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RCs Brom Solution Taste???


May 27, 2024
Wassup yall.. tired of bullshtn plugs out here with these fckd up bars so I’ve been messing around with clear net solution(Eww🤢) which taste awful and is so easy to over do it.. how to yall deal with this Brom solution? I’m on the MFN hunt for decent pellets, bars wtf long as they’re right. But that’ll come eventually. But on topic, Just use a dropper followed by a chaser or what? I’ve never been a drinker at all so these mini shots fck me up smh

Just use a dropper followed by a chaser or what?
Yeah I mix mine in mini bottles of my chosing, dump powder in (50mg/50ml) and recap til needed on a dark-ish shelf then dump it into the amber bottle with dropper for carry.
Drop and optimally something fatty but water whatever it'll get in your system. I do like fatty foods, though.
What are you "solving" it with?
The solutions I make with PG taste pretty good in a weird way. I just chase it with water. To the problem with overdoing it, it just takes self-control and practice which is especially hard with benzos for obvious reasons. I remember reading a post about tricks to tell if you have delusions of sobriety and pretty much do any dopamine exciting activity and if it seems a lot more fun then you aren't sober and don't need to dose more. For example I like to go on walks listening to my favorite music (only recommend if you know your limits, stay indoors at high doses), find a good movie, or just game. This just goes for recreational doses if you are self-medicating for anxiety it sucks but to stop yourself over-doing it you have to realize that you can't dose everytime you feel anxious and you just have to push through. Bromazolam kinda sucks at higher doses anyway even with tolerance it just makes me super spacey and tired. At low-medium doses mixed with weed it really shines