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Breast Cancer is Man-Caused by the People Claiming to Treat It (Geneva, help!!)


Jul 7, 2019
Breast Cancer is Man-Caused by the People Claiming to Treat It

The 'Biopsist' - cutting off sections of an organ damages the organ contributing to the appearance of cancer.

The Mammagram Guy - the radiation from the mammagram machine is more dangerous than an x-ray. Remember, an x-ray is dangerous if it interacts with tissue, but it mostly passes through tissue interacting mostly with bone (which is why it turns up on the negative). A mammagram, however, passes through tissue AND interacts with it, disrupting the cellular nuclei of the tissue and causing cellular mutation, contributing to the appearance of cancer, or in fact causing it.

The Chemotherapy Guy - chemotherapy is poison, literally, that's how they claim it works: healthy cells almost die from a dose of chemotherapy that will supposedly kill cancerous cells, which aren't healthy and would thus die from a lower dose of poison than a healthy cell. This is an outdated and dangerous approach to attempting to treat cancer, and often deterriorates the organ question even more, as well as deterriorating the person's entire body and their ability to recover naturally to the situation.
The General Practioner is guilty for referring women to any of them.

They all contribute collectively to the death of their patient. Then they blame it on the other guy. When I put one of them to questions (an old lady working at the 'breast health center' (deceptively named, and tucked behind a door with its own series of rooms and hallways), she was quick to blame the General Practitioner as the source of the problem.

Many of them are well aware or at least mostly aware that they are making their patient worse, and causing the illness they claim to be trying to rid them of.

It is a well-constructed wheel of murder, where they all contribute to the decline in the condition of breast tissue.. Their first goal is to torture the breasts or get them cut off. Only about 1/6th of their victims die - the other 5/6ths are sexually mutilated but remain alive.

Last but not least, the Mastectomist, and when is he guilty? They are guilty when they operate when the breasts still visibly show a good chance of recovering.

We are told that if left untreated, the cancer will spread to other organs, which is what makes it lethal - however, there is a complete absence of evidence for this where there should be: of the many people who simply ignore it when a doctor tells them they might have breast cancer, none have ever developed visible tumors elsewhere.

I have never in my entire life seen someone in the streets whose face was covered in tumors because they 'didn't listen'. Where is that person??? No where to be found at all. So 'tumors spreading' is a falsity.

Breast Cancer is man-caused or the result of an environmental toxin.

Simply run from it.
I urge you to simply run from cancer; move to a new part of the country where they can't continue to stalk you, eat healthy, get a new doctor, change your phone number, and maybe even your name.

Check your mail with gloves. "What if they put contaminants on gloves too?" Wash your hands thoroughly after touching any foreign or unfamiliar object.

What about food? Eat where healthy people eat. If you think cooks or waiters in town are doing it, swap meals with a spouse or opposite-gendered relative after ordering them, or feed the meal you ordered to the dog. Keep the number of ingredients in your food simple; avoid bitter or foul tasting herbs, spices, or liquids.
In time, the number of those caught who have failed polygraphs will rise, and after a number of them 'switch sides' it will finally be talked about in mainstream media.

Where are the husbands? If you ask the victims or their families, they'll usually tell you "it all happened so fast" and they are often scared to bring up their strong suspicion of it being man-caused because they fear they will be killed or attacked again by the cancer-causing community.

Still though, where is the revenge? Breast cancer actually started to go away for a while in the mid and late 2000s, as people were becoming more well-informed from the internet - however, the perpetrators adapted, and now they state hop, swap identities, and order private suites to carry out their atrocities in. Many of them simply won't even drive or fly in to where they are meeting their victim until it has all been arranged and confirmed ahead of time. They don't keep office hours.

At that point, the chase begins, and it's a long one. Perhaps the right way to go about it would be to use a taser on those who work in the field of giving people breast cancer - using it when appropriate, placing them under citizen's arrest for gross negligence and/or obstruction of justice, as well as conspiracy to commit murder, conspiracy to torture, or conspiracy to commit manslaughter.
When a lecture or discussion with a medical worker ends up with you face to face with a murderer (one of them in the crowd is doing it all intentionally, and trying to lecture the entire crowd will alert him to your presence).

His weapon of choice is high-potency carcinogens (mere dust blown or sprinkled onto his victims, their clothing, or their food) or the infamous 'Radio Gun' (radiology equipment that has been dismantled then reassembled to look like miscellaneous metal parts) which is often left by the murderer in public places, causing severe burns internally to those who fall victim to it. The murderer often activates the radio gun in a non-specific way (the 'clapper' light switch, for example), then claims that he accidentally mixed up the wiring.

The military is needed to check with lasers for the 'filament' material that is used in 'radio guns', everywhere that people reside (cities, towns, and rural). These terrorists kill more than 40,000 women a year in the US alone, just counting breast cancer victims. The 'other team' of the 'war on terror' is fighting back, but they have been fighting back all along, murderers who grew up knowing they wanted to be murderers, but figured the best way to do that (those good at murder, the ones who can make a career out of it) was to look, talk, act, and behave as the opposite, like a nurse or doctor - and this is actually criminal psychology 101.

Upon wielding Geneva weapons (bio weapons, radio weapons, etc.), they crossed over from 'murderer' into 'terrorist' and are now in your ballpark (the NSA, Homeland Security, the armed forces, etc.).

