Best way to use these Meds to get clean from an Opiate addiction...?


Nov 30, 2011
Ok so basically I'm quitting Opana tomorrow. I was an oxy addict for 2 years, up to 500+mg a day, went to treatment in May for 45 days, was clean for 3 months and now I have relapsed and been using oxy, and then Opana this time, for 3 months- Oxy for the first 2 and the last month STRICTLY Opana ( started at 40mg a day- over from the 100mg oxy a day for the initial 2 months- and within a month I am now snorting 200mg of opana a day)

So, since I live with my mom and she doesn't know I have relapsed, I am planning on timing my withdrawal around the nighttime. This means I will take my last dose of 40mg tomorrow morning at 11am- let me explain...

I have meds at my disposal, random stuff I saved for this occasion, and suboxone. So I'm timing the withdrawal hopefully so that if I dose at 11am I will be functional during the daylight hours (when I'm around my family) and the withdrawals will set in around bedtime. I can suffer through the night and then take the suboxone 24-30 hours after my last dose (11am-3pm Tuesday)


How can I best utilize the following meds to get through this? I know opana WD is bad I've been an addict for 2.5 yrs i know what is coming lol but I think the plan I have is ok...

10 8mg Suboxone (have a taper schedule, question is more for the other meds)
8 350mg Soma
4 2mg Xanax
10 10 mg Valium
I have access to additions of any of these as well as Lopermide I plan on using at doses around 25mg as its helped before (possibly just placebo but whatever)

Basically my plan is to dose in the AM, then tomorrow night when the withdrawal sets in, knock myself out with 3-4mg or so of Xanax and 700mg Soma. That should help me sleep until the 21-22 hour mark. I'll then suck it up until I can dose on suboxone around 24-30hrs (start with 4mg or so, taper down for a week and hop off). While on the subs I should be ok, as I know from past experiences of the same kind, I'll use the Valium or Xanax in small doses as needed nd save the rest for after I come off the subs

Does this sound good? Advice is appreciated.
Please no people who are going to say "just throw the meds out quit CT" and things to that effect. I know what I'm doing in terms of these meds, I'm asking if anyone has a BETTER PLAN or has used these meds in a similar fashion. Thanks in advance!!
First of all, you have way more than enough Sub, IMO. I've used one 8mg pill to taper, from smoking a gram of heroin a day. I'm not someone who believes that someone who's used for 5 years has longer and harder WD's than someone who's used for 3 months....I think once your receptors are saturated for anything long enough to be dependent, you are addicted. So, yeah, I used about 2mg the first day, took 1mg 24 hrs later, then another 1mg about 36 hrs later, then down from there, til I was just taking crumbs, more for the mental aspect of the WD. I still had about 1-2 mg's left in the end.

However since you have a decent amount of benzos, I'd say knock yourself out with that for the first 24-36 hours....just sleep, wake up, take 2mg xanax and a few somas, sleep more....etc. once you reach bout 48 hrs, you'll be almost at the peak of the WD's, you could take like 1-2 mg's of sub to coast are so very, very lucky to have those meds....good luck to you.
i dont know the strength on opana but i would suggest 1-2mg to start with till your stable then lower 0.5-1mg and get stable, or follow your tapper plan :)

i would get the comfort drugs to a mimimum, alto i know how it can be, its just a little advice
if only used when needed these meds can really be nice when going tru wd/s

Soma (Carisoprodol) 0.5-1x amount of 350mg (centrally-acting skeletal muscle relaxant.)
Diazepam 1-2x 5mg(anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, hypnotic, sedative, muscle relaxant, amnestic.)
Alprazolam 1-2x 0.5mg(anxiolytic, sedative, hypnotic, muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant, amnestic.)

Warning - Dose as needed, but try holding it to a mimimum low!.
i know, your not stupid but ill better use 2secs on writing a little warning hold it to when really needed, else it just makes it worse!.

(take 1x of any of those doses for required effects, wait for the effects, take a dose more if needed.)
its importent you just use the minimum narcotics to tapper with, but use what dose works for you!, this is judt examples of a small regimen.

OTC medicine remedies: (can really be helpfull!.)
loperamide 10-16mg - (just for the edge, and stomach. maximum dose 16 mg/day)
anti-nausia (sedating/hypnotic/anti-nausia antihistamines)
8mg codeine/paracetamol (e.g. Tylenol 1 in US/Canada) (analgesic pain reliever and antipyretic (fever reducer))
Aspirin (used to treat fever, pain, inflammatory, strokes, heart attacks) (dont mix with paracetamol, use ibuprofon instead if you have taken aspirin.)
ibuprofen (used for symptoms of fever, as an analgesic (pain reliever)).

suplements (maybe some vitamin/nutricients, some protein supplements.)

but be carefull not to mix any medicine that shouldt be! - be safe :)

Good natural remedies: - (this is what works, just give it some time to get it doing again.)
relaxing tea - green/white (try cutting out coffeine, sukker and nicotine,)
hot bath's - (helps ease the body a bit, and make you a short good body feeling.)
sunlight - (and lots of it, a b-vetamin lamp can even help, but is nowhere neer real sun)
activities - (active and social prefered, some sort of body training need to be hard.)
good food, - (fish if its not to much, try get your vitamin and nutrucient levels back)
sleep cycle - (important, can be reduced or increased by depression, but keep rutine times.)
good rutines - (get up, eat, do some rutines, go to sleep the same times. it does make you in a better mood, believe it or not...)
cleaning - (yeah maby its not funny but if you do it it helps you allaround, social, mood,)

i hope some of my late night ramble helped a bit, best of luck with the recovery!

my status:
im at ~1mg buprenorphine a day and quite stable at last (took me months to sleep)
maybe i take 7.5-30mg oxazepam a day when im feeling down or trouble sleeping...

a benzo when needed witch is not every day! but more like 2-4 days apart
sometimes weeks, but ive been a little down lately (winder(less sun) and cristmas, every body being so happy, i hate to force on my happyness!) soo ive taken a little extra here lately
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This question is really not suited for "The Dark Side" --you're really looking for a nuts-and-bolts answer and you're more likely
to get that in "Other Drugs" so I would repost your question there.