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Body High vs Head High

No, dealers don't know what they're selling (99% anyway)
They don't even know if those pills are MDMA, caffeine or DXM.
I much prefer a mind high over a body high, although like most people I do enjoy that relaxed feeling when sitting/laying down, but I like having my mind race, etc.
No no no, most weed you're buying is a crossbreed, indica AND sativa. At least in California, all the way up and down the state...

Its literally been months since I have bought weed that is more indica. I love my Sativas and make SURE my purchases are nice and sticky green... stick-to-the-wall status. I enjoy the mild psychedelic aspects of weed much more than the lazy stuck pure indica high...

75/25 sativa plz
most dealers are selling outdoor buds. sativas often take longer then the grow season to be ready to harvest. psilo maybe in california they can grow sativas outdoor, im in the northeast and its very hard
what about euro hash, here in ireland i reckon its mostly sativas, cos ive rarely got that body relaxed high, mostly just mind racing smoke that goes around here...
yeah that is true wheelchair, i truthfully have no clue about the drug scene on the east coast, so i should have stated more that I meant 'only west coast people', hehe
people are dumb as fuck if they think most shit dealers sell is mainly sativa

even if u think it's sativa chances are it's more indica

indica is better for selling and shit

even if a good portion prefer sativa
Yeah I love a great body high too...which I tend to only get from hash. Most pot gets me thinking which can be good if I have a good mindset but if I'm feeling shitty then forget it...

However after coke or speed I find pot can be more of a body high because the drugs completely overpower any mental effects that the pot might have inflicted on my stimulated mind had it not been under the influence of wonderful euphoric substances
Head-high, just don't get too nervous when youre walking back from your dudes house. _ deeeee
p breath
head high all the way, i love sitting there rambling shit with all my friends. although admittedly it can get hectic when your trying to sleep and you keep having to remind yourself that your friends arent there, and so and so didnt just say this or that to you. it can get rough.
i like a nice mellow buzz but not locked to my chair either. yes most weed is a combination of the 2 in different percentages. most comercial weed is heavy on the indica side because sativas generally produce less pot and take longer to grow to maturity. so the people who grow it go for the heavier faster indica varieties.
Mostly i like the sinking into the coutch high. But, lately ive been liking the 'let me think about that for a second kind of head high. Maybe because ive been getting smarter, in a sense.
i like the head high buds...we dont get much of that arround here.......

i also have more fun off the head high shit[sativa]
i would like the body high more than head but i would kinda like on a about a indiaca being 65%-35% hybrid
Back when I used to smoke (I don't partake in any illegal drugs now, just my personal choice), I used to prefer Sativas/Sativa dominant strains, if I was getting high alone and Indicas/Indica dominant strains if I was in a group.

That being said I'm on the east coast and most of the herb I've had was Indica/Indica dominant and it was harder to find Sativa/Sativa dominant strains and when you did it was a nice surprise.

The best strains I've smoked (I have no idea about the names except for one which was Trainwreck and that was very nice) were a combination of both though more Sativa dominant with just enough Indica so it wasn't like a pure Sativa high where I'd get all paranoid, get bad anxiety, and not have a fun time.

I don't mind herb that's more Indica dominant but I like it just to make me lazy and not glued to the chair/couch all night.

I agree with the person who said that it's better to smoke Sativas during the day and Indicas at night when you're relaxing before bed.

I used to love taking opiates (low doses of codeine and oxycodone/hydrocodone) and smoking an Indica and rubbing my opiate itchy body on the carpet and imagine getting tied up and paddled/whipped! *growl*
Its all about the THC. I want the CBD to be as low as possible. Give me sativa any day!
LSDreamer said:
Its all about the THC. I want the CBD to be as low as possible. Give me sativa any day!

Heh that reminds me I've smoked herb that was years old (my ex friend found an old dugout in his SUV that had been lost for years) and I actually don't mind the CBD which makes me feel sleepy and puts me to sleep and this is a good thing since I've had bad anxiety/insomnia in the past.
I actually dont think sativa is that trippy. Indica makes you feel mad high.

I like bud where you say random shit and laugh but still fee like your in a vortex....

And quite logically, even the schwaggest shwag can get you higher than super silver crystal red haze fuck or w/e kinda names they come out with now adays, ya just gotta smoke it in proportion.

their the same plant so the high cant really be different as much as people are saying.

proby gonna get alot of hate for that.