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Brazilian prisoners queuing up to snort COCAINE


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
This is the astonishing moment inmates queue up in prison to take their turn snorting cocaine from a small table with 120 lines of the class-A drug neatly arranged on it.

More than a dozen excited jailbirds were filmed openly taking drugs in a packed corridor of the prison as others queued up in single file behind them.

A small handful of men appeared to be in loose control of the situation, making sure the noisy prisoners crowding round the table didn't knock it over and scatter the cocaine all over the floor or treat themselves to more than their fair share.


One of the inmates even laughed as he posed for one of the inmates holding mobile phones in their hands after his illegal use of the drug.

The shocking images were filmed in the main prison in the southern Brazilian city of Porto Alegre.

Police have confirmed they are investigating the drug orgy, said to have taken place during a party organised by one of the gangs that control the jail.

Thirteen men are filmed snorting cocaine from the table - where the drugs are immaculately arranged in six rows of 20 lines of cocaine each - in the 90-second video which cuts off when just a handful of the 40-odd men waiting their turn have had their go.


Military police have launched an investigation which is understood to be running parallel to others by prison bosses and a regional drug squad.

Regional drugs squad police chief Mario Souza confirmed: 'We are investigating from the perspective of drugs trafficking.

'We are going to look into questions like when the video was taken as well as confirming the place it was taken in and investigating the context.

Cezar Schirmer, Public Security Minister for the state of Rio Grande do Sul which Porto Alegre is part of, branded the footage 'unacceptable, provocative and nasty.'

He added in a statement released by his department: 'Cesar Schirmer has ordered a police inquiry to get to the bottom of drugs trafficking and the use of mobile phones in prison, as a result of the publication on social media of a video where inmates are consuming cocaine, supposedly in a state jail.

'The identities of those involved in the recording and the aspects of consumption and drugs trafficking, as well as the entry of drugs and mobiles into prison and the circumstances surrounding this incident and the place and date, are not yet clear. They need to be investigated fully and immediately.'

Prisons are back in the headlines in Brazil after nine inmates were murdered during a New Year's Day riot at the Colonia Agroindustrial semi-open prison in the central Goias state.

More than 120 people died in a string of prison riots last year sparked by a nationwide struggle between rival drugs gangs and authorities have warned of more violence ahead.


After one of the bloodiest riots last year, at Alcacuz Prison in the north eastern city of Natal, prisoners boasted they were barbecuing their victims' flesh in a sick video.

They gloated as they showed off pieces of meat on a skewer over a bonfire and claimed they were toasting the remains of a rival without even bothering to hide their faces.

In March 2016 strippers were filmed gyrating naked in front of 200 admiring males inside a maximum-security jail in El Salvador.

Inmates at tough Izalco Jail wrote to prison chiefs asking for permission for a disco and a show by a female dance group so they could celebrate a famous south American religious festival in style.

But the footage taken by a prisoner on his mobile showed the women dancers were the sort you find in so-called gentlemen's clubs, not ballet classes.

Source: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/52860...o-snort-cocaine-from-table-in-brazilian-jail/
There is a book called Marching Powder by Rusty Young on the goings on in a Bolivian prison. I had a mate that went a few years before the books release as he wanted an oz of the best coke and the taxi driver took him to the prison and told him to take the tour. He thought he was busted but no halfway through the tour they went into a room and everyone snorted and bought pure coke. He came back and told us then a few years later the book came out.
Who hasn’t done that outside of a prison setting?

article said:
After one of the bloodiest riots last year, at Alcacuz Prison in the north eastern city of Natal, prisoners boasted they were barbecuing their victims' flesh in a sick video.

They gloated as they showed off pieces of meat on a skewer over a bonfire and claimed they were toasting the remains of a rival without even bothering to hide their faces.

Admittedly, i don't do this as often as i should.
I refuse to buy Australian cocaine ever again.

At best the coke is mixed with meth other times you pay $300 just for a bag of bi carb soda but stiff shit you get no refund and you just have to bite it on the chin.

Someone once said it best that cocaine is just meth on training wheels
Too true. I always hated coke--outside of a tiny bit in a speedball, but every time it was around, for some reason, I got the "s'mores"--s'more of what you paid for, that is. Coke and meth are both very destructive drugs. When I think of the harm reduction model of decriminalizing all drugs, which in most regards I agree with, including heroin and/or equivalent opioids, which are really not that bad for you, as long as you have a steady supply of controlled-quality product. No overdose (except for actual suicides, which in my opinion is a person's choice, at least to some degree) and no withdrawals; basically daily maintenance, which they have in some European countries using heroin. But a society full of say, crack cocaine and crystal meth users seems to me one of the verge of collapse. Apparently Portugal, which decriminalized all drugs some years ago, hasn't had a lot of negative country-wide consequences.

Prison behavior reflects the society in which the prison is located. In the Scandinavian countries, even their maximum security prisons treat prisoners like human beings. Their theory is that virtually all are going to be released some day, so educating them and training them to live in society is good for the country as well as the prisoners. People behave, to some extent, to their expectations, so for the most part, the prisoners in Norway, etc., do behave well. They are treated with respect by staff, and they are allowed a lot of latitude in their activities. I'm sure there's probably some drug use that didn't get into the movie, but all in all, if I had to go to prison anywhere in the world, that would be the place.

