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Blue As (Melbourne)

Gets my cheesy grin of approval too
. Had one at two tribes and would have to say I quite enjoyed it. Hit pretty quickly lasted long enough and a yummy afterglow for a few hours.
i have yet to try G! is it a worthwile experiance??? sorry off topic!!
G is great. Just be very careful about dosage you may feel awesome off 10-15mls and think a little bit more wont hurt. Well it soon becomes the worst drug ever if you go over. Unless your a horse and 27mls just makes you have a nice sleep for a few hours
. *cough*
you can lead a horse to blue colored water and can make it drink. drink to pass out
i can second bt's call, havnt rolled like that since yonexs.
[This message has been edited by Cowboy Mac (edited 13 March 2001).]
With G??????
SoooOoooooOooo GOoooooooOoooD
Raving goes beyond what words can Express!
[This message has been edited by ~jerox~ (edited 14 March 2001).]
[This message has been edited by ~jerox~ (edited 14 March 2001).]
Oh give me one of these babies... they sound similiar to the mysterious (source unknown) brown/beige butterfly i had a while back-MAGIC.
hmm this will have to be my friday treat

*I've tried most drugs but, Ecstasy would have to rate as being the sweetest of them all*
had one of these and then a blue melody at 2tribes and began to get mild hallucinations. very nice.

thought that the blue lights in the roff of the rod laver arena were gaps in the ceiling and that i could see the sky!!
I didnt click until i realised it was 10:30pm. hmmmm....
strong pills, 'nuf said.