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Bioavailability/Half-life MEGA Thread

I've heard 30 - 50%. Don't quote me on that, I will look for a source to back that up or refute it. I think it's at least 50% because sublingual is 30 - 35%.
Rectal BA for heroin is definitely better than oral. It's got to be better than intranasal, even. It's the second best route next to IV, on par with IM.
This forum tends to think rectal morphine is 70-90%.. but then contradicts themselves with with a study. who knows.


i'd wager it's somewhere in the 70-90% range, just from experience with both snorting and plugging.

i'm still researching..

this says rectal oxycodone is just as high as oral.

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Water solubility increases as pH decreases (sol'n becomes more acidic). This is because midazolam shifts into its open-ring (more soluble) form in acidic sol'ns.

Here's a visual aid:


EDIT: Beaten to it by whore. But... Wikipedia as a source??? :p ----> =D
Midazolam bioavailability

Could anyone tell me what the b/a of midazolam would be insufflated/plugged/oral?

I read someone saying it was 36% oral, I was just wondering if its water solubility meant it might be more effective snorted/plugged?

I believe nasal is somewhere around 70%
From that, I'd expect that when plugged it would be the same, if not more.

(The BA for plugging is an educated guess. The nasal BA is something I have read in journals.)
oh nasal, right- I think its like 50%.

It's fairly soluble in water so..
Midazolam is one of the few benzos where snorting improves upon oral BA.

Merging into the bioavailability mega thread.

I came across ~5.0mL of Midazolam in a vial once and tried it a few ways. Reading that it is one of the stronger benzodiazepines I tried 0.5mg (0.5mL, because it was 1mg/mL): sublingually, intranasally (was hard), and simple ingestion, but the best (BY FAR) was intramuscularly (YES, IM!). So I basically wasted 1.5mg of Midazolam, but made great use of the remaining ~3.5mg by injecting in the upper outer quadrant of the buttocks. Just some info I cared to share... Midazlam is a pleasant benzo... loved it... but I'm out...
Everyone on here talks about how much better plugging MS Contins are but according to this thread, the bio is the same for oral/rectal? Any thoughts?
I haven't seen Lyserg for a long time. With that, the numbers at the front haven't been edited to reflect the more accurate numbers we have now. You're probably better off checking later pages if you're not sure of a number, so you can check if someone has provided new/better info.
I found this quote from BL user Sarbanes:
There is a laxative (MiraLAX), which is basically PEG 3350 in very small pills, which will enhance membranous absorption rectally. Just add about 1/4 TSP to the plug syringe. It is both a waxy solid, and soluble in water. But buprenorphine is unusually highly lypophyllic.

I thought it might be of interest to some of you.
What is the bioavailability of Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) IM, I can't seem to find it here, unless I am glimpsing right past it frequently... And is there any safe reliable narcotic converters out there? Is Oxycodone literally 1.5x stronger than Hydrocodone?
What is the bioavailability of Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) IM, I can't seem to find it here, unless I am glimpsing right past it frequently... And is there any safe reliable narcotic converters out there? Is Oxycodone literally 1.5x stronger than Hydrocodone?

ORAL oxycodone is equianalgesically 1.5x stronger than ORAL hydrocodone.

This means the pain relief of 7.5mg of hydrocodone equals the pain relief of 5mg of oxycodone.

Generally the equianalgesic charts/converters are pretty close to accurate as far as the high, sedation, side effects, etc. but its not going to be exact and everybody responds to chemicals slightly differently.

I am not aware of any charts/converters of the subjective recreational effects of narcotics because I can't see their being the requisite funding for scientific studies to find out the average effects illicitly used pharmaceuticals have on reacreational/habitual users.

Sorry... maybe someday. Until then, the equianalgesic charts are sufficient I'd say, just always be safe and start low.