People seem to be comparing this to alprazolam alot. I however, being very experienced in Benzodiazepine, both research and prescribed, do not feel the resemblance. It lacks that pseudo euphoria that alprazolam seems to give. It also seems to lack anxiolysis which is a huge proponent to alprazolam. Maybe it has a small bit of anti anxiety properties, but to me it feels more like a straight sedative. Makes me feel tired like in the case of antihistamines.
Of course it is a better feeling than antihistamines but not by Too much.
I have had it pre mixed in PG and also as straight powder which I actually just took some of now. I ran out of pg and received a paper fold in the mail with 125 mg;s inside from a more than trusted vendor.
I took a finger dab because of my massively high tolerance (I Dont recommend this foolish behavior to anyone). IM also on methadone which makes this all the more of a serious thing to do. DON'T mix with opioids or other downers.
If I could compare this to another benzo, I might say nitrazepam. Wait here comes a wave of euphoria that I attribute to the synergy between the methadone and the bromazolam for I haven't achieved euphoria any offer the other times Ive used this chemical.
You may be asking why I purchased this one is Im not to crazy about it. And that is a logical question which I will now answer. I am prescribed 3mgs of clonazepam a day which I love. I find it to be insanely underrated and overlooked. My girlfriend however stole half of my dose in a blackout. If you've been on Bzs for as long as myself, then you understand that the risk of running out of my Rx is a huge no go.
So I headed to my trusty online vendor where I had the choice between etizolam and bromazolam. There are two benzos which I lose all countrol under the influence of.. And they wound be first and foremost 1) Clonazolam. All though I love the feeling it provides me, I cannot handle the blackouts and subsequent withdrawal that leads me to believe this chemical was designed by satan himself.
The second one actually isn't a benzo but a thienotriazolo. Etizolam... This chem has lead to more holes in my dry wall and almost going to jail for what I hear are terrible fights between my girl and I. She actually stole my klonopin while under its influence, something she would never do sober as she knows how important it is that I never run out of that medication. So those left me between a rock and a hard place.
I am too either accept the hell that is klonopin withdrawal, or chose from bromazolam and etizolam. No way I was getting etizolam which is very strange. I don't understand why I don't react well to this as I am known to ingest entire 60 count bottles of temazepam without trouble. Im also known to ease eat upwards of 35 mg of alprazolam at a time. But give me several mgs of etiz and I am doing things that leave me hanging my head in shame for weeks.
So i ordered the bromazolam (the vendor knew what happened to me and being the superior guy that he is sent me 125mg of bromazolam powder in a wax paper fold.) Being that my digital scale broke and running out of PG, I was forced to do the no no of eyeing up doses. I've done this benzo before in huge doses with little trouble.. Yes it's nice but something about taking a benzo in powder form doesn't have the same magic for me. It just looks like such a tiny amount everytime that I can't possibly imagine getting high from it. Then I tremendously clonazolam and figured I better be careful. It's actually kicking in hard now. I think i took approximately 20mg give or take. I have Adderall near by just in case I start to feel myself getting a little too drowsy.
Actually my favorite time to take benzos is while in that awful comedown stage that comes with racemic amphetamine salts (aka Adderall). You guys know how horrible that can be, the extremely heightened anxiety, insomnia, restlessness,, etc are all really things that showcase a quality benzo. I guess I'm going to enjoy this a little longer, then pop some Adderall ir and wait until I'm coming down for a nice dose of good ol bromazolam . Oh its going to be sublime.
I do have a question for some of you geniuses. Is it possible to get bromism aka bromide poisoning from benzos like bromazolam or flubromazepam.
Any thoughts, reflections, answers would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
mygreenbic aka