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best oil to use when making pot brownies?


Mar 25, 2003
the title say it all.

what is the best cooking oil to use, olive oil, canola oil, vegetable oil, or plain ole butter?

thanks for any tips.
That doesn't even answer his question at all.

I hear peanut oil is the best, from a quick google search, not sure.
Use a 50/50 Canola + Vegetable oil blend, not sure about Peanut Oil though
i use all canola but that doesnt mean it is best. but it does work damn good
For move baking, if the recipe calls for simply vegetable oil, that's what I buy. I just checked on the bottle of the stuff I just used tonight to bake a cake, it's 100% soybean oil.
aww man, i forgot i made this dumb thread. mods please forgive, i was k-pin'ed out my head.

obvious answer would be the oil with the highest fat content would work best. which i think is canola oil?
What about sesame oil? That's what they use for pills containing THC like marinol.
I would say just stick with fats you would normally want to use when preparing food(ie the "healthy" polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats)
i dont make weed edibles enough to give a shit about the health facts, but to those who thier primary method of ingestion is eating weed in edibles then i would say this is important
plain old butter, and heres a cool tip, if your just cooked oils and butter, put it into a tub with some water and then put it in the freezer, all the shitty gunk and nasty extras like leftover bud/leaf, it will all sink to the bottom, and the oil/butter will rise to the top, and then you just scrape it away before it thaws. Cleanest butters ever.
^yea, but use your fridge, not your freezer. and you should cook it with that water, not just add it when you are done.
"The boiling water method"

Any other way is wasting your THC and making a skanky product in which will leave plant material which is inactive & just a filler.

Secondly, this is the best way to ensure you dont loose your THC due to the fire being too hot. Oil in a fan on the other hand will leave your finished product weak in comparison.

I. A quick pot butter recipie

1) You'll need two pots of different sizes. Pour some water in the larger one and put butter in the small one. Now put the pots small inside the larger one and You're ready to melt down the butter.
2) After the butter has melted, add pot in the amount of Your desire. Remember, the more pot You add to the mixture, the stronger the cookies will become ;)
(Proportions example: 1 ounce of pot to 6-7 sticks of butter)
3) Simmer the mixture for about 30mins-1hourmin and remember to stir it every few minutes.
4) Give it a few minutes to cool down a bit and then strain out the butter into deep plate or a bowl.
5) Squeeze all the juice out of it and put aside to cool down.
6) Once cooled to room temperature put in fridge for few hours to coagulate.
7) Have fun ;)

II The best pot butter recipie

The first step in cooking magical cannabis-laced foods is extracting the cannabinoids (THC, CBD, and many many more) from the plant matter, usually in a oil/fat/butter-based solution, since the cannabinoids do not readily dissolve in water. My best FOAF has a method for doing this that he has not seen mention of in this forum. He got it from a little book called _The Art and Science of Cooking with Cannabis_, by Adam Gottlieb, orignally published in 1974. Gottlieb calls the product of the extraction `CANNABUTTER'.

The procedure is actually very simple. He brings a pot of water to a rolling boil, then puts a small amount of butter in the water. Quickly, the butter melts, and mixes in with the water because the whole mixture is at a rolling boil.

Pot brownies true story:
Policeman steals evidence, then makes pot cookies, trips and calls 911

Then he puts the grass in and boils it. (Of course, he separates all the seeds first so he can plant them in the nearby park.) Now all the grass is riling around with the water and butter, and get this: The cannabinoids dissolve into the butter, while most of the nasty flavors and gook dissolve into the water. He stirs the stuff regularly. After cooking the grass like this for a while (say, half an hour), his kitchen really smells incriminating. He strains out the spent plant matter, squeezes all the juice out of it, and puts the liquid in the fridge.

A few hours later, the mixture is cool enough that the cannabutter has solidified on the surface. It looks kind of scummy, but its just enchanted butter. He scoops it out and retains it in a bowl or a jar. The grass-nasty water is thrown out.

Although this method takes longer than the usual saute-n-strain method, it has several advantages:
* As explained above, the nasty shit is separated and removed from the fun shit.
* You can make stronger cannabutter than by saute-ing, because you can cook more grass in the same amount of butter, due to the extra volume of the water.
* There is no danger of burning the precious, price-inflated, hard and dangerous to obtain herb, as there is when you saute, because the water keeps the whole mixture at boiling temperature!
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^^^ explain why oil "wastes THC n makes a skanky product" again please?

EDIT: that link was nothing new and aside from using water n butter there is no difference in that technique then what anyone/everyone else was tryin to describe by using oil, its a matter of preference
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Your keeping impurities lodged in your oil which you later consume; With the above they're removed with the water.

Also, the oils you guys mentioned have boiling points which surpasses that of THC's evaporation point, a little bit of science & the rest is self explanatory. They're several posts on this site as well as other cannabis related sites explaining this, the search function is nice, use it.

In my providence dealers who make edibles & then sell to people with plant material still in it get made fun of. The most experienced users can tell the dealer is a noobie.
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no body suggested leavin plant matter in in the brownies, i think you made that assumption

also oils dont have a 'boiling point' they have what are known as smoke points. and most people who use oil for cooking dont heat it up till it starts smoking
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In my experience peanut oil is the best. You don't want to use butter unless you're making the brownies from scratch.
^ no way, clearly SourDieasel420 posted the only method of making good brownies. UTFSE, duh.