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best way to take mushies

Sent to me from a friend via e-mail. I've cut out a lot and only posted the parts that were relevant to this topic...
You can consume them by eating them or, better even, by making tea
with them. It you eat them you should chew them really well before swallowing them.
Don't indulge on them right away but start out with less than one gram and see how you feel. Later on, you can always eat some more. Keep in mind that it can take anywhere in between half an hour and one whole hour before the effects start kicking in. So, patience is the key word. To make tea with them, you need to add about one gram per person to a pot of boiling water. Lower the heat and allow it to simmer (not boil) for
about 20 minutes. Add sweet tea or honey for the taste; do not use sugar as a sweetener, for this will reduce the effects of mushrooms. Each person should drink about one cup, and start out with eating just a tiny bit of the boiled mushrooms. By drinking tea, you will be able to feel the effects sooner, but it can still take as long as 45 minutes (If you take them
on a full stomach it may even take longer). It is best to take the mushrooms on an empty stomach, or at least three hours after a light meal. A full stomach will reduce the effects and it may cause nausea. In case you do not feel all that well after all, you should sit or lay down and take large amounts of sugar and/or vitamin C.
Also I remember reading somewhere that u shouldn't drink milk (or consume any dairy products for that matter) when shrooming. Can't quite remember why though. Prolly something to do with throwing up

"Yes, I am one of the most despised and despicable of media monsters, that blight of corruption against morality and decency and law’n’order — one who chooses to partake of consciousness-altering flowering herbs and alchemical essences — a drug user!"
Shite, am I the only one who dries them out, cuts them up and smokes them??
hey, it works for me

Natures candy!
My method always gets strange looks and unflattering comments but believe me it works and tastes OK.
Put them in vegemite sandwiches.
And the Mission is the Mouse...