• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Best study aid?

i find stimulants distracting trying to study, maybe a coffee or something, but even a couple of coffees make it harder to focus on what im supposed to be doing. A good nights sleep is the best.

The formula I mentioned does none of that. It gives you calm focus while taking the edge of fatigue and stress. You dont feel tired OR like you are jumping out of your skin.

Its even better than a good nights sleep....maybe not for too many nights in a row, but I do better on that mix with no sleep that without it after sleeping 12 hours.
Nothing beats amphetamine, Adderall, for studying. They even give it to 10 year olds who have ADD, so you know it's safe.
Provigil is also excellent.

Is it toxic to combine provigil with other stimulants? It seems fine with coffee.
Is it toxic to combine provigil with other stimulants?

Nope. Though I have found it a bit redundant and superfluous, especially when administered alongside more powerful drugs like amphetamines.
I like to combine all my racetams together into a cocktail, oxi+pram+pir is really fantastic in the morning!
Can anyone remember in "SlimXtreme" by AnabolicXtreme?

It contains the rc:



CAS: 22348-31-8

known as
- 2-benzhydrylpyrrolidine
- Phenyl-pyrrolidinyltoluene (named by AthleticXtreme)


Desoxy-D2PM is also very similar to:

a) Desoxypipradrol (2-DPMP)
b) Diphenylprolinol (D2PM)
c) Methylphenidate (Ritalin, MPH, MPD)


It was the best study aid I ever tried, much better than 3-FA, 2-FA, 2-FAM or Methylpendiate.

2-(Diphenylmethyl)pyrrolidine is a long lasting stimulant (10-12 hours). The kognitive effects are between methylpendiate and desoxypripradol: longer and more intense than methylpendiate but not long as desoxypripradol.
Euphoria effects at the beginning (45-60minutes after taking). The boost-effects are not very strong, but better than coffeeine only. In SWIMS opinion a great RC to work or study, the same cognitive-feeling like on SlimXtreme.
-not the same feel-good effects
-not the same energy improvement

More information about the SilmXtreme discuss:
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I'm surprised nobody has mentioned ethylphenidate yet... I've used it to great effect for study leading up to exams and during exams. the key is to dose low enough that the classic recreational stim type effects are barely noticeable, I find around 20mg orally works perfectly for me. gives about 4-6 hours of massively increased focus and mental acuity, increased productiveness (actually getting shit done, and I'm terrible when it comes to procrastination) and critical and lateral thought. I was taking this dose 2-3x daily for around 6 weeks and found no particular impulse to redose or abuse it, and no noticeable negative side effects apart from mild irritability for about 4 days after i stopped taking it. Plus it's an RC which is widely available at the moment, and cheap as chips.
I'll +1 amphetamine, I can concentrate to such high degrees.
Only in low doses though, if I take larger amounts I get edgey about things,'this doesn't feel right'. So ll drop what I'm doing immediately and move onto something else. When your studying, such a bad idea. Forget about your work and then, 8hrs later when your finally slowing down, you realise why you took the amphetamine and how many hrs you've wasted doing, essentially, nothing.

Dosages are sketchy with street speed, so many varying potencys,no way to really know.
ALSO 1 big draw back with speed,is its so god damn moorisjh. Like a pack of buiscuits. You open a pack, then before you know it you've eaten them all. So many occasions, I've measured out a dose and said to myself, this is all I'm having, let's get shit done. Only 12 hours later, I'm sat saucer-eyed licking an empty bag.

Haha, I make it sound so tricky, but no, low dose amphetamine and a strong will = very good study aid.
This was a poor choice of threads to bump.
As a study aid, dopaminergic stimulants are poor choices, as they interfere with the consolidation of new long-term memories (subjectively, this might manifest as the experience of time-contraction). Save the speed for writing papers.

^^Sometimes long term memory isn't important, but rather just stuffing it in for the short-term.

Only one I've used is methylamphetamine.

As long as you don't get carried away with the dose it's great to do an epic 4 day cram session.

If you do a cheeky line just before the exam you will finish it in record time, lol.
This was a poor choice of threads to bump.
As a study aid, dopaminergic stimulants are poor choices, as they interfere with the consolidation of new long-term memories (subjectively, this might manifest as the experience of time-contraction). Save the speed for writing papers.


