Breaking point.


Jul 8, 2021
2 days ago stuck in a dismal impersonal hotel, exhausted, hungry, lonely and disorientated, I found myself literally crying to be home.

Home 2 days, and we're already having existential arguments over a couple cans of beer.

Not even illicitly purchased, non-approved beer ; but officially offered and sanctioned as a treat on my return. But apparently one 'drinking occasion' now equals one single can. I'm like sorry that's pointless and won't give me anything.

Nope, 'we' don't do that anymore.

So I snuck back a couple empty cans in place of the ones I'd drunk already into my fridge drawer, thinking it'll basically look the same unless you got into the drawer. Well OF COURSE she got into it.

So then I got the automatic 'have you started LYING again' lecture. To which I could have replied, 'have you started SNOOPING AFTER ME again'. She says she wants me to be more open, but being open means saying flat-out, yeah I wanna down 2 litres in the space of one hour or it doesn't even do anything for me.

If she hadn't looked she'd never have known and everyone would've been happier. I feel like 'honesty' is something forced on me as some kind of moral absolute, which if I don't comply with THEN also serves as a way of moral condemnation.

... And alcohol doesn't cut it even when consumed in the desired amounts. give me some fucking opiates ; oh god give me heroin I NEED SOME HEROIN
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If you're living with someone who isn't okay with you drinking or using drugs, you're probably going to have to make a difficult choice.
If you're living with someone who isn't okay with you drinking or using drugs, you're probably going to have to make a difficult choice.
Pffff try impossible.

At home I'm living with my mother who doesn't even know about my drug use but hates my drinking. Away, I live with my partner who has threatened breakup about the drug use but tolerates my drinking because he also indulges.
IME living in peace requires some compromises and/or sacrifices.
Dont let it get you worked up to the point of going ballistic, yeah. lol
You can handle it togh guy.
One love
2 days ago stuck in a dismal impersonal hotel, exhausted, hungry, lonely and disorientated, I found myself literally crying to be home.

Home 2 days, and we're already having existential arguments over a couple cans of beer.

Not even illicitly purchased, non-approved beer ; but officially offered and sanctioned as a treat on my return. But apparently one 'drinking occasion' now equals one single can. I'm like sorry that's pointless and won't give me anything.

Nope, 'we' don't do that anymore.

So I snuck back a couple empty cans in place of the ones I'd drunk already into my fridge drawer, thinking it'll basically look the same unless you got into the drawer. Well OF COURSE she got into it.

So then I got the automatic 'have you started LYING again' lecture. To which I could have replied, 'have you started SNOOPING AFTER ME again'. She says she wants me to be more open, but being open means saying flat-out, yeah I wanna down 2 litres in the space of one hour or it doesn't even do anything for me.

If she hadn't looked she'd never have known and everyone would've been happier. I feel like 'honesty' is something forced on me as some kind of moral absolute, which if I don't comply with THEN also serves as a way of moral condemnation.

... And alcohol doesn't cut it even when consumed in the desired amounts. give me some fucking opiates ; oh god give me heroin I NEED SOME HEROIN
proper fucking crazy-making.

My ex also thought that one spliff made up one single case of weed-smoking. Lol if I am all the day baked, I have been high exactly once. Or then not, who cares really lol? They finally admitted it was very unpractical position.