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RCs Big Mephedrone thread

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so far enjoying the meph and acid combo. had a 200mg bomb, few lines just small and then getting bigger. been drinking as well.

mate and his mrs having a right barney, im just watchin the colours and listening to some good house...

hopefully they will shut up sooner or later lol
Tried it. Got the powdered sugar-type stuff.

What a nasty useless drug for the most part. Snorted it and found some minor effects, though I find adderall (which I have an rx) more fun to be honest. Then I bombed around 150. Felt barely anything -- just queasiness. I then snorted several huge lines. Again -- not much to write home about compared to legal speed.

Side effects: burning sensation in the nose, nasty drip, more-ish (when you snort you never PEAK like on Coke so you always want to do more)... lots of chatter so everyone knows you're tweakin' out. Water retention at the end of the night and then you have to pee really bad.

I did mix it at one point with 200mg Methylone which was pleasant in its own right -- though the "rolling" effects of Methylone last less than an hour (with another couple of hours of empathy.)

Can't find ONE reason here to give up MDMA, boys. This is a LOT more sketchy and costs more (at least where I am).

If you are talking about mephedrone here... than i feel sorry for you. and would recomend you giveing it another try from a diffrent source, you should def fell it all on its own.
mephedrone doesn't hurt that bad when snorting.. i found 200mg as a first dose was fine.. i redosed several timmes later
I've been reading up on mephadrone aload recently on this forums and others etc and was wondering whether some experienced users could clear something up for me.

For a while now i've been going to a local headshop near me which sells this stuff called sparkle*snip*

Now i've been wondering since i read about mephadrone whether this is likely to be the same thing, and they've just been buying mephedrone or methylone and just cutting it with caffine or something and selling it on for £40 on the gram.

From what i've read about mephadrone it seems fairly familliar to sparkle, close effects to mdma etc.

What i'd like help with is if this is just mephadrone, then why am i spending 40 on a G when mephadrone from an RC is like 15.

Also does mephadrone have any adverse side effects, and have any users experienced any problems with it, as much as i know the risks that comes with putting stuff up your nose, i don't want to be putting something in my body that's as physicaly damaging as skag or meth..

As with sparkle i've done 2 grams in a night before with no unwanted side effects, but there seems to be a barrier i hit where i'm absoloutely nutted for about an hour just after doing a couple of 200mg lines then after that i can't really come up again no matter how much i take, just kind of tops up the buzz and keeps the gurning going, is this the same with mephadrone?

any help would be gratefully appreciated and might save me aload of money =]
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Pertaining to the adverse side effects, I think that any drug has its own fair share negative effects it has on the body. As for causing major damage, no, I don't think Mephedrone is THAT harmful to the body if taken in reasonable amounts. It is a Research Chemical no less, so it's really a gamble that's up to you.

What type of effects do you get from the "sparkle"? Can you relate it to the intensity of another drug? Mephedrone is very similar to MDMA in my opinion but feels as if it is a more amped up version of it. When snorted it lasts around an hour with the first 10 minutes being a very intense rush complete with eye flutters and extreme euphoria. When the hour is approaching you can mentally feel the Mephedrone surge drop. Physical effects such as electrically tingling skin, gurning, and distorted vision usually still linger after the first hour is up.

Has anyone tested this with a Marquis Reagent??

If anyone has the chance please do, It would be a great help to know the colour reaction.


MEPHEDRONE has no reaction to marquis,no reaction to mecke, turns orangeybrown then yellow with mandelin, but funnily enough turns royal blue with simon's reagent.

METHYLONE turns bright canary yellow with marquis reagent.
MEPHEDRONE has no reaction to marquis,no reaction to mecke, turns orangeybrown then yellow with mandelin, but funnily enough turns royal blue with simon's reagent.

METHYLONE turns bright canary yellow with marquis reagent.

royal blue and bright canary yellow, I love the imagery :) How colorful.
Sparkle = Mephadrone?

I have never taken MDMA, as i can't get hold of it at all, so i don't really have anything to compare it too, it's deffinately alot stronger and better than BZP and all other legal highs i have tried, I have a freind that has taken MDMA and sparkle and assures me that sparkle is good but not quite as good as MDMA, though he's only taken MDMA once so i don't think his opinion is entirely reliable.

From how you have described mephadrone it seems pretty simmilar to "sparkle" basicly if you do it in small amounts say 50mg lines every hour it just keeps you buzzed, where as if you do alot in a short space of time, say two 100mg lines in 10 minutes you get an intense rush of euphoria, feels like everything is entirely new and you've never seen it before, all senses especially touch is multiplied by about 1000 times, there's no comedown, but after about an hour when it starts to wear off you start to get annoyed that you're not up so much as you were before as it's so good, then after you still have the physical effects of cold air feeling tingely gurning, urge to smoke a hell of alot.