Thanks a lot for your post. It was all I needed to stop finding stupid pretexts to take stims. Go back to nootropics hehe.
For studying, I find that excess stimulants tend to be counterproductive, I always end up finding something way more interesting to read up about on wikipedia, and the stims give me a sense of accomplishing shit while procrastinating. Study aid and exam aid are not synonyms

I've found a mixture of two racetam nootropics to be invaluable for increasing my memory while studying, those two being Noopept and Aniracetam. A bit of caffeine goes a long way for giving the combination a pseudo-stimulant kick to it.

Come test time, stimulants will help increase your writing output, and articulation but will only be helpful in small doses. High doses will suppress latent inhibition, make you waffle and make writing coherent sentences on familiar topics difficult. You want to feel awake, but not wired. Even for someone with a tolerance from daily use, I find anything over 25mg d-Amphetamine is too much for a test

An amphetamine naive person should not take more take no more than 15mg d-Amphetamine for a test. If you took a daily regimen of nootropics to study, take them on test day, they don't really enhance exam performance per se, just studying which in turn helps exams

Oh and remember, that drugs won't magically read the textsbooks for you :)

On another topic, @ebola, yeah I'm aware about the memory consolidation issues with Amphetamine such as how you mentioned with time constriction, but does that apply to semantic memory which is what's key with exams or is it simply contextual episodic memory. The former seems unscathed or even enhanced (due to better executive functioning allowing better learning behaviour) by my amphetamine use (although nootropics may play a role here) although I admit there is probably some issues with episodic memory.
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Just get plenty of sleep and good food, and have a genuine interest in your field of study, and you won't need any study aids. Look at how you can improve your study skills and time management instead of what pill you can swallow to give yourself an "edge".

Sorry for the less-than-advanced answer, but its really the truth.
aminoacid said:
^^Sometimes long term memory isn't important, but rather just stuffing it in for the short-term.

That's not what's meant by "short-term memory" (in neuroscience and psychology, this has a precise, technical definition). Rather, short-term memory includes only the mental representations under current consideration, and without rehearsal, it tends to fade out after around 18 seconds for most people. Things you can recall on command after longer latencies are "long-term memories". The neural implementation is very similar whether we're talking about recall after an hour or after a year.

^^ Oh k I thought by that you meant learning something so that you can remember it months-years later as opposed to cramming it in just enough to get it down on the paper. I've never studied psychology so I don't know the exact definitions...

Next exam time I think I'll try pseudoephedrine, not just because it's so readily available, but because it seems to be milder and less overwhelmingly euphoric than meth. Anyone had experience with using pseudo in such a way?
serotonergic haze said:
but does that apply to semantic memory which is what's key with exams or is it simply contextual episodic memory.

You know, I'm not sure--I'd need to reacquaint myself with the relevant studies.

^^ Oh k I thought by that you meant learning something so that you can remember it months-years later as opposed to cramming it in just enough to get it down on the paper. I've never studied psychology so I don't know the exact definitions...

Next exam time I think I'll try pseudoephedrine, not just because it's so readily available, but because it seems to be milder and less overwhelmingly euphoric than meth. Anyone had experience with using pseudo in such a way?

I've used 120mg of pseudoephedrine in the morning as a sort of alternative to caffeine. It wakes me up and keeps me alert throughout the day, without any of the anxiety that a cup of coffee would give me. That said I tend to be ridiculously sensitive to stimulants (<2.5mg of d-amp will keep me going for 6 hours), so you might not expect as noticeable an effect as I get.
It seems that no one has mentioned phosphatidyl serine and omega-3 supplementation which can build a very healthy foundation for your brain. I would say omega-3 acid is of equal or more importance than anything on this list.
Just get plenty of sleep and good food, and have a genuine interest in your field of study, and you won't need any study aids. Look at how you can improve your study skills and time management instead of what pill you can swallow to give yourself an "edge".

He's really right. Exercise before and after you study/test, and have some coffee. That is all that is needed.
Drugs fucking suck for study aids. Seriously man, just stay away from that stuff. Despite how clear amphetamines make you feel at the time, your thought process is altered and you arent the same person. Key is to not be dependent on amphetamines (or similar drugs) for studying. After using adderall and ritalin heavily throughout highschool and in university, I can tell you that it get's you NO WHERE. I usually get too high off it now and just end up blasting youtube while smoking cigs and reading about interesting stuff on the internet. Now i use them strictly as recreational drugs since I've come to terms with that's all they're good for.
See how hard it would be for homework to get done? I've spent 10 minutes editing this post to get every word perfect.
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