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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Television Breaking Bad

Does anyone else kind of get off on the fact that Marie just waltzes into the carwash to kind of gloat about Hank having Walt in custody, like it was inevitable that Hank would win because he's such a bad-ass, and meanwhile.......

Sorry bitch, Hank's fucking dead!
Lol. Yeah that was classic.
On a side note, I was really disappointed with Walt Jr. taking his mom's side and calling the cops on his dad after Skylar sliced Walt's hand up with the knife. That was bogus. And I was happy as hell when Walt took Holly to punish Skylar. Man I've always hated her so much. I don't know why. She just seems like such a bitch and never wants to stand by her man.

If I found out that my wife had been lying to me, cooking crystal meth behind my back, and had murdered people or was working with murderers it would be hard not to be mad to say the least.
On a side note, I was really disappointed with Walt Jr. taking his mom's side and calling the cops on his dad after Skylar sliced Walt's hand up with the knife. That was bogus. And I was happy as hell when Walt took Holly to punish Skylar. Man I've always hated her so much. I don't know why. She just seems like such a bitch and never wants to stand by her man.

lol complete opposite for me
It was still bogus that she sliced Walt's hand like that and then Jr. turning on him too. Could've been handled a lot better. Whatever happened to talking about things calmly? I mean he did offer to talk about it after they got the hell out of there.
Theres something so special about this. perfect editing, tune all of it. i was transfixed when i first saw it, ended up rewinding and watching it back about 8 times

If I found out that my wife had been lying to me, cooking crystal meth behind my back, and had murdered people or was working with murderers it would be hard not to be mad to say the least.
Yeah I feel you. Being mad's one thing though, the crazy bitch attacked him with a knife! Lol.
Theres something so special about this. perfect editing, tune all of it. i was transfixed when i first saw it, ended up rewinding and watching it back about 8 times
Lol. Jesse Pinkman has got to be one of the most annoying fuckers on the planet.
If I found out that my wife had been lying to me, cooking crystal meth behind my back, and had murdered people or was working with murderers it would be hard not to be mad to say the least.

As long as she didn't cheat on me, I'd be fine with it.
Theres something so special about this. perfect editing, tune all of it. i was transfixed when i first saw it, ended up rewinding and watching it back about 8 times

The woman that does it is a bit transfixing too.



still gives me goosebumps at 55 secs when it kicks in

I am watching The Master and all of a sudden Todd was there. And he was being all creepy Todd. World's collided.
Does anyone else kind of get off on the fact that Marie just waltzes into the carwash to kind of gloat about Hank having Walt in custody, like it was inevitable that Hank would win because he's such a bad-ass, and meanwhile.......

Sorry bitch, Hank's fucking dead!

Also, not exactly sure how GPS on phones work nowadays, I learned from BL and John Mcafee that everytime you send a picture with your phone your exact location is somehow encoded in the picture(which is completely fucked, why is something that's such a potential invasion of privacy the default setting on all phones), this must also happen everytime you make a call, I would assume...So, even though Hank and Gomez didn't inform the rest of the DEA about the whole Heisenberg case, won't the last few calls they made from their cellphones lead the cops right to the location they were killed and buried?

Also, something I think was foreshadowing:

When Todd, Uncle Jack and Lydia were all standing in that warehouse where Todd was cooking, Todd said to Uncle Jack something like, "You should wear a mask, the fumes are bad to inhale". Uncle Jack responded with something like, "Let me worry about what I breathe in kid..". Also, the flashback at the beginning of the episode shows Walter and Jesse in the early days when they first started cooking and Walter droning on about "What we're doing is an exothermic reaction...blah blah blah" etc. He also warns Jesse not to light a cigarette inside the trailer where they're cooking. Later, when Todd has Jesse chained up and is apparently forcing him to teach Todd to cook, I couldn't help but think that Jesse is gonna somehow either intentionally blow the whole place up or at least create some noxious fumes at a key moment so that he can escape!

I still think it must be Jesse who eventually vandalizes Walts house and spray paints "Heisenberg" on the walls. It's a very Jesse thing to do and the only other candidates for doing it are the Nazis, which I doubt they would do something so childish, or some neighborhood kids...my money's on it being Jesse!

This series has pretty much shaped up to have a very depressing ending no matter how you look at it. Hank's dead, Walter is completely alienated from his family, Jesse and Walter are now sworn enemies with no possibility of reconciliation. If Walters family somehow ends up hurt it would make the whole thing completely pointless. Walter ends up dead or in jail, his family disowns him or possibly ends up hurt or dead, and the money is either seized stolen or lost...That's where it looks like this is all going and it's becoming hard to watch. Maybe the whole thing somehow does a 180, maybe Walter and Jesse somehow split the 11 million and both leave the country...

Walter should have taken the deal for the methylamine when he had the chance, he could have got away clean with all the money his family could have needed and still maintained a degree of moral integrity. If anything, the moral of the story here seems to be, "Once you start letting your ego run your life, everything goes to shit"...or something like that.

I was really hoping that Walt would walk into the car wash right before Skylar spilled the beans to Walt Jr, so Marie would just break down since she would have known right away that Hank was dead. Or I wanted Walt Jr to go through with calling Walt, and when he answered Marie would have know then and broke down.
I was really hoping that Walt would walk into the car wash right before Skylar spilled the beans to Walt Jr, so Marie would just break down since she would have known right away that Hank was dead. Or I wanted Walt Jr to go through with calling Walt, and when he answered Marie would have know then and broke down.

Me too. Marie is such a cunt this season and I hate her holier than now bull shit. The look of defeat and agony on her face when she found out her fat bald husband finally met his maker was sweet.
Me too. Marie is such a cunt this season and I hate her holier than now bull shit. The look of defeat and agony on her face when she found out her fat bald husband finally met his maker was sweet.

Yeah pretty much. Shes always been a cunt, but this season the cuntiness is just pouring out of her asshole nonstop.
I was really hoping that Walt would walk into the car wash right before Skylar spilled the beans to Walt Jr, so Marie would just break down since she would have known right away that Hank was dead. Or I wanted Walt Jr to go through with calling Walt, and when he answered Marie would have know then and broke down.
Yeah me too dude. I was hoping for those exact same two scenarios to unfold as well but they didn't. I guess they had to do it the way they did so that the fight would ensue and end up with Walt having to leave the way he did.