Weed seems to kill the annoying feeling in the back of your head that it's not so good anymore, makes you feel empty and have the ability to look at anything for ages without ever really working out why it's there when mixed with weed though.
Meph and acid sounds like FUCKING WIN to me tbh.

aye mate, managed to make lunch for me and my mate, walk the dog, have some more wine and cereal. now its time to bed as my mrs is back tomorrow.

nothing broken although the neighbours may have heard my mate having a mini freak out......bunch of flowers and bottle of whiskey should sort it.

really good visuals for acid that seemingly pretty poor.......tracers and a good happy buzz underneath.

will have again maybe xmas time.=D
I did have an essay written in this box but I have decided to simplify my finding's a wee bit.

Very good, Economical, I worked well in the morning compared to other substances.

As like every other stimulants, sleep isn't normal but its definitely not unmanageable like some stuff which is masquerading around the streets at the moment (pipes).

I'm going to echo the view's of many other users, be careful, very careful, this stuff is potentially addictive and we dont know what it really can do to your body. Be wise.
I have been using Mephedrone semi heavily for the past 3 months. The only "addictive" behavior I have noticed is fiending directly afterwards. Otherwise I can go weeks without doing Mephedrone and not encounter any physical or psychological withdrawal symptoms.
only thing ive found is pretty dodgy poo yesterday and last night, but that could be lack of food, drink, acid or the meph. did sleep not too bad on saturday night after taking a mogadon and 2 herbal sleepers. crazy dreams last nite which wasnt too bad. feeling a bit yucky today, multivits fruit and some good food should sort that out.

overall, meph isnt bad, it isnt amazing but definately keeping some stored away for xmas time.
I have been using Mephedrone for about 5 days and wiped out 1.7 grams, first times 100-120mg, then using 150-160mg. Then I paused one day because the negative cardiac effects seem to get stronger and the overwhelming positive effects wear off quite a bit and even the duration seemed to get gradually get shorter. Today, I took 160mg and the positive effects like euphoria and strong body load and even motivation, stimulation, having absolutely no appetite, dry mouth etc have almost completely vanished. The body feeling is quite uncomfortable, dominating cardiac effects and a nasty restlessness... I can even eat naturally! though, the dilation of the pupils is still there.

I am really surprised that the physical tolerance of mephedrone is developing that fast and it's making me quite worried. Please tell me, is this fast developing tolerance common? Have you also experienced the same effects as me? Will the tolerace re-develop or is this like with MDMA where you probably will never reach the same astonishing feeling as the first time?
Well, I will definately pause the mephedrone consumption for a few weeks, there are still more than 3.3g left. Too bad...

Oh, seems that I accidentaly posted on two different Mephedrone mega-threads. Quite confusing for a newbie. :) I posted also in the EU mega-thread, because I had my fist "real" hallucinations after the mephe effects wore off.
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I've been reading up on mephadrone aload recently on this forums and others etc and was wondering whether some experienced users could clear something up for me.

For a while now i've been going to a local headshop near me which sells this stuff called sparkle*snip*

Now i've been wondering since i read about mephadrone whether this is likely to be the same thing, and they've just been buying mephedrone or methylone and just cutting it with caffine or something and selling it on for £40 on the gram.

From what i've read about mephadrone it seems fairly familliar to sparkle, close effects to mdma etc.

What i'd like help with is if this is just mephadrone, then why am i spending 40 on a G when mephadrone from an RC is like 15.

I've had LP Sparkle, and can assure you its NOT just mephedrone. It doesn't list the ingredients on the packaging lol, but I'm guessing Sparkle is mainly methylone + other unknown active ingredients, with perhaps just a little mephedrone in there. Anyway, to answer your question, no its NOT as good as pure mephedrone & is NOT worth the £40 price tag. Get some meph from a decent online vendor..

Also does mephadrone have any adverse side effects, and have any users experienced any problems with it, as much as i know the risks that comes with putting stuff up your nose, i don't want to be putting something in my body that's as physicaly damaging as skag or meth..

Yes it does have side-effects/problems. Read this thread...
I have developed a decent tolerance to Mephedrone over the past few months but nothing drastic. You do need to give yourself time in between days. Dosing day after day will definitely run you dry fast...but after a few clean days you will be high and mighty once again :).
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