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Best way to take Methadone?


Sep 19, 2010
IM and IV administrations are out of the question for me so with that being said what is the best possible way for me to take Methadone? Iv been popping them and the buzz has been about moderate depending on how many i take and it lasts throughout the day.
orally. its a pill, thats how its meant to be taken. if it were meant to be taken any other way, it would've been made that way. its made to be taken the most effective way, which is to swallow it.

and theres no need to bump a thread 24 minutes after posting the thread when there haven't been any other new posts in that 24 minutes. on this board, theres really no need to bump at all. someone will get to it eventually. just some info for you since you're new.
No method is more effective than oral use for methadone, even outside of a "that's-what-it's-meant-for" perspective, nothing else will get you higher. The only reason that people shoot methadone is that they're junkies with needle fetishes.
No method is more effective than oral use for methadone, even outside of a "that's-what-it's-meant-for" perspective, nothing else will get you higher. The only reason that people shoot methadone is that they're junkies with needle fetishes.

Yeah that's very well said!

If you saw the thread that was on here a day or two ago, it explained how there are 3 types of methadone on the market these days. And if you do any kind of research about the drug you will note that methadone was made by the Germans during WWII when they ran out of morphine.

It was meant to take orally and go directly into the blood stream. So if you get the good original kind of methadone there’s no better way of taking it than orally.

Actually the best way to take any methadone is orally; it's just made that way