• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Boiling out chemicals from GBL -- Need advice!


Nov 7, 2014
I am not sure if my questions ventures into the realm of synthesis related discussions. If it does, please let me know, I will remove it right away. I just don't know where else to get advice on this.

Imagine a certain substance. It is mostly GBL, but it has some added denatured alcohol in it as well.
Normally, someone would plan to do a typical GBL + Baking Soda thing.
Questions is, should the GBL be boiled first to remove denatured alcohol prior to starting normal procedure?
Or will the denatured alcohol evap by itself amidst the normal process?

Your opinion is greatly appreciated!
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We don't SWIM here. Pool closed due to AIDS.

GBL will react with ethanol to make ethyl 4-hydroxybutyrate under basic/acidic conditions. You'd probably want to do a fractional vacuum distillation first to remove any ethanol.
I had to look up fractional vacuum distillation to see what you meant.
Soooo....I don't have access to the correct apparatus to perform that.

Wouldn't a simple distillation be effective in this case?
Boiling point for GBL is around 400 degrees F, while highest boiling point for alcohol is around 180 degrees F (isopropyl).
If I pour the solution into some glass and submerge that into a hot water bath for some time, shouldn't that be enough to get rid of the alcohol & related ketones?
I have no intention of keeping/collecting anything but the GBL.
So considering that, and the BPs of the two chemicals, is there any reason to use a distillation other than simple?

Please correct me if I am mistaken.

Thank you for the response!
Ok, in case anyone was wondering.
I went ahead with a simple distillation.

Solution (GBL + Denatured alcohol) + H20, let it very slowly come to a boil.
Commenced with rest of normal procedure.

Very clean finished product.