Blue heart dynabolts any good?


Nov 9, 2012
Hey guys I know shit all about steroids but my mate wants to know if blue heart shaped dynabolts in the aussie market are generally safe/effective for gym use?
They could be fake or underdosed.
Plus I don't think such threads are allowed.
Ah ok I should probley delete this thread but don't know how and I'm on mobile
Hes not sourcing but rather asking if they are an ok item. Not to sure on the scene in Oz, but the hearts are all over the place some overdosed some under. But they are as fly said Dianabol.
A little note talk of where to get gear not allowed but discussion of a particular label as to its effectiveness or it begin garbage is kosher. Just keep questions to quality, and effectiveness and not where to get.
Blue heart dbols are well known to be great. If they're legit. Not many dbol fakes around though.
No fakes not necessarily, but I would be remiss if I didn't say that there have been reports of under-dosed hearts as well as overdosed hearts. While getting 50mg instead of 25 sounds good, it can be problematic when trying to deal with side effects. Generally speaking the blue hearts have been decent quality but again it depends on the manufacturing and the batch. Word of advice well know = target of copying, so just because it is well known for quality doesn't make it free of fakes or poor copies.
^^reminds me of pressed tabs back in my ecstasy days. I've read good reports on blue hearts for the most part but for a jackass they see easy profit with a fast selling product. A guy on another board I check out just picked up 500 of them hearts.
lol a source I get some of my orals from gave me a bottle of em free over the summer. But I have seen them from a few labs one was kosher one was way under dosed, this is personal. And if you do a search for them on the web you will see a wide selection of glowing reports, middle of the road reports and reports of total garbage. Only way to tell is to run them and get your blood work done. Before, during and after Pct. My advice is to really just avoid questionable gear, if at all possible get Pharmaceutical grade Human gear failing that a UGL that is highly trusted,and before any one asks no one here will give you a source; sourcing is against the rules but discussing the quality of individual labs products is ok as long as we are not sourcing or even trying to hint at a source
Blue heart dbols are well known to be great. If they're legit. Not many dbol fakes around though.


J Pharm Biomed Anal. 2013 Sep;83:260-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jpba.2013.05.024. Epub 2013 May 25.
When colour fails: illicit blue tablets containing anabolic androgen steroids.
Favretto D, Castagna F, Maietti S, Boscolo-Berto R, Ferrara SD.
Department of Molecular Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Padova, Via Falloppio 50, I-35121 Padova, Italy. [email protected]
The necessity of specific, confirmatory tests in the identification of seized illicit products was highlighted by the analysis of eighteen heart shaped, blue tablets confiscated by Police at a street control in the North East of Italy. The tablets responded as amphetamines to a preliminary color test (Marquis); a subsequent, confirmatory assay by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry revealed the presence of two anabolic androgen steroids (AAS), methandienone and methyltestosterone, in concentration of 1.7 and 1.5mg respectively per tablet; no trace of amphetamine-like or nitrogen containing compounds was found. The observed orange coloration was due to the reaction of concentrated sulphuric acid, contained in the Marquis reagent, with the Δ(4) C-3 keto group of steroids. The two AAS, banned under the world antidoping code, are not considered as psychoactive drugs of abuse in most countries, although their trafficking may entangle severe public health concerns.
Would anyone else find it hilarious if some raver bought these pills thinking he was getting ecstacy? Or if some bodybuilder bought pills stamped like that, expecting dianabol, but getting ecstacy? Or is my sense of humor really fucked up? Peaking in the gym would be an interesting experience.
No that would be freaking hilarious. BWAHAHAHA " Man these d-bol make me feel great " or the flip side " Dude the pills are bunk, should have went with the Mitsubishis"
Woah man feel how cold this bar is. And the grooves just feel soooo..... groovy man. *drinks orange juice*
Would anyone else find it hilarious if some raver bought these pills thinking he was getting ecstacy? Or if some bodybuilder bought pills stamped like that, expecting dianabol, but getting ecstacy? Or is my sense of humor really fucked up? Peaking in the gym would be an interesting experience.

lol the bodybuilder will be like "wtf juice is supposed to shrink ur nuts not cock,ahhh np I feel happy anyway... brb gonna hug bros in gym shower"
Due to my experience in the rave and club scene, I would not take any pill shaped like a heart. Why would someone even press steroids into heart shaped pills? What a shit gimmick. The pills I get are about the size of a O on a standard keyboard an vary from light purple to white depending on the compound. No gimmick. Just a properly dosed pill.

If I want hearts, shapes and designs I'll buy sampler of ecstasy or open up my scrap book full of old dope stamps. Fuck that noise.
I am with you there Guido the only hearts I want to see are in my lucky charms.
lol I haven't had lucky charms in years. Well thats not entirely true, when I baby sat fro a friend I ate lucky charms and watched cartoons with his son. Was a fun day, I introduced the lad to old school Daffy and Bugs Bunny.