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Opioids Binge again oxy

I'd suggest modifying your taper plan. Why prolong your addiction for almost another month? You can drop down a lot faster than 120-60-30mg a day over almost a month and do it much more comfortably.

Here is a taper plan from the VA that they suggest for short-term opioids (such as oxy IR)

"● Decrease dose by 10% every 3-7 days, or…
● Decrease dose by 20%-50% per day until lowest available
dosage form is reached (e.g., 5 mg of oxycodone)
● Then increase the dosing interval, eliminating one dose
every 2-5 days. "

I'd suggest doing that instead of jumping from 30mg a day to nothing. You have all the meds you will need to make WD as painless as possible (benzos, clonidine)

Also would suggest some OTC meds such as loperamide.

Edit: Don't start subs. It's great for a lot of people (better than methadone maintenance) but it seems like you want to be done with opiates.

this ^
Clonidine is extremely helpful and it's really nothing to be scared of like some are suggesting. If you're really concerned, buy a good arm - cuff blood pressure monitor (NOT A WRIST MODEL) and check your BP if you think it might be low. Even when i feel the most faint and weak, my BP doesn't go much lower than 115/75... the adrenergic rebound during withdrawals will offset it.

And I know people were referring to using clonidine WITH Oxy, but so am I, really- it's still worth trying out even if it just helps you taper. If you can monitor your blood pressure, then by taking no more than 0.1-.15mg at a time (maybe double that just to start you off), and waiting at least an hour before deciding that you can use more, you can use it safely. I've read that for short-term detox, daily doses up to 1mg may be used, but even jumping off a 100mg/day Dilaudid habit (average, some days close to 400mg), I never found the need to take that much... normally the recommended daily limit is 0.6mg and that's pretty much as much as I've felt I needed on even the worst days.

But another poster was right... having access to the stuff can be a bad thing because it works so well that your aversion to withdrawal starts to stop outweighing your desire to get fucked up, which not only makes it easier to justify relapsing, but also makes it easy to justify being reckless with your supply and not pacing yourself properly... I went from a stable 3 years without putting myself in a position to withdraw, to being in withdrawals for about half a week, every week... despite having the same supply I'd always had. So it can be a bit of a double - edged sword... I'd still recommend it to anyone facing withdrawals, but I'd also urge a degree of discipline and self-control... Which I know are completely foreign concepts to most of us...
Clonidine is extremely helpful and it's really nothing to be scared of like some are suggesting. If you're really concerned, buy a good arm - cuff blood pressure monitor (NOT A WRIST MODEL) and check your BP if you think it might be low. Even when i feel the most faint and weak, my BP doesn't go much lower than 115/75... the adrenergic rebound during withdrawals will offset it.

And I know people were referring to using clonidine WITH Oxy, but so am I, really- it's still worth trying out even if it just helps you taper. If you can monitor your blood pressure, then by taking no more than 0.1-.15mg at a time (maybe double that just to start you off), and waiting at least an hour before deciding that you can use more, you can use it safely. I've read that for short-term detox, daily doses up to 1mg may be used, but even jumping off a 100mg/day Dilaudid habit (average, some days close to 400mg), I never found the need to take that much... normally the recommended daily limit is 0.6mg and that's pretty much as much as I've felt I needed on even the worst days.

But another poster was right... having access to the stuff can be a bad thing because it works so well that your aversion to withdrawal starts to stop outweighing your desire to get fucked up, which not only makes it easier to justify relapsing, but also makes it easy to justify being reckless with your supply and not pacing yourself properly... I went from a stable 3 years without putting myself in a position to withdraw, to being in withdrawals for about half a week, every week... despite having the same supply I'd always had. So it can be a bit of a double - edged sword... I'd still recommend it to anyone facing withdrawals, but I'd also urge a degree of discipline and self-control... Which I know are completely foreign concepts to most of us...

Syncope is never worth it...
I was a couple weeks doing 120 a day so I thought I'd go to 110 for a bit. Somehow I decided to try 90 and I've been fine with that. Maybe I can taper faster than I thought.
That is excellent that you are able to taper. In the past I have been able to do that, but not anymore. And my biggest struggle is when the withdrawals are over and I feel good... That is when I go right back to using.
And my biggest struggle is when the withdrawals are over and I feel good... That is when I go right back to using.

That's a big issue for a lot of us. You forget just how bad it was, start feeling good again, and then go back to old habits. Dangerous cycle.
Exactly. The wd's are horrible but are over and forgotten so fast. If I didn't have a family and kids I'd just get some seroquell and knock out for 3-4 days.
Exactly. The wd's are horrible but are over and forgotten so fast. If I didn't have a family and kids I'd just get some seroquell and knock out for 3-4 days.

Yeah seroquel is the only thing that lets me get a little sleep during detox. But, when you're used to being up for a week straight, even a couple hours a night is precious.
Yeah seroquel is the only thing that lets me get a little sleep during detox. But, when you're used to being up for a week straight, even a couple hours a night is precious.

I have half of one left. When I quit the first time they gave me 8. I only used 7.5 lol
So I've been doing decent at this taper thing. I thought I could do it faster but I still jones a bit at the end of the day. So I was 120 a day. I got my self down to 95mg a day and that's comfortable. I'm ready to drop 10 more mg's tomorrow.

