Mental Health Bipolar Disorder Mega Thread

Look into Depakote before trying lithium.
When I was researching meds lithium kept coming up because it's one of the oldest medications used to treat bipolar. I mentioned it to the doctor I was seeing at the time and she said lithium should be a last resort, at least in my case even though I lean more on the manic side.
I think on most drugs like lithium or depakote you'll feel a little dull and sleepy at first, I never felt depressed though. After your body adjusts that tired feeling should go away. The first week I took depakote I could hardly get out of bed but since then it's been the best choice I ever made.
I smoked pot on mood stabilizers and a whole cocktail of antideppresants and never noticed a difference.

I am finally on a mix that keeps me even
Depakote 2500 mg 1500 am 1000pm standard
Seroquel 600 mg pm (knowcks me on my axx most days if not add a 2 mg klonpin)
Buproprion 150 mg am (shakes off the effects of seroquel)

It took us 7 years and many many drugs to get here. Am grateful I have been stable with this since 1998!
I went absolutely ape shit at someone on Friday night who kept on telling me to snap out of it. I have tried explaining to this person what bi polar is, he doesn't seem to get it. This same person has issues with psychosis yet won't admit to any mental health problems. He said he would of smashed me if he didn't know me. I told him a long time ago talking about my mental health is out of discussion. Yet he persists then bullies me about it and then plays dumb that he doesn't get it.

Am fucken fed up of people questioning my mental health issues I've been battling since I was a child and them having their own solutions to the problem like as if they have been working as a psychiatrist the last 20 years and know their shit.

At 32 I have lost interest trying to get better. Every time I do it goes down the same shit road, so these days I just stick to self medicating with alcohol which probably isn't the best solution but hey for a few minutes a day it makes me forget I have this problem which seems to constantly destroy my life every time it goes good.
I went absolutely ape shit at someone on Friday night who kept on telling me to snap out of it. I have tried explaining to this person what bi polar is, he doesn't seem to get it. This same person has issues with psychosis yet won't admit to any mental health problems. He said he would of smashed me if he didn't know me. I told him a long time ago talking about my mental health is out of discussion. Yet he persists then bullies me about it and then plays dumb that he doesn't get it.

Am fucken fed up of people questioning my mental health issues I've been battling since I was a child and them having their own solutions to the problem like as if they have been working as a psychiatrist the last 20 years and know their shit.

At 32 I have lost interest trying to get better. Every time I do it goes down the same shit road, so these days I just stick to self medicating with alcohol which probably isn't the best solution but hey for a few minutes a day it makes me forget I have this problem which seems to constantly destroy my life every time it goes good.

People who are not bipolar won't understand the mania and the major depression. You can try to explain, but they won't truly understand unless they've experienced it. I'm sorry your friend is like that. I guess you have to try to ignore him because he doesn't know what he's talking about.
You said he's in denial about his own mental health issues so obviously he can't face the truth.

I'm in my 30s as well and I was in a position where it was either do or die. I decided to pull myself up out of my misery and started working out hard. That really helped and gave me confidence. I'm not stuck in the house anymore. There's new music and concerts to look forward to. A love interest also helps. Try to find any reason to stick around. I've been self-medicating with different substances too, but it's the exercise routine that has been changing my life. Do you do any physical activity? Don't give up!
Accused of driving on seroquel. Got 2 DUI's at the same time!


I am bipolar type 1. I will run a manic more than depressive. I have a nightmare story that has me wanting to go down the "rabbit hole and never come out alive" as I call it.

I hit a curb, car felt funny so I got off the main road, got out of my car and saw a broken rim and 2 flat tires. I went into my wallet and pulled out my AAA card, called, gave them my member number, and set up for a flatbed to come get the car and take me and it to Discount Tires yo get the tires fixed.

It was a very warm day and they were running an hour behind and I fell asleep. Next thing I know, I have a cop waking me up asking me why I was asleep. I said I am waiting for AAA as I had a broken rim and 2 flat tires and where they were going to be taking it. Officer wanted license and registration and step out of the car . He then had me do the DUI sobriety tests.

Did the watch the finger, no problem. Touch the nose, No problem. When he wanted me to go toe to toe I told him medically I have no balance and will fail. He said do it anyway. OK I failed. Same with the 3 point turn and holding my leg out.

He then says that I am under arrest (DUI) for being "slightly Impaired". I explained why I sounded with slurred speech as I bite the inside of my cheeks and tongue regularly, and that it is medically documented. He Didn't care. OK. Asked me was I on any medication.

