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Brisbane - PILLS CHECK 24/1/02

I happened to have a couple of those white stars at * on sat 23. My friend also had the same pills. We dropped at about 11pm, and within about 30 - 35min it started to kick in. They are slow to come on but had an awesome, intense peak which kept coming in waves. They were super clean, and there was no comedown whatsoever. The only thing that was wrong with them, was that they only lasted 2.5 - 3 hours.
[Edit: Venue details removed. BigTrancer]
[ 27 February 2002: Message edited by: BigTrancer ]
i was offered some pills the other night and i haven't heard anything about them, so i was wondering if anyone has? They are an off-white colour; with a slightly pink tinge actually,a cresent moon indented on one side and have a score on the other, they are quite thin and are flat-not domed at all. I looked for them in the pillreports but could not find anythgin that matched them well. So i was just wondering if anyone has tried, heard of or seen these around at the moment and whether they are worthwhile or not?
eccentric - does it look like a smilie without the eyes. Is it a thin pill? Is the crescent sortof on one side?
If so, they're weak MDMA pills. Had them in mid-january. I normally can roll pretty well of 1/2 a good pill (lucky me) and it took 1 1/2 to get anything out of it.
If its free, take it, but i wouldnt pay for it.
[ 26 February 2002: Message edited by: glory_glamour ]
Yeah! - NickEE's BickEE's - those stars had some odd little hallucinations on the comedown.
My barbie doll told me that there is a good batch of blue barrels hanging around (just when you thought they had gone and left us) she had some and couldn't even see straight
Also has anyone mentioned those 007's?
Yes the blue barrels are definately out and about, still the same strength/appearance as the ones we ate 2-3 months ago.
Anyone had the pink hearts?? Well pressed, scored, light pink.
[ 02 March 2002: Message edited by: Vermillion ]
hey binx, do u know if the blue barrels r the same as the ones around at new years.... a dwarf i know had some and they fuct up his shit real good :)
^yes they are the same as the pre-NYE pills. Don't let anyone tell you some bullshit about different batches.
If the pink hearts you are talking about were flat and quite a light pink...then they are K bombs...a fake..the real hearts are more of a deep pink, almost red colour and are slightly domed.
hey vermillon, do a search on pillreports there are pics of the two types of hearts. The light pink one (k bomb)has a fatter squashed heart and the redder one has a typical love heart shape.
Yeah the Bluey's looked like the first Blue Barrels out (light blue)
Barbie said they felt like em too. Not like the blue "specks" that came out later.
So eh? anyone sample the 007's? inquiring minds wanna know! saw one report on pillreports.
I would've thought you pillheads would be having them fo breakfast ;)
lah lala lah lala..... hey how u doin??? yeah b/barrels r the same as b4 crissie but different from the 1st 1's that came out.. 007's are not bad but i rekon not as good as the 1's june last year... personal choice though!!!!
On other notes... Some small sparkling pixies left some blue MTV biscuits on a friends doorstep one fine sunny morning... We are hoping that the biscuits are of good quality before we ask the pixies to bring us some more for the doorstep... has anyone enjoyed these fine pixies bickkies? :)
Andromeda :)
[Edit: Off-topic material (flame response) deleted. BigTrancer]
[ 11 March 2002: Message edited by: BigTrancer ]
OK. I've been quiet about this for too long. I'd now like to request that people here follow these simple rules:
1. Be DISCREET. That means don't advertise that you are in possession of illegal drugs. Posts like "I just picked up 20 windmills" don't help anyone... ask yourself prior to posting whether you would want a policeman who already knows your name and address to read it.
2. Don't post venue details in your threads. This means stuff like "I'm going to be taking 3 of these pills at the Fabric party on Friday night" is not on. All it would take is for someone to come to a meetup and find out your screen name, then put 2 + 2 together and realise that you probably have a few pills in your pocket. If you look back over the last 3 pages of posts, you'll see I've had to remove venue details from no fewer than 8 posts. This is a hassle I don't want to have to deal with in future.
3. Please keep posts ON TOPIC. It's quite simple to do. This means that arguments, flame wars, random shite and anything else that's not on topic should NOT be posted. I've just had to go through and remove about 5 posts that had nothing to do with pills in Brisbane.
BigTrancer :)
Maybe this would be a good time to close this thread (it's getting pretty big anyway), start a new thread with the guidelines that BT has included in the above post, as the first post?
[ 12 March 2002: Message edited by: samadhi ]
Well Andromeda, i too have enjoyed those pixies bicckies.
But it was a green MTV. and my god theyre good!
Good length, peaked for about 3.5 hours.
Was extremely chopped. Major loved up feeling, ran around hugging everyone. It kinda floored me for awhile but i have a fairly low tolerance. I had minor body convulsions a few times. One time it happened while hugging a friend. He felt it got thru my body and just went "wow, you ARE CHOPPED!"
Nice clean comedown, dropped at 10:30pm and went home at 5am, asleep by 5:30am.
Supposedly from the same batch as last year, but who knows, all i know is that it was good.
[ 12 March 2002: Message edited by: glory_glamour ]

MODS... shut this thread please... theres now a new one.
