• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Binding affinities for stimulate charts, research data, etc


Nov 15, 2012
Many of the stimulates are of interest , even though many classify them as empathogens , are not listed. If someone comes across Various release, reuptake, and binding affinities for stims, please post them here for easy excess, comparison, etc. lets keep this as an information thread only, and if you have questions please post a different thread and always feel free to link to this thread fo the binding affinities


27 nm  2558 nm   30 nm
Interesting that regular amphetamine inhibits reuptake of DA better than methamphetamine, as stimulants go. But releases it only *slightly* better.

I knew methcathinone was better than D-meth-amp @ DA, but not that phenmetrazine was so much lower than both.
The data in the 1st table is based upon rats; hence, the rows for amphetamine, methamphetamine, and MDMA are not applicable to humans.
The data in the 1st table is based upon rats; hence, the rows for amphetamine, methamphetamine, and MDMA are not applicable to humans.

how do you know first table was rats?

and what about the second table do you know where theyve come from?
The data in the 1st table is based upon rats; hence, the rows for amphetamine, methamphetamine, and MDMA are not applicable to humans.
The species differences do not necessarily mean that the data is not relevant to humans...there is often a high degree of homology between receptors in rodents and humans.
The species differences do not necessarily mean that the data is not relevant to humans...there is often a high degree of homology between receptors in rodents and humans.

I agree currently. If its all we have, its all we have and based on chemistry certain receptors in animals are similar in humans. Did you know many prescription drug studies are based off of animal studies, just like these drug studies?