• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Bluelight weekly photography contest Round 30: Birds

no they are flamingos. fun fact, they turn pink from the salmon they eat. they are born white. and stay that color often.
DarthMom said:
no they are flamingos. fun fact, they turn pink from the salmon they eat. they are born white. and stay that color often.

i changed the pic. originally it was a pic of herons, but i forgot to change the post title. Thanks for catchin that though. ;)
Wow Im loving these.

BA is that some sort of seagull?

Darthmom..........ohhhhhhhh how cute. And are u serious about the pinkness?
i am loving all of these entries! great shots, everyone.


sorry about the date stamp, i would crop it out but it will cut off too much of the pic.
MazDan said:
Wow Im loving these.

BA is that some sort of seagull?

Darthmom..........ohhhhhhhh how cute. And are u serious about the pinkness?
thanks! i had to google it, and i was wrong, it isn't salmon, but shrimp.
Wild flamingos are pink because they eat carotene-containing brine shrimps (one species) or blue-green algae (another species). Lacking such food in zoos, they turn white unless fed caroteniferous substitutes--carrots, beets, or red peppers in the old days, or the additive canthaxanthin today.
SA... beautiful composition!

I changed my mind. Pelican feeding time it is...

I wish I had a nicer photo taken with my DSLR to post, but this is the only bird photo i have and i dont have time to take any for this round. this is with my old shitty cam...
teaego said:
raving loony, i love it!

darn..i can't submit anything ths round...i don't live near any nice looking birds -_-
the birds dont have to be nice looking to win, but the photo does.
I wish I had a nicer photo taken with my DSLR to post, but this is the only bird photo i have and i dont have time to take any for this round. this is with my old shitty cam...

Is it just me or is that a picture of a dead bears head???

have the rules changed with respect to posting a photo that's been posted on BL before? i hope so, cos i hated that rule. it drove me quackers.