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Blurred vision and noise over sensitivity after MDMA , 2 months

This is bullshit, flashbacks on mdma and lsd lmao. In all my years of tripping i have never gotten a flashback and never has anyone else. There is hppd which is rare and hardcore users like myself do have but flashbacks lmao thats the wise old tale told since the 60s.
I have had the most incredible dreams in years gone by, remarkably vivid, and more real than life itself (which can feel like a daydream), where I take LOTS of MDMA, like 15 pills for example which did happen very many times.

These dreams, are incredible, indescribable. Out of this world, buzzing, SO high. Every bit as good as the real thing.

Actually I still dream of being on psyches, e's but less often and not in that flashback and true re-experiencing manner.

But it is there to be tapped into I am sure, more volitionally than with the original concept with LSD and unwanted, uncontrollable flashbacks.
Most likely you will recover. Drinking all that alcohol doesn't help. Most drunks experience blurred vision, don't they?
If at all possible, refrain from drinking that shite.
I have suffered a lengthy period of nasty after effects not unlike you. It was frightening. Mental state in the hell-zone.
Eventually it passed. I believe yours will too.

Best wishes
Most likely you will recover. Drinking all that alcohol doesn't help. Most drunks experience blurred vision, don't they?
If at all possible, refrain from drinking that shite.
I have suffered a lengthy period of nasty after effects not unlike you. It was frightening. Mental state in the hell-zone.
Eventually it passed. I believe yours will too.

Best wishes
What were your symptoms?