• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Bicarbonate and urinary ketamine/hydroxyketamine


Sr. Moderator: N&PD, S&T
Staff member
May 11, 2011
Would it be bad to consume bicarbonate with ketamine?

The pKa is 7.5 for ketamine and one random study I cherry picked a figure from using Google images showed that urine pH can reach 8.1 or so after pre treatment with bicarbonate. It may be likely that unmetabolized ketamine could reabsorb through the bladder in a basified state. Is it right to think that would increase bladder exposure to the drug due to futile cycling?

I don't think the toxicity is from acidity, but would there be any benefit to the buffering ability of the bicarbonate ion?
skorpio, tell you what. im not into theories that much. UNLESS there is to be an essay written for points. but im really interested in testing this what you say here, and experience it myself, and give serious experience output. problem is severe though. how can i ever do that? i have been trying to test ketamine for ages now and no luck. its sad that most people will die before they can have probable life saving experience from something that already exists and is on the market but not allowed due to many BS reasons, especially lack of financial resources