Central and South America are hard places to survive, unless one is in the top socio-economic classes. They are what the US is becoming, a culture with little to no middle class and a small elite that controls everything. That aristocracy is generally well protected from the masses they live upon, since almost all are considered "democracies" and "republics." Their elections are controlled, just as ours have been for the past 20 years, at least, and the peasants, of which there are huge numbers, have no possibility of advancement into the middle-class or elite other than through the drug cartels and other black markets, or taking jobs--like prison guard or police--that pay poorly but offer the option of off-the-books money through corruption. The top members of the cartels, when they do go to prison, which happens now and then, usually through the efforts of competing cartels ratting them out, expect to keep living in the style to which they have become accustomed. The money and political power that their organizations control make it possible for them to live in what amounts to splendor within prison walls.

Right now we don't really have that, but we have in the past, when Mafia dons were incarcerated separately from other prisoners are enjoyed lots of privileges. I suspect that if we got to watch what really goes on in the federal prisons where the politically-connected and wealthy wind up in this country, we'd see our version of Brazilian prisons. Our convicted rich and famous are generally brighter than to share their privileges with large groups of prisoners with cell phones.

Most of ours, however, especially the politically connected, manage to utilize all kinds of political games in order to avoid jail and prison altogether. Watch what's going on in Washington DC as we speak--do you think that the guilty in the current corrupt regime are ever going to be prosecuted, much less sent to prison? They aren't, unless they completely lose their political power, which is possible just maybe. Unfortunately, it's not just one party that is corrupt while the other is spotless. They are all corrupted by too much power, too many favors, and last but certainly not least, the unlimited amount of dark money which our political system is infected with. And, as a famous philosopher said--I admit I can't remember which one, Stalin maybe?--Power corrupts. And absolute power corrupts absolutely.
And, as a famous philosopher said--I admit I can't remember which one, Stalin maybe?--Power corrupts. And absolute power corrupts absolutely.

That was Sir John Dalberg-Acton :)
I wonder what the line looked like in the cells for everyone that had to take a dump after their turn at the table
Someone just has to be the guy to film it and wreck it for everyone else don't they? :)
Someone just has to be the guy to film it and wreck it for everyone else don't they? :)

Note the cops' and jailers' language in the press: "We're going to have an investigation." Officialese for: "We're going to forget about in about 5, 4, 3, 2..." From my understanding, in a lot of third-world countries, all the guards are there for is to keep the convicts INSIDE the prison. What goes on inside the prison, apparently, is run by the gangs, cartels, whatever they're called in that culture. Unfortunately, when most of the money and power is in the hands of the prisoners, and staff is paid so poorly that taking bribes is necessary for feeding their families, then those with money and power are going to run things. Things aren't so great, I'd imagine, for poor inmates.
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I wonder what the line looked like in the cells for everyone that had to take a dump after their turn at the table

I also wonder what the vibe was like when they were all coming down like an hour later.
Note the cops' and jailers' language in the press: "We're going to have an investigation." Officialese for: "We're going to forget about in about 5, 4, 3, 2..." From my understanding, in a lot of third-world countries, all the guards are there for is to keep the convicts INSIDE the prison. What goes on inside the prison, apparently, is run by the gangs, cartels, whatever they're called in that culture. Unfortunately, when most of the money and power is in the hands of the prisoners, and staff is paid so poorly that taking bribes is necessary for feeding their families, then those with money and power are going to run things. Things aren't so great, I'd imagine, for poor inmates.

Yeah that's my understanding too.

But still, there are lots of things in just about every culture that amount to an open secret that everyone knew about until some asshole took it too far or got it in the news and now suddenly the people who's job it was to be appalled realize they now officially know as well as actually know which means now they're expected to do something about it.

Might not be what happens here but this is how it always starts.
I refuse to buy Australian cocaine ever again.

At best the coke is mixed with meth other times you pay $300 just for a bag of bi carb soda but stiff shit you get no refund and you just have to bite it on the chin.

Someone once said it best that cocaine is just meth on training wheels

Ive never bought coke here. Had it in London and US and it was cheap and good, but yeah they can keep it compared to meth.

Srsly the prisoners are being stupid letting the public know so much. The cops will be forced to crack down and save face.

It wont end well for them.
Have seen pics of shit like this before. In South America where law enforcement is an entrepreneureal business, you bet if you are a cartel boss you can live pretty comfortably.

Hell Chapo rode out of prison on a motorcycle on a rail lol. One of Mexico's most secure prisons hahaha.

It's gotta be even crazier in Brazil. There's a gang called red command and they run a lot of the prisons. In that one prison riot last year they were decapitating dudes, cutting their hearts out, and yeah bbqing them...hell sounds better than ending up being stabbed in the chest with an icepick then get cooked up like a pig.
And the democrats in the US are losing their collective mind , all because Trump referred to certain countries as Shitholes.
Well. .........
And the democrats in the US are losing their collective mind , all because Trump referred to certain countries as Shitholes.
Well. .........

Personally I'm losing my mind cause some people just can't seem to comprehend that not everyone wants to talk about trump 24/7 and have to find a way to bring him into EVERY subject.

Looking at both sides on this one.

Seriously man, this couldn't be much less related.
^ he's a patriot from coal country...let him be. He's waiting for trump to open the the coal mines and reopen alll the factories by playing dealmaker with mexico and china so everyone can have a job and stop doing chinese fent and america can be great again.