BL access blocked in Tor Browser


Mr. Fantasy
Aug 29, 2019
I got this message in Tor Browser trying to reload

Доступ запрещён​

Доступ к этой странице запрещён, т.к. она попала в "Единый реестр запрещённых сайтов",

содержащий информацию, распространение которой в Российской Федерации запрещено,

либо в «Федеральный список экстремистских материалов» на сайте Минюста.

Did the latest Tor update block BL?
We don't track or control what any vpn does.

/reminisce about the old days....
Nah not on my end but I don't think one can create an account with tor. iirc captcha cannot be completed. Just logged in with new update and username no issues.
prolly got a virus or summin
Nope it’s back but .ru believes me it’s in Russian.
Tor was like that for me too. Everything was in in Russian or something. I like restarted the Tor session to start new, and went back to normal english.
yeah, it was only a short period of a few attempts in that one session.