Best "Opiate" Songs

Back when I used to do H I'd listen to this song often when I was injecting.

(Chris Cornell) Temple of the Dog- Times Of Trouble

*The lyrics certaintly steal the show. Cornell's wide vocal range complimented by the slow mysterious dark but still serene melody will have the J-Bird's quiver and the stone sober shiver.

This tune is truly amazing!

(I'm not a user but still love this song.) *


When the spoon is hot
And the needle's sharp
And you drift away
I can hear you say
That the world in black
Is upon your back
And your body shakes
So you ditch away
And you close the shades

Don't try to do it
Don't try to kill your time
You might do it
Then you can't change your mind
You've got a hold on to your time
Till you break through these
Times of trouble

When you try to talk
And the words get hard
And they put you down
Don't you stay
Don't you ditch away

I saw you swinging
Swinging your mother's sword
I know you're playing but
Sometimes the rules get hard
But if somebody left you out on a ledge
If somebody pushed you over the edge
If somebody loved you and left you for dead
You got to hold on to your time till you break
Through these times of trouble
seems like it's been forever when in reality a lil under a month. i ain't selling my medication but i flip the script.

got this on repeat as i feel in the warmth

"Sam Stone" by John Prine , "Carmalita" by Warren Zevon , "You're not my God" by Keith Urban, "The needle and the damage done" by Neil Young
G.G. Allin - Carmelita
Smut Peddlers - Inglewood Heroin Morning.
Smut Peddlers - Do the Flop (which is in reference to od'ing on heroin I think)
Smut Peddlers - Shoot Dope
Smut Peddlers - Lennox Loner
Smut Peddlers - Mona From Pomona
Smut Peddlers - Methadone Clinic
Smut Peddlers - What The Heck (I got a neddle in my neck)
Smut Peddlers - Dope Fiend
Rancid - Dope Sick Girl
Rancid - Junkie Man
Falling Sickness - I Like Drugs (Drugs in general)
NOFX - Whoops I OD'd (doesn't say it's about opiates but I like to think it is)
NOFX - Copedendaence Day (good drug song)
NOFX - Cokie the Clown (good drug song)
NOFX - I've Become a Cliche (good drug song)
NOFX - She didn't lose her baby
this will probably be takin down, but i'll fix the link cause everyone should hear this shit.

Trippy but just as much opiated feeling IMHO

Definitely Lou Reed - Perfect Day... It's the best opiate song ever, and I'm a rap person lol
Almost need like an index of these songs that is able to be searched, there are so many. Any librarians out there?
Almost need like an index of these songs that is able to be searched, there are so many. Any librarians out there?

This thread must continue! My favourite is basically anything buy electric youth, they did two songs on the film drive with gosling(think real human bean) BUT THEY DONT HAVE AN ALBUM ZOMG, but its coming out next month and the teaser track so awesome.

IF any are repeats, quanto lo siento
[video=youtube_share;1otngu-8dL0][/video] gives the Neil Young version a run for its money


Try BOC, all nostalgic and stuffs
I might have said it before, but I think "Big in Japan" is a good metaphor for that. It kind of makes you have to make you face up to the silliness of it all and is really quite tragic.
