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Best psychedelics for a beginner?

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Aug 6, 2014

im totally new to psychedelics and was wondering what is the best for a beginner like me. I was thinking about salvia but after a bit of reading decided against it. Are there any other legal psychedelics that would be suitable for a beginner. Also how important is a sitter because I don't trust any of my friends to look after me. Thanks
I would say 4-HO-MET would be a good place to start. The come up can be a little rough but overall it is very easy on the mind with some awesome open eyed visuals. Mescaline would also be a good choice for ones first time as other than the nausea, I can't think of a single negative aspect to the experience. Mesc may be illegal but you can purchase everything you need to make a tea or extract. Lasty, you definitely need a sitter for your first time since you have no idea how you will react.
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I suggest low dose mushrooms (1-2g's), as they would be the easiest for you to find on the black market. Other than that, I would recommend 2C-C, but seeing as obtaining 2C's can be difficult if you don't have the right connections, mushies are simply easier to obtain.

When looking for a good psych, legality should not be your concern. The more illegal ones are also better tested and way less likely to cause any issues for you physically. Things like LSD and mushies aren't gonna physically harm you, but the Nbomes which are widely legal could land you six-feet under. Things to think about.

Having a trip sitter for your first experience is generally a good idea; I always trip alone now, but it took me many trips and years of experience to truly feel comfortable with it.
2C-B, 4-HO-MET or 5-MeO-MiPT.

They're all easy going and fairly forgiving.
Hmmm, 5-meo-dalt? Low dose aMT?

Dunno, maybe 2c-b but I found it lacked that true psychedelic edge, that being said I'm nuts so...

Oh and salvia nope. That stuff messes with my head man, I hate even thinking about it

You just have to get ready for the "fear" I suppose - personally I embrace it now, but has taken a long time to do so. The first trip I went on was LSA and I thought I'd died. Had no sitter etc. put me off psychedelics for a long long time
2C-B is probably the best beginner psychedelic, but for a more 'true' psychedelic experience I'd recommend mescaline.
Only had lsd, shrooms, 4 aco dmt, 4 ho met and dxm. Of those....... 4 ho met by far. Less mind fuck, shorter duration, euphoric.
I don't know if there's really a best psychedelic for a beginner. They are all different and have different things to offer. I'd probably recommend sticking to one of the classics like LSD or mushrooms, just because they are so tried and true, relatively safe, and you can get a good idea of what you're getting yourself into because so many people have been there.

Ideally you want to do your first trip with a friend or two, people you feel very comfortable with, and that friend(s) should hopefully have a bit of experience with psychedelics. They can be tripping too, I recommend this actually because then you're on the same playing field. Don't try to do anything close to a big dose for your first time out, shoot for lower-than-average because you're just getting your feet wet.

Read about set and setting. Read about the drug you decide to take, check out trip reports. Have some good music, or get outside. Turn off your phone, TV, stay off the computer. Have some fun and adventures! Make sure you're well rested, hydrated and have eaten healthy in the recent past.

Good luck! Welcome to the forum btw.
Mescaline is a great choice, warm, gentle, friendly, and forgiving, utterly beautiful, and available in legal cacti, but hard to dose accurately because cacti vary widely in their potency. Overall I'd say 1.5-2 grams of mushrooms would be perfect and likely most easily obtainable. 1 gram of mushrooms doesn't really do it for me, it's threshold usually. Also 1/2 to 1 tab of LSD would probably be good, it's not too strong that way. As far as other psychedelics, if you can find them, the following would be good: 2C-B, 4-HO-MET, 2C-C, and 2C-D, off the top of my head.

I find I ALWAYS have the best trips outside. Inside listening to music is also good, but something about being in nature is just the best, especially for mushrooms or mescaline. I sometimes spend a trip on the computer now, but it's more or less a waste.

I also second perpetualdawn's suggestion of having a friend the first time, for someone else to be there in case you need someone. I enjoy tripping alone, and for many of my earlier trips I vastly preferred it and got more out of it, but for a first trip you should definitely have someone there. Just in case, since you don't know how you'll react.
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Yeah my first psychedelic was LSD - high powered stuff too, if I hasn't of had my friend doing it with me I can see how things might have gotten ugly. Like XOR, I like to trip solo now, but it takes a while to get comfortable in this mind space..

Hah! How we all wish we had mescaline as our first psychedelic.
I actually usually prefer tripping with people again now, but for years I only liked to trip solo. I think it's just about where you're at - psychedelics will make social interaction and vibes a whole lot more intense, and when I was younger I had a lot more social anxiety. Since then I've used psychedelics to help me get over that, and I enjoy the input of others. But only friends, or family sometimes (but they don't trip).

It definitely takes at least a trip or two (or more) to get comfortable enough to be comfortable by yourself though.
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