the first dose of the day 5mg in my mouth for half an hour now, so long that I just swallowed an entire mouthful of saliva and my extremeties and armpits are still sweaty so onset is definitely not fast.

Much longer now that I've been typing all this, in my experience anything but midazolam takes an hour to kick in fully even if you should feel that first relief after 10 minutes rectal/sublingual, unless they're inactive prodrugs in which case you I'd expect it to be closer to four. If I had any kind of LSD at home I would love to put this one to the acid test.

All the effects are becoming more pronounced as I'm building up the drug in my blood, muscle relaxation is better and except for sweaty extremeties I've had no anxiety, at least none as bad as before I started on them when I would get dressed and be halfway out the door to buy beer after listening to the news before realising my subconscious is calling the shots.

I do have a benzo tolerance but if I could choose I'd take 10mg diazepam 2-3 times a day (which is lower than a lot of people I've known been getting prescribed by their M.D.) or 500µg clonazolam waking up then still sleep great all night hand have no need to dose until 24 hours later, which is great for not accidentally going full retard. For sleep 10mg nitrazepam, for amnesia you can't beat midazolam. Otherwise on a non hypnotic benzo I often need 7.5mg zopiclone to fall asleep which is what I'm struggle with most.

So far it's mainly the price I don't like about it, if a pill is potent enough for me to need only one then they're most likely too potent for the masses and certainly the benzo naïve, the vendor I got them from has gotten sketchier too so I would feel better about reviewing this substance again after I've had a tolerance break and purchased them from somewhere else.

For sleep I am thinking that maybe four hours before bedtime is better suited, luckily I'm retired and can sleep all day if I'm lucky enough.

Oh and it's worth mentioning that some benzos such as clonazepam I don't really notice any difference between 2mg and 8mg+ except for when I have had something stimulating in me and need to counter that so I don't wander off in a dissociative daze. On stuff like diazepam and clonazolam or zopiclone (not a benzodiazepine) I do get just enough euphoria that I don't have to think twice before tackling chores I otherwise can put off indefinitely which is why they are my favourites and why I'm very strict about not abusing them.

All in all I think I'm starting to like this one but please don't expect too much from it, not every benzo is for everyone, so far I've noticed nothing recreational about it which would make it an excellent choice for therapeutic use but do be careful for the first three days as the dose gradually builds up in your body.
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What puzzles me is that vendors now stock bromonordiazepam 2,5mg pellets and Gidazepam 3mg pellets separately.
This is the same compound, right? Rather low dosed again, these pellets if you ask me, but perhaps I gonna give them a try.
What puzzles me is that vendors now stock bromonordiazepam 2,5mg pellets and Gidazepam 3mg pellets separately.
This is the same compound, right? Rather low dosed again, these pellets if you ask me, but perhaps I gonna give them a try.
Desalkylgidazepam and bromonordiazepam are the same substance, gidazepam is an inactive prodrug for it.
I was eating a bit too many of them but I like when that isn't a problem other than for your wallet, took me a couple of days before my baseline anxiety was back, tempted to get more of these because it's the most therapeutic benzo I've bought and paid VAT on, no substance is another substance but what I like about these is that remind me of clonazepam were if I take more than 2mg that's just a waste of good drugs and should I be stupid enough to knock back a few beers on it at worst I'll pop some more and regret it the next day because I didn't black out(SIC).

Too bad I couldn't wrap up my report of it, I mean it was great for me to knock back some beers and smoke some kush but as soon as I took that first hit I had no longer a need for anxiolytics. Debating whether I dare to stock up on these or if I'll allow myself to abuse them instead of having medicine for years to come if I can stick to one or two three week cures a year.

Worst side effect was I woke up a little woozy a couple of days after eating 10mg late at night because they're not great at putting me to sleep but man, a little woozy is fine when you don't even wear shoes most days!

Maybe not for the benzo addict that always complains about potency, maybe I find this substance a little lacking but I also expect it to take a week to stabilise on a reasonable dose, sadly I ate mine faster than that because it was never the magic wand some benzos can be like, at least I never went full retard on it.

If you can make a PG solution this one would be excellent to taper with. I would love to get my hands on the pure substance so I can guarantee every dose is the same, the substance is wonderful, bromazolam is the closest I've found when it comes to benzodiazepines that are just fucking boring but have good medicinal properties, it's better to be able to eat twice as much and not black out than the alternative but on stuff like this I will have to watch myself or I will plug a heavy dose just because I wake up at night to turn around and fall back asleep. I wonder what this drug is called if a NO² group instead of the bromine.

That would be nitrazepam, I thought it was going to be a favourite of mine just wasn't sure how much of a favourite.
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