Bribing oneself...?

Well Libby, by your definition I suppose I am 'normal'(good job well educated etc).But believe me I'm not. As a talk show host in the UK says 'normal is a setting on a washing machine'. My house is a pigsty. One cleaner I hired refused to do it! I was once inspired by Adriana from the Sopranos who does coke to do her housework (this didn't last long, really stupid). What I do now is if I want to clean up, I organise a dinner party which kind of forces me into action. One thing that I believe is really true is that a cluttered space is a cluttered mind. When you've done a big clean up you'll be surprised by how much better you feel (well I do at least)
I just want to be able to get up every day, brush my teeth, have a shower, keep my bedroom reasonably tidy and get myself to work at least 4 shifts per week, I don't feel like this is supposed to be a lot to ask for is all, I am quite sure nearly everyone does this without even thinking about it I am just all over the place all the time, and when I try to get shit on track it never really works, I set my alarm so I can get up at the right time for work, I sleep through it, it is on as loud as it can go. I only bother brushing my teeth if I have to leave the house, and I only shower when I start to feel yukky, I guess when I'm at work though I am having 10+ showers a night so maybe that makes up for it, but anyway I'ld like to go back to uni and finish my degree at some stage, but I need to be able to manage myself first so that then I can learn to manage myself plus assignments. Life is a nightmare. I think I have severe motivational problems. I am always tired but I know it is not real because I never feel tired until I start thinking about all the shit I am supposed to be doing and instantly I am too tired. I mean I couldn't possibly be tired for real I do jack shit, I get to work maybe two days a week, the rest of the time I fuck around on the computer.
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I don't know, normal un-broken people, people who have nothing wrong with them, successful people, they work hard, they achieve, they do their homework, they clean their room, they wake up to their alarm clock, go to work everyday, you knw the type. Normal people lol

Nobody's life is perfect, even the "successful." Everyone has problems.
That sounds good. My whole life pretty much is sitting around doing nothing though haha so I dont spose using that as a reward would work in my case, it would be nice to not feel guilty while doing it, I cant even imagine. Well I went and hangout with my mate and scored so now when I get dropped home I have motivational substance and I will get things clean and organised, then maybe I csn try start again trying a better way to do this.

Actually, if I'm correct, you have a job as part of the sex trade. You've got to motivate yourself to work, right? And your compensation is performance-based, correct?

So, how do you motivate yourself to do that?
If it wasn't so freaking cold I would go to the mall and buy a new alarm clock, a super super loud one, and just try getting into the habit of going to bed at the same time every morning and getting up at 3pm everyday. That's what I should do actually. So cold can't breathe outside, guess I could taxi though.. Need buy warmer clothes... They don't make clothes warm enough, I am wearing three sweatshirts as it is and still cold INSIDE. I have this super fluffy jacket thing that would be warm if it didn't stop under the boobs, why did I even buy a mid-rift coat that is just stupid.
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Normal people are people you don't know well enough yet ;) I can fairly relate to that, last week my cohabitant asked if my gf dumped me because I'm such a pig. My room looks awful. I only get the tasks done that have a deadline shortly before the deadline ends. I get dunned not because I can't pay shit but because I'm too lazy to do it. At times I feel like people like "us" missed something in their education, but I believe that those people who get shit done just "bribed" or conditioned them into doing so and they surely didn't do that overnight. It's a lot of hard work...

On the other hand I realized that I work extremely efficient when I'm under stress, which is a big advantage. For example a few weeks ago I phoned an employer one day after the application deadline ended and he allowed me to send my documents although I was late, and I got them done within 2 hours...
Oh well that's good at least, I completely shut down under stress. I don't know if it is rebellion or what but no, do not fucking rush me or I will not do it at all mother fucker. lol.
Huh? No 500cal per DAY for the rest of the week not 500cal for the whole week.
Ive come to realise that long term meth does not make me more productive than normal.
Masturbating for 5 hours at home when I should be working making money is not good use of time either.
I need guidance, I need like a mum or something, suck.
Whatever I give up
Monday = going to the mall, getting alarm clock and some sort of dayplanner diary or wall planner something I dont know that I can put things in at times and then I just have to do them or I punch myself or something I dont know. It'll work it'll be fine
I can remember the like one and only thing that ever actually worked before drugs, when I was a kid and I had to clean my room or else I'ld get a beating the only way I could get it done and avoid the beating is that I didnt do it, I made barbie do it lol, barbie was being filmed for some big tv programme about cleaning up the earth and she would talk and host the show and id get her little arms and make her pick up things which were litter and pollutiob not my crap lol. I dont think that would work anymore... Im too big now

This is awesome.

I know the feeling with motivation though. I have a 3500 word essay due tomorrow and instead of writing it, I'm here on Bluelight :)
Bluelight is a little harder on the motivation than most though. *just can't close window must read one more thread*
Oh dude, drugs really dont agree with me, ouchy ouchy ouchy.... arrghh... ok, keeping it together, moving through comedown GRACEFULLY hahaha...
gonna get up in few hours, big sunnies, find the mall, etc... gonna do my list, not gonna psych self out of leaving bedroom..
I am gonna fucking do this motivation thing, but having only very few tasks, as few as possible, but their completion is going to be an ironclad law, i will do my to-do list every day, if it means draging my half zombie self around in the cold rain so be it, just gonna fucking follow the rules like a good girl.
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Sometimes, when trying to tackle a problem, I'll personify it as some sort of adversary. I'll be at my computer with some programming project thinking "ah ha! you can't throw that error at me anymore, can you?" or "Oh, you sneaky bitch, didn't think I'd find that memory leak buried in that subroutine, well I'M ON TO YOU!" This can have blowback. For example, once I was updating someone else's project to fit a new interface, and it was giving me all these problems, but I finally got it working. And when I finished it, I announced something like "Ah ha! This stupid shitty code threw every trick in the book at me, but I was victorious!" before I went to bed. Well, the code's original author and many of her coworkers were rightfully pissed off at me, and I had to do a lot of apologizing.
Ahh but my problem is only ever myself haha. I cant beat myself up too badly or I just give up completely. Anyway it's going to work today.
Flatmate and son will be leaving for uni and kindy shortly then i can sneak out of bedroom, drink shake, go to mall...

Edit: not drink shake, eat pie :X
Yay great success! It took me 4 hours and my hips hurt real bad from walking so far but hey fresh air and exercise has to be doing something good for me too, and I didn't even get rained on. I got to the mall, got alarm clock and to-do note pad, didnt have pie, went with salmon cucumber sushi in the end, had 5 bites, and a diet coke. Perfect day. I knew I could do it. *pats self on back*

It seems all I need to do to motivate my lazy ass is create an understanding in myself that if I fail I will unleash all of my pent up anger against myself and be too afraid to make slacking off even an option.