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Opioids bladder pain


Aug 11, 2019
Does anyone else get bladder urgency, little urination and some pain with using opioids? I am having that now after starting up tapentadol and kratom. I am also having weird "coincidences" which I put down to gang stalking but I don't like to talk about them here as it gets strong responses from people who will never acknowledge it and will say I am delusional no matter what I say.

Thank you for reading.
Put what down as gang stalking? Like what do you mean? Like paranoid about a nearby neighborhood gang or something?

About the bladder thing idk you are taking opioids I'd say constipation which leads to the discomfort and well little urination is common sometimes, because opioids also can cause urine retention.

I put the marbles on the tapantadol for the retention..it being synthetic and all, reminds me of how I felt in a very heavy longggg addiction to tramadol(also synthetic with snri props)
Put what down as gang stalking? Like what do you mean? Like paranoid about a nearby neighborhood gang or something?

About the bladder thing idk you are taking opioids I'd say constipation which leads to the discomfort and well little urination is common sometimes, because opioids also can cause urine retention.

I put the marbles on the tapantadol for the retention..it being synthetic and all, reminds me of how I felt in a very heavy longggg addiction to tramadol(also synthetic with snri props)
Thank you for your reply. I won't go into the gang stalking stuff. It's not a local gang though.

I think it must be the tapandatol. Sorry you had an addiction to tramadol. I think they might be similar as I believe tapandatol has light ssri properties also. Did you manage to get off the tramadol and how did you go about it? I think both things are drying my whole body out. I have IBS so the constipation is not a huge issue and a bit of a relief but it did slow things down.
At first I used tub loads of kratom powdered toss n wash method and some immodium maybe threw a pepto in there..if I had ondastron back then I'd use it..but ultimately what saved me at the time was just going back to vicodin and otc codeine syrup for awhile til the trams were out of my system then just vowed to stay away from them abd oxy & just stick to hydros...but yeah can't get that codeine syrup anymore at least here, pricks.
At first I used tub loads of kratom powdered toss n wash method and some immodium maybe threw a pepto in there..if I had ondastron back then I'd use it..but ultimately what saved me at the time was just going back to vicodin and otc codeine syrup for awhile til the trams were out of my system then just vowed to stay away from them abd oxy & just stick to hydros...but yeah can't get that codeine syrup anymore at least here, pricks.
Thank you for letting me know. I won't be buying more of this stuff. The bladder pain and frequency is still bad. I have clonidine also which is a medication for high blood pressure which I think could help as well as Lyrica and valium.
Clonidine is the best for withdrawal ime
Thank you for letting me know. Hopefully withdrawal won't be so bad. I can't afford to buy more kratom now as I went to the dentist last week as I've also got very painful teeth and need a mouthful of fillings which I was quoted $4, 000 for. Over 4 visits for each quarter of the mouth. So that will be fun. Starts 20 June as this dentist is away for 3 weeks.

I posted here about the dental thing last year as I had my first fillings late last year when I was 46 years of age which I think was okay to be this age and getting my first dental work. I had good teeth for most of my life but they are deteriorating FAST now. I believe it's from either/or the nicotine lozenge addiction and Lyrica as I did find people reporting bad teeth after starting Lyrica. I have never smoked meth or anything like that. I have diagnosed binge eating disorder and ate so much sugar/carbs my whole life but managed to have perfect teeth until now. One of the fillings I got done last year needs to be redone as decay is happening in between 2 of those teeth so they are decaying that fast right now.
I have heard this everywhere..every now and again I'll pop one if anxious and do not have anything else...01mg how many can you take safely to reduce withdrawal?
Thank you for your reply. I hope someone can chime in with the answer. I just checked mine and they are 100mcg. Is that 1mg or 0.1mg? I assume that it's 0.1mg or they would just call it 1mg. Do they help a bit for anxiety? I must try one. I wouldn't take too many though as they lower your blood pressure from what I understand so you might faint and that won't be good. Don't take more than what you know is safe until someone can answer for you.
Sorry it's not related to this post apart from the gang stalking but does anyone know how a car tire can be flat and it's not a puncture? I am wondering if someone hasn't let one of my tires down.