I proceeded to tell them what I take, When I take it and what I WILL NOT DRIVE ON NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE. The ONLY drug he heard was Seroquel. What I take is 1500 Depakene am, Buproprion 150mg, am and lyrica, 75mg am, At night it is 1000mg depakene, 600mg seroquel (which is enough to knock over a horse. I become bobo in 20 minutes of taking it), 10 mg singulair, lyrica again and thyroid meds.,

Now because of the seroquel that I take, I was charged with besides not keeping balance, was taking Seroquel in the daytime. Go ahead. Slit my wrists. I will not drive on my night meds for anyone as within 20 minutes of taking them as I am bobo and out. I have medical proof of lack of balance not only by dr's but by my friends and vocational rehabilitation as well!. They looked up seroquel and said that I was schizophrenic. I said No, It is a trycilic drug used for other ailments such as seizures, epilepsy, Bipolarism which is what I use it for.

No, because their database said schizophrenic, that was what I used it for and I took it during the day. ARE YOU NUTZ!!
ok so now they dilate my eyes and I said they will not dilate a lot (4.5), I did the blow and it came up 0.00.

They asked if they could take a blood sample. I said sure here is my vein (we were in the sub station, not the hospital and I do not know if the officer was qualified or not to take it!. Hopefully not so I can toss it). Now, I get a second DUI for drugs or Metabolites. Holy shit. I'm 55, no tickets, no accidents and now this. To boot, They suspended my license!!!how do i see my psych who is 75 miles away?

I was not allowed a hearing for my license (the court DUI's and the MVD license courts are two separate courts that you have to deal with. One does not work with the other) So it has been suspended. So I had to go and take a drug and alcohol screening. Thankfully, I only have to do the minimum class of 16 hours (1 weekend) and $240. The really cool part of this is that I qualified for getting a "restricted" License. That means that I can drive, dr visits, court, grocery stores, just do not be out running around. Well DUH, Like I am going to go party with facing 2 serious DUI's. (If convicted, 2.5 years in jail, $5000+ fine , SR22, Blow thing on my car even though I do not drink!)

I found it to be hysterical because I do not drink, never have, do not like it at all in my whole life. I think I have had a mimosa when my parents took us to brunch.

Now I have every single intention of taking this to a jury trial of my peers. No plea bargain, No judge trial. I want a jury of my peers.

1. I was not on seroquel as charged, 2, If I was "slightly impaired", Why did the officer release me to go get my car? They did not impound it! The drug questions were even funnier as I started smoking pot on and off when I was 13 from my brother. He said can you not smoke pot, I said easy.

Now, I am using medical marijuana for pain as I have built up such a tolerance to the perc's, valiums and klonopins. I ONLY buy pot that has a cbd % between 19% and 23% CBD %. I do not care if it has THC or not as that is not it's purpose. i do however get a mix of indica, sativa and hybrids. My dispensary has BOGO between 4:20 and 5:20. Blunts .5 g $5.00 ea, hash, $25.00 1/2 g, and grams run between $12 and 15. I prefer flower and I like to have a hors d' oeuvres of different kinds of strains as they react differently to my pain.

I was told that this county considers you guilty until proven innocent.

I BELIEVE IT WHOLEHEARTEDLY. Just because of these allegations (no proof), I lost a $100,000 job where the company was going to spend $100,000 for an Interim DoD top Secret clearance, a level 1 fingerprint card that took me 2 years to get, what are prospective employers going to see when they do a background check? It also has stopped me from finding jobs that I can do as they will want clearances or clean mvd or clean records in general. I am screwed at this point. Thank god that I am on SSDI and I make enough money to live in this town and barely make it.

3 days ago, I was crying for 5 hours. I lost it and went as I say down the rabbit hole and never wanted to come out. Thankfully, I have some of the best support friends and family in the world because I am out of the rabbit hole in 1 day.

Anyone with BP knows going down the depression side if you generally are a manic can take weeks to come out of.

Now, I still do not know who my PD is, Have pretrial wed Aug 16 at 8 am BUT I also have to see psych dr at 12 pm, 75 miles away. I pray that the judge will either get me out early or reschedule my pretrial(very doubtful) because my defense is based off of psych drugs and the "Impairment of them".

I was given free advice from a lawyer that going to a trial of your peers usually takes 1.5 to 2 years!!! Holy shit. I hope I can stay out of the rabbit hole!!!

