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bk-MDMA delivery methods


Feb 12, 2014
I'd prefer MDMA, BUT, good MDMA is hard to come across where I live. I recently acquired some bk-MDMA (confirmed with test kit) that I for sure know is uncut. The person I got it off of swears by snorting it. I'm not going to be doing that. I've read that people have different experiences with this chemical based on it's delivery method. Has anyone ever mixed it with water or just put it under their tongue? I want the quickest come up without snorting.

Thanks for the insight!!
It comes up pretty quick. Snorting it is useless in my opinion.

Plug it for a quick come up. Swallow it for a regular M1 experience. You most likely would start to feel it in 35-45 minutes.
Yeah snorting is a bad ROA with this one.
Dissolve 150-250mg in water and drink it on an empty stomach you will come up very fast. For me between 10-20 mins.
Yeah, another vote for dissolve it in water and drinking it. Try to use a shot glass though and shoot it right down your throat, you don't want that stuff on your teeth.

Its also quite good when plugged.

I wouldn't snort it. I've went through a lot of the stuff and I found the methylone water and plugging to be my favorite ways to do it. I snorted it twice before I realized that it turns it into an even more fiendish experience not unlike the redose compulsion you would see with cocaine.
as above methylone comes up so quick the snorting method is useless. Just like IMO snorted mdma is a waste, but everyone's taste is different. If not save it for other drugs.

My first ever plugged drug was methylone after all the raving reviews it got on bluelight. I can confirm it is, most defenitely worth the hassle. Just feels even better then oral. After trying mdai and 6-apb the last two weeks I must say methylone is quite balanced and the winner of them 3.
Snorting is a really awesome roa with this one. It hits you very very fast and you can redose for hours.

If you don't want to snort it however, just plug it. You come up hard and fast in about 10-20 minutes.

Sublingual is a really hard to do roa. The taste is reminiscent of lemon juice and salt, and it burns your mouth like crazy.
I ended up dissolving it in water. This stuff isn't anywhere near as good as MDMA. I'm super bummed. I like to roll every few months as a stress reliever. This doesn't cut it though. The good thing about this stuff is that there was no crash like MDMA, but the peak wasn't as good or nearly as long :-(
I found an M1 experience to go somewhat like this (only ever tried it once - was my first ever experience with this field of substances): 1) Come up MAJORLY HARD. 2)A intense but short peak 3). Come down.....
I agree that.snorting is not the way to approach.this chemical.first its just too much.to.snort,and it.doesnt have.the.most tolerable.drip,and mostly snorting.for some reason doesnt.give.u.the.full bk-mdma feel and experience.

If ur gona.take methylone right.go Oral..i havent tried rectal with this chem.yet.so i cant say.anything for that route,but i bet its pretty good feeling.

I have.ethylone rn,amd.have been testing out oral doses.i wana try plugging.the ethylone,but i havent seen hardly any experiences with.ethylone.period.let alone a good.discussion about.effective.roa.for the compound....I wish i had bk-mdma,instead of bk-mdea.but u know how that goes once.the law catches up with every good or.decent compound.And its not readily available,but it.can be.easily acquired if one knows the right ppl of.course.