Bonarroo...June 13-15, manchester, tn...who's going?

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Heh yeah I have a feeling doses were spread around quite a bit. Did anyone see that crazy guy walking around saying "2-CB... 2-CB... 2-CB... Molly Molly Molly". MMW to Particle was totally amazing. The music was great, everyone was ripping it. I can't wait till next year. Anyone else hitting up any other festivals this year?
Did anyone catch the name of the guy who spun with MMW??? Fucking amazing, I would like to hear more.
Sorry guys I keep thinking of more and more things (its still hard to be back.... I want to go back "home" to Bonnaroo), did anyone see that firework that misfired and exploded on the ground in the audeince during the dead show?? I was literally like right next too it, my friends and I were freaking thinking we were gonna see really burned people. I was like "fuck, I'm in a terrible state to be trying to help people, but I'm gonna have too". Amazingly nobody was hurt at all... Gotta love karma. :D
Pre-purge bump for reference only.

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