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Bluelighters what are your religious beliefs (or disbeliefs)

How would you MAINLY describe your religious beliefs or otherwise?

  • Christianity

    Votes: 7 25.0%
  • Buddhism

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • Hinduism

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • Islam

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • Judaism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Paganism

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • Occultism

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 7 25.0%
  • Atheism/Agosticism (Please clarify)

    Votes: 11 39.3%

  • Total voters


Oct 22, 2013
BLers i wanna know what your theories on existence, the universe, the afterlife, dieties, divine punishment and retribution, spirituality, etc.
it's a personal question, but then again it's not because we're on the internet... so i'll start saying i'm a hopeful agnostic.
raised catholic, confirmed in the catholic church, agnostic.
I was raised Methodist, never really identified with the church much, I "believed" as a kid just because I was supposed to, I never took it very seriously... as I got older I started to see the contradictions and inconsistencies, and then I started to see the social control structure and I moved away from it entirely and became nihilistically atheist, believing that nothing had any meaning and spirituality was an illusion.

Then when I was 18 I ate mushrooms and had a full-on peak experience that changed my life forever... I saw that instead of a monotheistic deity or a total lack of anything, we are all the universe experiencing itself subjectively, in an infinite array of forms. The awareness within us all is the same force that lies at the heart of existence. I am you and you are me and we are all the same, yet unique in our own set of dimensional and material constraints. I "woke up" in my trip and experienced this, I saw my own current physical life narrowed down in importance to equal to every other life. The truth of the experience was self-evident, it was exactly like waking up from a dream where you take a moment to shake off the reality of the dream and then remember what reality really is with all of your accumulated life experience coming back into your mind. Except my life was the dream. The experience was so real that I came down and my life and perceptive have never been the same since.

I don't believe in eternal punishment or retribution. Life just is, and the meaning lies in the fact that we have this amazing chance to experience a subjective existence in the illusion of separateness. There is no afterlife for you, the individual... but for you/us, the universe, life is eternal and infinite.
raised Catholic. Did 1st Communion. Confirmation. Abandoned Religion since the age of 16.

Found god at the age of 17 and have created my own religion based on several of my own ideas and ideas from the book "Conversations with God"

I believe that god is everything.
Death is a ever-lasting DMT trip based on subjective life experiences.
Good and bad doesn't have a basis other than own ego and self-perception.
A person's character/personality is due to environment dwelled in as they grew up.
We create our own reality/purpose/happiness/etc..
Energy is everything.
Everyone is connected.
The Law of Attraction.
We were born to be happy and love and evolve till our soul sees no more room for evolution.
What we truly believe is what actually is.

Don't give a fuck about what happened 3000 years ago as we will never have a definite answer and I believe Religion as others perceive it is their idea of hope and basis of morals.
Then when I was 18 I ate mushrooms and had a full-on peak experience that changed my life forever... I saw that instead of a monotheistic deity or a total lack of anything, we are all the universe experiencing itself subjectively, in an infinite array of forms. The awareness within us all is the same force that lies at the heart of existence. I am you and you are me and we are all the same, yet unique in our own set of dimensional and material constraints. I "woke up" in my trip and experienced this, I saw my own current physical life narrowed down in importance to equal to every other life. The truth of the experience was self-evident, it was exactly like waking up from a dream where you take a moment to shake off the reality of the dream and then remember what reality really is with all of your accumulated life experience coming back into your mind. Except my life was the dream. The experience was so real that I came down and my life and perceptive have never been the same since.

I don't believe in eternal punishment or retribution. Life just is, and the meaning lies in the fact that we have this amazing chance to experience a subjective existence in the illusion of separateness. There is no afterlife for you, the individual... but for you/us, the universe, life is eternal and infinite.
beautiful :)

and actually pretty much what I believe myself at the moment. funnily, the more I get into sciences, the more I realize that everyting material is just a different manifestation of the same energy (which is supposed to be constant within this universe), which in fact pushed memore towards this direction.
I am atheist.But I think Buddhism is really interesting because it is a religion that expresses the importance of the spirit and the soul ...In my opinion...
the afterlife, dieties, divine punishment and retribution,

nonbeliever of all of the above.

BLers i wanna know what your theories on existence, the universe, spirituality (etc)

I believe we're all made of elements forged within stars, which have since exploded, traveled around a bit and coagulated into different objects, forces and beings. We're star stuffs. As are trees, rabbits, algae, rocks, metals, oil, and birthday cakes. As humans are made of this star stuff, so are our perceptions and observations of this fact, every other fact and every thought, concept and belief.

