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Best wisdom or advice on staying clean you have heard at a recovery meeting??

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.
"You can't think your way into sober living, but you can live your way into sober thinking"
AA is a good deal ,for some people ,im a bit of a "handle my own business ", kind of fellow ,although my higher power is very much involved in me staying sober ....

But the best i heard in AA , dont drink the first and you wont want the second .

I dont go to AA anymore ,but it helped me get over the hump of the bad drinking .
It's not the 10th drink that does the damage it's the first one.

Oh how true that is:(
Moe Bandy has a song called "honkey tonk amneisa " ,one of the verses is 1 is too many and 12 are not enough ........... how true .

What some people fail to realize is quite a few of us "abusers " have an underlying problem ,some mental issue we drown with chemicals ,booze ,ect .
Moe Bandy has a song called "honkey tonk amneisa " ,one of the verses is 1 is too many and 12 are not enough ........... how true .

What some people fail to realize is quite a few of us "abusers " have an underlying problem ,some mental issue we drown with chemicals ,booze ,ect .
Very true, one of the quotes of NA/AA is "One is too many and a thousand is never enough", if we meditate on this and ask ourselves why we need the first one to begin with and fix that problem, the rest will follow. Easier said then done i know but the greatest lesson i've learned is to not count the days that you have sober but to live everyday knowing that you've done all you could to stay sober. For instance I know a couple people in NA with 30+ years clean and they still take it day by day. And like someone said relapses are no accidents, they are learning lessons. I think the longer you stay in NA/AA and/or keep working towards a healthier lifestyle the more prone you are to stay clean. Like they say "a head full of AA/NA and a stomach full of liquor/narcotics is a bad place to be" based on the knowledge we gain through the steps and the program. Take whatever you can from it, programs are not for everyone and i know people who've only gone a couple times and took something away that saved their life. So if anyone's on the fence, try it at least once, what have you got to lose?
Easier said then done i know but the greatest lesson i've learned is to not count the days that you have sober but to live everyday knowing that you've done all you could to stay sober. .
+ the highest number possible + infinity + 2x anything else anyone adds on<3
You don't get high because your buddy is getting high next to you; you get high because YOU want to get high.

We are only responsible for our own actions.

You can't relapse if you're not working a program; you just got high again.

You can't measure someone else's desire to stop using and stay clean.

The 13th step kept me coming back.

We do recover.

When we substitute one drug for another, we release our addiction all over again.

Finally the best one I've found: the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using.
We hit bottom when our quality of life declines faster than we can lower our standards.

-You never get a second chance to make a final impression.

more later when i find my notebook where i wrote down all the little pieces of wisdom i hear at meetings. Too fuckin' tired to remember right now, the few i can think of at the moment were already posted.
"So a guy is standing on his roof because it's flooding. Someone drives by in a car, tells him he's got to come with them it's going to flood really bad. He says no, god is going to take care of me. It ends up flooding and boats are coming by, someone waves from a boat saying he's got to come with them or he'll die. He said no, god is going to take care of me. It ends up getting to where the military is called for aid. A hella-copter comes in and yells he's got to get out now. He said no, god is going to take care of me.

He ends up drowning. When he woke up in "heaven" he asked god Why, because I put all my faith into you. God replied by saying...I sent you a car, a boat, and a hella-copter..what else do you want from me?"
my first sponsor told me: "you only have to give up this one freedom ( the freedom to use) to have all the other freedoms in life." Turns out he was right :)
So many people think that 12 step programs shove religion down your throat, and it's just not true. The higher power they speak of can mean anything.
Along that note the best thing I ever head was "religion is for people that don't want to go to hell, spirituality is for people that have already been there"
"How do you eat a whole whale? One bite at a time".

Got it from another addiction/sobriety forum.

Also something like ' If you're not sick and tired of being sick and tired than you had'nt had enough.'