I have an abundant supply that makes it hard.

Just a question here. What happens if you taper for weeks and get to 60 mg and one day you efff up and take 120. Will that screw everything up. will one mistake like that put you back where you came from?
Glad to hear your taper is working out.

It wouldn't "reset" things if that is what your worried about but a word of warning: If you dose higher and get a nice buzz again it's going to make it mentally much more difficult to resume your taper. Just remind yourself that you are lucky to have a large supply and the money to obtain them. Personally I never had the foresight/resources to taper any opioids and always endured the WD's.

Have you thought about having someone help you manage your taper and take charge of your supply so that your less tempted to dose higher?
Glad to hear your taper is working out.

It wouldn't "reset" things if that is what your worried about but a word of warning: If you dose higher and get a nice buzz again it's going to make it mentally much more difficult to resume your taper. Just remind yourself that you are lucky to have a large supply and the money to obtain them. Personally I never had the foresight/resources to taper any opioids and always endured the WD's.

Have you thought about having someone help you manage your taper and take charge of your supply so that your less tempted to dose higher?

Yeah, I have thought about that. The only problem is. I am the Man of the house. I support and take care of everything. I never need any help with anything. If I did ask for help my wife would freak out because it's very unusual.

The last WD's were over in 5 ish days but I remember being pissed off for like 2 weeks after. Pissed off because I was just upset about everything. But one day it was just back to normal.
I'm sure your wife would be willing to help you if you sat down and explained the situation. Does she know anything about addiction? You should tell her that you need her to watch your taper plan and managing your meds. I'm not married but have relied on girlfriends to keep my addictions in check and they always were happy to see me trying to improve myself.

Also you said you had a great supply of pills...without going into specifics is it possible for you to tell your connection that your taking a break and "lose" their contact information?
I'm sure your wife would be willing to help you if you sat down and explained the situation. Does she know anything about addiction? You should tell her that you need her to watch your taper plan and managing your meds. I'm not married but have relied on girlfriends to keep my addictions in check and they always were happy to see me trying to improve myself.

Also you said you had a great supply of pills...without going into specifics is it possible for you to tell your connection that your taking a break and "lose" their contact information?

She remembers me kicking last time. I blamed it on the Dr as he prescribed it for me ( years ago and it started as Vicodin) . I can just ignore my contact. He's always texting me about some marverlous deal. Amazing how good the deals get when you're trying to stop.

Anyways my goal is to be done with this my the end of next month. I did good today and kept it to 85 mg. Which is right on plan. I thought I messed up but went out to dinner and other stuff and I feel good so I'm just going to bed.

I am going to hold at 85 for 2 more days and then drop to 80. I think it's good since I was just a few days ago doing 120 a day and a few days I did more than that.

I could just CT it but I have too much in life right now I have to maintain and do things and go places.

Again thank you for all your help O. You are great. Really appreciate all your input.
So I'm back to 120 again sometimes more.

I guess I'm just not ready. Maybe I will head to the DR and see about sub. The DR I go to doesn't do maintenance only a quick tapers.
I'd suggest modifying your taper plan. Why prolong your addiction for almost another month? You can drop down a lot faster than 120-60-30mg a day over almost a month and do it much more comfortably.

Here is a taper plan from the VA that they suggest for short-term opioids (such as oxy IR)

"● Decrease dose by 10% every 3-7 days, or…
● Decrease dose by 20%-50% per day until lowest available
dosage form is reached (e.g., 5 mg of oxycodone)
● Then increase the dosing interval, eliminating one dose
every 2-5 days. "

I'd suggest doing that instead of jumping from 30mg a day to nothing. You have all the meds you will need to make WD as painless as possible (benzos, clonidine)

Also would suggest some OTC meds such as loperamide.

Edit: Don't start subs. It's great for a lot of people (better than methadone maintenance) but it seems like you want to be done with opiates.

Yes I agree. Opiate tapers should be as fast as you can manage to do, then again if it worked for you last time ok, then not much wrong with doing it the same way.

I don't think any taper is 'comfortable' though so short ones can be easier.
So I'm back to 120 again sometimes more.

I guess I'm just not ready. Maybe I will head to the DR and see about sub. The DR I go to doesn't do maintenance only a quick tapers.

To get back into it as much as possible, you should try to keep it at 120 as a maximum, and never maybe more if that is reasonably possible. There is always a word of warning to go with the subs route, however if the Dr. only does quick tapers he could probably have you set up on a pretty set in stone regiment.

Caution should always be taken however, even with subs. It is extremely hard to overcome the mindset of "maybe I can catch a small buzz somehow" but that is what you need to beat. You have been physically sick before so you can beat that, it is the mental thing that really makes it a bitch.

I just got in to reading your thread, and wish you the best of luck.
The only way this is going to work is if I go CT or if I have set up the dosage and give it to my wife to give me. She isn't currently aware of how big my problem is. Taking a little blue pill is easy enough hidden. I have a great income so I can spend a grand on the pills and not even think twice.

We are going to re model the kitchen next week. I'm going to wait till it's done and then if I haven't got down below the 60 mark by then I will have my wife help me taper.

120 mg doesn't seem like a lot to me any more. Would you guys think that 120 mg a day is really bad. What I'm concerned with is that my brain has stopped making dopamine all together and if that's the case I will be upset for a couple months if I stop.