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Biggest Buzz Kills

Enjoying a nice tramadol high then bumping into your crush.. you know she likes you back... Then feeling your heart sink and touch ur asshole, choking and not asking her for her number. That is worse than rejection. It completely killed my high, more than anything else. It was a bad experience that I never want to happen again.

I'm now looking at this as a good thing, i'm going to ask her out next week. even if it embarrasses me, in front of other people, i don't care. Trust me, if you like someone just ask the person out. It's better to get rejected than not to know. This feeling i had was worse than a bad trip. Horrible
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Trust me, if you like someone just ask the person out. It's better to get rejected than not to know. This feeling i had was worse than a bad trip. Horrible
Completely agree with this, was recently thinking about all the times I never did anything about my feelings for somone...

Getting a phone call from the rent's ( parents ) normally bums me out, usually always end up getting into some kind of argument over trivial shit, not what i like to do when im high...

loosing/forgetting where i put my stash

blowing out or sneezing before doing a line and watching my drugs turn into a cloud :(

and as everyone else before me has said, annoying people...
those tiny baggies that seemingly can't be opened without some kind of precision machine

pisses me off
Enjoying a nice tramadol high then bumping into your crush.. you know she likes you back... Then feeling your heart sink and touch ur asshole, choking and not asking her for her number. That is worse than rejection. It completely killed my high, more than anything else. It was a bad experience that I never want to happen again.

I'm now looking at this as a good thing, i'm going to ask her out next week. even if it embarrasses me, in front of other people, i don't care. Trust me, if you like someone just ask the person out. It's better to get rejected than not to know. This feeling i had was worse than a bad trip. Horrible

On the positive side it's probably best to ask her out with a clear head. Not saying a little bit of benzo or opiate for nerves is a bad idea, but small amounts.
Totally agree that rejection is not even close to being as bad as not knowing. If you get rejected at least you can feel shitty for a bit but then get over it and move on. It's the not knowing that eats away at you and drives you crazy.

Good luck for next week, man. Hope she says yes :).
The retarded side effects of benzos (slurred speech, clumbsiness, memory loss) is THE WORST for me.

I second what goonbag said about family. I live with my parents and brother. My brother is like a stoner and pretty cool about my pills but my parents are like fucking PSYCHIC when it comes to me being fucked up.

I can get away with it a little as they know how severe my pain is...it's the fuckin benzos I can't hide.
On the positive side it's probably best to ask her out with a clear head. Not saying a little bit of benzo or opiate for nerves is a bad idea, but small amounts.
Totally agree that rejection is not even close to being as bad as not knowing. If you get rejected at least you can feel shitty for a bit but then get over it and move on. It's the not knowing that eats away at you and drives you crazy.

Good luck for next week, man. Hope she says yes :).

Hey man, thank you. you had no idea how much that made me want to do it. I took your advice and fully agree. it helped.

sorry to go off topic, but in a way it is not. I asked her out. it went awesome, even though it turned out no good. it was the opposite of buzzkill, which should of been . this was from 5mg of valium which did a bit for me i guess.

Everything went good, but when i asked her out she said she has a boyfriend or 'dating someone' and said she really would otherwise. funny thing because last time she was talking about her ex boyfriend :S she is a bit older than me. rejection wasn't bad, even though it sucked. this feeling though was a 100x better than last time and now I know. Damn, i felt so euphoric after asking her the rush was amazing walking out.. like a bolt of warm electricity. given me a bit of confidence and i don't care what one girl thinks of me.

so i'm 80% over it and it has been like an hour... then she randomly txts me.. like WTF. Though she has my number and has called once before from their work (had to, nothing personal) .but in the txt tells me the exact same thing she already expressed, and even tells me to pop back into her work. i haven't replied obv, but why txt me that? is she expecting me to reply? Now i have her personal number, and i think the result is if i reply i can truly just be friends with her, or leave it and not reply. I want to tell her it's best for both of us if we don't see each other again.

Who knows i'm confused, why the hell did she have to txt me with her phone it would have bee better if she didn't.
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shes obviously either interested in being friends (i know, curse the thought ;)) and wanted you to have her number to contact her.


she may just be a little interested.

or...and you wont like this...

shes an attentipn seeker, seeing how tight she can keep the leash on you.

whatrver it is, dont get played a fool brotha.

*fist bump*
hey tentram, you have just hit the nail on the head.. i had those exact thoughts running through my mind but it was hard to process them as i guess i still have a little adrenaline in me.

I'm not going to give into her txt. She said what she needed to say and I'm not into wasting time playing games. Would be cool to have her as a friend though, which is the annoying thing.

I think it really depends what i want. if she ends up breaking up with her partner, as she spoke of him as that they are 'dating' so maybe not serious. don't know. I think the best bet of me getting with her and not friend zone is if i ring her, tell her that we shouldn't see each other again, because it would be bad for both of us..(me going into her work). I think that could be good closure if needed.. and see the result. does this sound weird or okay to do?