Definitely open to opinions, suggestions, and every other information that I can get my hands on as this is going to be a tough ride.
That sounds like a complete nightmare and I am so sorry for the institutional ignorance that contributed to it. Is there no way that you can go beyond a public defender and hire a lawyer with experience with people with mental health issues and their medications?
Seroquel is also prescribed for insomnia. That's why I used to take it. It doesn't automatically mean you're schizophrenic. Hang in there. Maybe you can even have your psychiatrist explain why you take that drug. It's unfair for them to label you like that. You'll get through this!
That sounds like a complete nightmare and I am so sorry for the institutional ignorance that contributed to it. Is there no way that you can go beyond a public defender and hire a lawyer with experience with people with mental health issues and their medications?
I live on SSDI. You have money?
bipolar II rapid cycling is me for sure. my life can't possibly last more then another year.
bipolar II rapid cycling is me for sure. my life can't possibly last more then another year.
Your life will last forever. Make the most of every day. Even in this world of shit that I'm in, I am still waking up with what I call a gpma. Great positive mental attitude. I have to. If I think about this crap I can go down what I call the rabbit hole fast. I now have a great PD and I have tons of people to prove all of the things they said I did not to be true like balance or in my case lack of, slurred speech, And so forth. I will not take a plea. Period. I will take it to a jury of my peers I mean I get a DUI, they don't impound the car and I'm allowed to go get it and drive home??? WOW. This will be an interesting ride. I have to stay positive. I will be getting a copy of the police report so now I can see what they said and refute at whatever points I can. Hang in there. I started bp years ago but my"mix" was not working until 1998. I have been good to go since then.
Seroquel gave me terrible nightmares and i couldn't get out of bed. I've been on Depakote for a few years and like it.
Seroquel gave me terrible nightmares and i couldn't get out of bed. I've been on Depakote for a few years and like it.

Prescribed Trazodone for insomnia now and that definitely gives me nightmares! End of the world type shit. I rarely take it.
Do you have bipolar 1 or 2? Antipsychotics are usually for bipolar 1 for mania and psychosis. (I have bipolar 1).

I take Geodon which is available in generic. Seroquel was too sedating for me. I have also taken Abilify.

Ideally, I'd like to not need an antipsychotic. However, I am a rapid cycler and have had fully blown mania and psychosis.
Do you have bipolar 1 or 2? Antipsychotics are usually for bipolar 1 for mania and psychosis. (I have bipolar 1).

I take Geodon which is available in generic. Seroquel was too sedating for me. I have also taken Abilify.

Ideally, I'd like to not need an antipsychotic. However, I am a rapid cycler and have had fully blown mania and psychosis.

Which one of us are you asking? I was bipolar 2 until a paranoid psychosis episode landed me in the hospital about a year ago. Now it's bipolar 1.

I prefer not to take anything except anti-anxiety medicine really helps with the paralyzing anxiety and agoraphobia that occurs at times.

Oh and I was given antipsychotics (Seroquel, etc.) even when I was bipolar 2.
I do not like how it makes me feel. Antipsychotics make you sleepy and fog up your brain so you can't even think straight.
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me too. I am a rapid manic and if I do not take the seroquel I will be up for days
that is why I take the Buproprion in the mornings is to shake off that groggyness. It works for me. Every single person reacts differently. The others did not bring me down from my mania. The Seroquel does. 600mg. FDA will only approve 800mg tops.My Psych and I discussed it this week.

I also do not get Psychosis.
As an update. Because the prosecutor could not provide the blood sample for drugs and metabolites, my case has been dismissed with prejudice. That means that they can refile on me until June 29, 2018. After that I am in the clear. However, I a: will never be able to get a dod clearance because of the mere allegations. Also my criminal history will always show the allegations just not a conviction. Any prospective employer that does a background check on me will see the allegations and may not hire me because of them. Sucks.
As an update. Because the prosecutor could not provide the blood sample for drugs and metabolites, my case has been dismissed with prejudice. That means that they can refile on me until June 29, 2018. After that I am in the clear. However, I a: will never be able to get a dod clearance because of the mere allegations. Also my criminal history will always show the allegations just not a conviction. Any prospective employer that does a background check on me will see the allegations and may not hire me because of them. Sucks.

If you are truly working hard at this and taking a high dose of seroquel, get your head doc to testify. 600mg of seroquel is a high dose.
Things are going great for me with my medications. The only thing I seem to suffer from is these headaches, but I think it has something to do with the allergies going on.

I was on Seroquel before and I gained so much weight, I hated it. I'm so glad I'm off of it now.
Here's another with bipolar disorder checking in. I'm currently on bupropion, lamotrigine, clomipramine, melatonin and haloperidol. It's working. I had a huge breakdown in Dec -16. I work as a nurse and turned up to work benzo'd out of my mind. I now have a 3 year probation (by the Health and Social Care inspectorate). Have to give thorough drug tests twice a month and tell any potential new boss that I have probation. Luckily I didn't fuck anything up but was "only" sent home from my job so I got to keep it. According to national law the workplace have a rehabilitation responsibility so they can't fire me, they have to help me get rehabilitated. Have been in and out of rehabs/psychiatric facilities since then, had a psychosis and two serious suicide attempts in between all this too. Anyway, always nice to see that I'm not alone. <3