(Will delete this paragraph upon admin or gov request) These servers used to be russian, which would have been nice so that when no one does anything we all look like jackasses overseas for years to come, but needless to say it's only a matter of time until the term 'radio gun' alone gets this thread 'smudged' (politely may I ask then that someone un-'smudge' it, please). Anyways, mentioning of Geneva weapons, how they're made, and how to use one without getting caught, etc., might not be taken as a safety tip by everyone, and especially when drawing from a large pool of people, 'it only takes one to smudge' (so the expression might have gone). Translations especially to eastern typesets will probably get this smudged, but please I urge you to keep it open. As long as I haven't explained how xray filament is made or where it comes from, then this whole thread is safety tips. With lasers, just keep parameters on radiology equipment to tell whenever they're dismantled, rigged up, or on when they're not supposed to be. Once you become convinced enough, you might even decide to just dupe displays so the mammagram machine never even has to be on, and a picture of a normal healthy boob pops up on their screen instead, as well as mail order swapping the chemo out for something placebo (and especially remember to decrease the obscenely large dose of the substance; they like to inject literally half gallon amounts non-diluted into their victim sometimes. Recipes for chemo have been classically as vague as 'take tree bark, ground it up, and mix with dust swept up from the road side'. Just downsize it. If they notice, and even though the instructions then say '50ml IV', if they still insist on large amounts or re-ordering something more toxic, we'll know they're one of the intentionals (as medical error deaths can be classified as either genuine accident, result of negligence, or intentional; which ones are intentional and how many there are is a matter that's being worked out as we speak with group theory and vast sets of parameters listed on spreadsheets by numerous government and non-government agencies. Cell towers allowed for laser 4d viewing inside most clinics and hospitals in the US with backdoors wide open for most years over the past several decades, so there's been a viewership (both government and non-government) for much of most of our lives, so atrocities committed in medical settings over the past 30 years will show up in the group theory parameters, or might even be visibly obvious in the recordings. The recordings are vastly superior in quality in regions of the country with fiber optic - otherwise the recordings have to be patched together with whatever works. Lasers off glass pane windows worked fantastically for transcribing audio at a distance of many miles, all the way to the next communications tower (tower to tower recordings), and this audio can often be 'sonar-ified' to give imaging, usually. We know who people are consistently by their vein-print (when their veins and arteries branch, unique to each person), so even when they change their appearance we still know who they are. If we were so fortunate as to be able to read voltage in the buildings, the high voltage of the human brain is sufficient enough to even be able to work out a type of polygraph - on which, heinousness is apparent, and over time as the strength of this type of technology becomes proven accurate, it will serve as stronger evidence for a courtroom basis (although the bioweapon and radio gun crew technically supercede that right now, thanks to the patriot act). For the non-government surveillance statistic guys, thank you for double-backing for us, and 'reasonable search' certainly is what you have been doing, as you have been genuinely searching for evidence of a murder, and thus your high-tech intrusion into peoples' privacy can be constitutionally excused (you're welcome).

[HAND WASHING FROM CARCINOGENS 101: First, blow air to get contaminant dust off the hands or skin, or perhaps consider distancing the face from the contaminated area entirely and using the wind, a fan or air hose, or flailing your hands in the air outstretched in front of you while your air pathways are turned sideways away from where the dust. Then, use dry tissue or a paper towel to wipe off the hands, keeping track of what areas on the paper towel or tissue you have already touched. Discard elsewhere from the daily norm. Why not with soap and water right away? Soap and water might activate the toxin or help it soak into your skin. If you wish to use water (I recommend it) use luke-cold medium-high pressure water to kinetically displace the contaminant off your skin rather than using the water as a solute (how most people wash with water) - warm water washing might make the contaminant soluble (which might cause it to soak into the skin) as well as increase surface blood flow (causing it to soak into the skin), so luke-cold water it is. Ice cold water might cause a phase change of matter making up or surrounding the contaminant, increasing likelihood of a bad reaction. Thoroughly flush off any contaminant with the water pressure aimed down and away from you, with contact with the affected skin at an angle so that the water is flushing off whats on the very outermost part of your skin first instead of spraying it deeper into your skin, but don't merely mist yourself or wetting your skin would help the contaminant absorb. Finally, quickly dry off the water on your skin, quickly, as the water might now still contain some of the contaminant, and the paper towel will sponge it up for you. Dispose of it, again, away from routine daily activities. The entire time, breathe in a direction away from where the contaminant is landing. If pressure of the water is too high, the contaminant might become airborne in the resulting mist. If you believe that there is a high likelihood that a contaminant is or was actually present, you should also change clothing and thoroughly rinse yourself off after briefly 'airing out' if you are able to, but time is likely a factor and it should be your priority to get the contaminant off your skin instead of attempting to 'air out' when not readily able to. Feel brave enough to save a sample of the carcinogen? Too bad, more than likely no one will care enough to handle your sample for you. Most 'samples' are held on to for DECADES before ever making it to a lab. Your priority first and foremost is separating you and your loved ones from the toxin - sample taking is for the determined, however. Merely yelling aloud 'SAMPLE! NSA NSA NSA! will suffice, and laser analysis will take a look at your sample from a distance automatically. Don't abuse the magic words! You might only be allowed one or two screw ups or paranoid freak-outs! But if you are exposed to terrible things on a regular basis beyond a doubt, it is generally worth leaving a 'sample' timestamp somehow.]
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