Damn why did she have to txt me arrgghh. sorry to go off topic but I don't have anyone to talk to about it.

And let that be a lesson to you all, if i can do it, anyone can.. if you like someone, ask them out.. go for it. It's worth it to find out.

any advice welcome. i am 23 she is 27.
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Hey man, thank you. you had no idea how much that made me want to do it. I took your advice and fully agree. it helped.

sorry to go off topic, but in a way it is not. I asked her out. it went awesome, even though it turned out no good. it was the opposite of buzzkill, which should of been . this was from 5mg of valium which did a bit for me i guess.

Everything went good, but when i asked her out she said she has a boyfriend or 'dating someone' and said she really would otherwise. funny thing because last time she was talking about her ex boyfriend :S she is a bit older than me. rejection wasn't bad, even though it sucked. this feeling though was a 100x better than last time and now I know. Damn, i felt so euphoric after asking her the rush was amazing walking out.. like a bolt of warm electricity. given me a bit of confidence and i don't care what one girl thinks of me.

so i'm 80% over it and it has been like an hour... then she randomly txts me.. like WTF. Though she has my number and has called once before from their work (had to, nothing personal) .but in the txt tells me the exact same thing she already expressed, and even tells me to pop back into her work. i haven't replied obv, but why txt me that? is she expecting me to reply? Now i have her personal number, and i think the result is if i reply i can truly just be friends with her, or leave it and not reply. I want to tell her it's best for both of us if we don't see each other again.

Who knows i'm confused, why the hell did she have to txt me with her phone it would have bee better if she didn't.

Hey, I'm really glad I helped :) and that's great that you came out of it feeling good even if you didn't quite get the answer you were looking for.
From her textin' you I'd say it's either a) she likes you and wants to keep in touch in case things go tits up with her boyfriend (and she'd like to get tits up with you :p...sorry lol) b) she thinks you're a nice guy and wants to be friends or c) she's an attention whore.
Options one and two are pretty good but if you begin to suspect option 3, drop it with her. Don't get played, bro.

And I know what you mean, it always feels so fucking good to get something like that off your chest! Like a big euphoric sign of relief.
on my *large amount* of acid trip i made the mistake of going out walking and "dating" a complete asshole. anyway, it was pretty horrifying and i saw some shit, but in the end i saw a beautiful tree made of twisted human bodies and the white album in my ipod saved me and i was okay even tho i ended up glued to this idiot's floor for like 15 hours or something. just sweating and glued. at least i could operate my ipod. i mean, i learned something. even though it was really fucking awful for a long time. i mean i told him i was tripping and he just kept walking me around in the heat and everything looked liked snakes and alligators and i was like YOU FUCKING IDIOT I NEED TO GET INSIDE and the first placehe took me was a bar.....i remember sweating so much i could hardly see. i think the few drinks helped but i don't remember. all i remember is he's a cunt i will never acknowledge again. and he ke[t going ON AND ON about he has to take me to this museum show of his friends to show her what a "real" girl is who is living a "real" life and shove it in her face and i was like just FUCK OFF FOREVER I AM LISTENING TO THE BEATLES ON YOUR HARD WOOD FLOOR BECAUSE THERE'S NOTHING ELSE I CAN DO. so he pretty much ruined it and made me glued to his floor, but? it's my mind. and i always prosper. so i'm not worried over it. it just happened. whatever.
In the nightclub, at 8am, when everyone is in "comedown", all the people paranoid, crazy faces.
Best buzz kill -- getting high with a bunch of people you have absolutely no intellectual connection with.
Another with be just being with other people in general....Hell is other people.
Oh I forgot to add -- fucking moochers and realizing that someone just stole your wallet and cellphone
one of the worst buzzkills remember was a Friday afternoon in high school, my best bud and I picked up a fat sack and a bunch of other supplies and went back to his parents house where we were all set for the weekend while his rents were away. We were hitting the bong hard and playing Nintendo when his father called, I sat there while my friend listened to 20 minutes straight of instructions, he looked like he wanted to cry-- we had to go to city hall and register his dad's fucking firearms. His dad forgot to do it before leaving and there was no way it could wait, it had to be done that afternoon cause there was some kind of deadline. It was unreal, we were stoned as fuck, I mean we could barely understand English never mind deal with complex tasks, and we had to collect a shitload of important paperwork, then drive through rush hour traffic to the straightest, most cop-filled building in town, and deal with evil bureaucrats in the most uptight department in the city outside of the actual police and courts, which was right next door to town hall

Lol, thought we were never going to survive that ordeal, just parking was hell, my friend's truck was literally surrounded on every side by cop cars. Fuuuuucccckkkkkkk...
'are you okay' and 'what did you take' and that sort of thing. if i look fucked up 'some water here if you want it, just say if you need anything' is fine, leave it there. 'are you okay' every 2 minutes while im trying to carry on a normal conversation is retarded. i am where i want to be, and i got there on purpose, with a dose i knew would do the job before i did it, so fuck off!