• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Brainstorming: short-acting drugs for appetite


Nov 22, 2012
I regularly use stimulants, and am underweight.

It seems NE increase, DA increase, adenosine antagonism (caffeine), and most other stimulants in general make adequate nutrition harder.

Conversely, I've found atypical antipsychotics and beta blockers to increase appetite.

I'd like if people could brainstorm some short acting drugs in this broad class of "antistimulants", or other drug classes, for increasing appetite for stimulant users who are undernourished.
I would look for any centrally acting histaminergic agonist or serotonin antagonist (mirtazapine will have you raiding the fuck out of the kitchen if you don't fall asleep first). However, I'm not coming up with any immediate candidates that are particularly short-acting.
Buclizine. Anti histamine, antiemetic, considered by some to have use as an appetite stimulant.
Alcohol, benzos and GHB make me insanely hungry.

Clonazepam made me hungry enough to eat like a pint of ice cream in about 15 minutes. As seiko said, cannabinoids are also known for inducing hunger. I would imagine that beta-adrenergic agonists would induce hunger as well, but something tells me that they should be avoided ;)
GHB/gbl and cannabis made me eat the fridge bare. Any I got started on the furniture before going to sleep.
etizolam over anything else.

Note: etizolam does have a mild snri effect, not recommend to take with any stimulant. Would only recommend once the stimulant(s) are out of your system.

Etizolam is kind of weird though, not sure if it is causing me to have mood swings days afterwards a small dose or just because i don't do opiates any more. Done opiates twice in the last 9 months.