I think when we die, we just reenter the molecular lottery and become new things. Soil, nutrients for plants, food for insects and animals etc. We just carry on in an endless circle of existence as we've been doing for billions and billions of years.
I think when we die, we just reenter the molecular lottery and become new things. Soil, nutrients for plants, food for insects and animals etc. We just carry on in an endless circle of existence as we've been doing for billions and billions of years.

Yes! A perfect description of what happens to the physical body after we die. Just not the eternal soul - although, strange as it is, there are so many who believe it doesn't exist (and crazy as it is).

But when people make statements like that they are actually speaking the truth, just omitting parts of it, so it sounds impressive.
My beliefs are dark but I'll share them. I think we are a species that has lost its way. I think that due to our intellect, we were supposed to find a way to live in harmony. However, the traits like greed and rage kind of tagged along for whatever reason. Not in any religious way, more in a natural selection way. Anyway, because of this we have basically failed as a species. We were never meant to be doing the things we are doing. I don't mean scientific discoveries, I think mankind developing intelligence was a gift. I mean, that due to some seriously bad people, who are often influential, all the good work in the world will eventually lead to control. I think history will repeat itself as it always has. If we can't get over the idea of war, and I'm no pacifist but as countries, then we have utterly failed this human experiment. The masses are smart, the masses are educated, but the masses are blind to their own power. I feel like all the future holds is voluntary slavery, that human beings are a mistake in evolution, and that we failed the "Universal Test" if there is such a thing. All that's left is for us to consume the planet like a parasite, while not even worrying about finding another home when we destroy this one.

P.S. If every country got together and worked as a team we would have a colony on mars in 15 years.
But when people make statements like that they are actually speaking the truth, just omitting parts of it, so it sounds impressive.

And how have you any idea what the truth is? Being alive and typing around and whatnot?

No one knows, it's a matter of belief or disbelief.
The truth also has its own vibration you can recognise when you become snsitive to it and have learned to "feel" energies. By now, I can tell how much truth there is in someone's claim by listening to their voice. Although it's a bit overwhelming to be so sensitive with all the negative energy that's around.

But I can tell a lot from the vibration of a thing - perceived either by sound or vision. It's like a very subtle language but everyone picks up on it on a sub-conscious level. It's what can give you what you call a "gut-feeling" about things.

Although it's sad how out of the touch with the truth humans can be.
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I wear a US size 10 mens shoe.

True or false? What are the vibrations telling you?
I just spent two hours reading Matthew from start to finish. All the chaos that has been in my head recently is gone. Thank you God. I bow down to you.
You are not your mind. Your mind is a thought. It doesn't exist.
You are not your body. Your body is a thought. It doesn't exist.
You are the pure fact of experience itself, through which the mind and the body are possible in the first place.
That is the only thing you can possibly ever know. Anything else is only what you think.
how do you know that your mind and body don't exist? it might be possible, but cannot be known as a fact as well. you claim that things are only what the observer sees... but if there is only the observer, what is he observing?
There's nothing to know. Whether the self exists or not is entirely a matter of definition. What is it defined by? The self. Its very existence is circular logic.

If you imagine there's some part of you that never changes, and when it stops that's the end of you, then sure, you're going to die. Right now. Because your body and mind are constantly changing. No part of either ultimately stays the same. Why do you suppose biological death is going to be any different from the many deaths you have already died today?

Basically, the World, Nature, Existence, Actual Infinity, Objective Reality, Absolute Truth, Being(potentiality being actualized), the Great Mystery, Nirguna Brahman, the Tao, Dependent Origination, the
Eternal One, the Sacred Other, the Logos, Dunamis, etc. are all different names that represent what the word God means to me. I define God as the most supreme being. As humans, we have a tendency to anthromorphize this concept to help us make sense of our reality, our existence. To grasp at the infinite so we can confine it into a feasable idea. However, these concepts that we name(so we can communicate and appreciate it) are only symbolize the Actual. We personify it so we can better identify with it, but what we conceptualize merely represents a reflective glimpse of the objective reality through the filter of a subjective perspective.
There's nothing to know. Whether the self exists or not is entirely a matter of definition. What is it defined by? The self. Its very existence is circular logic.

If you imagine there's some part of you that never changes, and when it stops that's the end of you, then sure, you're going to die. Right now. Because your body and mind are constantly changing. No part of either ultimately stays the same. Why do you suppose biological death is going to be any different from the many deaths you have already died today?
sure we can only observe the universe in terms of our own consciousness. but this still isn't proving that consciousness is all there is.

and well, the difference between the death of a cell and the death of a whole organism is that the cell itself isn't aware of itself, but the organism (man) very well is. even though we change all the time, something in ourselves still stays the same.