Bluelight IRC chat?

There is not an official Bluelight IRC but some friendly folks at Ecstasy Discussion have an active irc channel going. I'll go get the link to the thread about it for you. BRB

Edit: Here is the thread. All the details are there and if you have any problems gettin in I'm sure you can post in the thread and get help.
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do more tribe has a new irc server and channel here: #domoretribe

all are welcome :)

ports 6660-6669 and ssl on 6697

i can set up ssl bncs on the server, just ask. new channels also welcome, it would be cool if someone created #bluelight :)

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^What? You're posting... which means you arent banned from BL, so I guess you mean from IRC? Bluelight is not responsible for what goes on in IRC. They are two entirely separate entities, IRC does not represent BL and BL does not represent IRC. In other words, we have no way of answering that question for you.
Bluelight hasn't had an irc channel, official or otherwise, in years (unless the ausnet one is still going). If you need real time harm reduction advice i suggest as its an irc network pretty much just for harm reduction.