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Best music on MDMA?

Trance from the late 90s and early 2000s. I completely understand why E was the drug of choice for those raves.
Goa/Prog Trance when I am peaking and Tech-House for the comedown session.
Generally not a fan of hardstyle,, but this is the MOST euphoric song I have ever heard , heard it while on 220 mg MDMA and after just having done a cocktail line of 50 mg MDMA, 10 mg 2c-b and 35 mg ketamine. Everything kicked in so fucking hard and I was under the sky with millions of stars with the speakers blasting the music. This was the most music euphoria I have ever felt, EVER.
good part starts at 1:25

Also my favorite techno song of all time (recommend it to anybody who loves techno)

4:25-5:30 is absolute win
I'm really not into electronic music 90% of the time...am I the only one who prefers nice instrumental stuff like jazz?!
Any thing EDM heck i'll even enjoy remixed pop music if i am having a good night.( I know lame but i'm a bit of a dag at heart) Don't mind the oldies radio station for the come down but hate having to listen to cover bands/tribute bands or acoustic music. Talk about a total buzz kill. That comes from taking drugs while working at night clubs when younger. I've never understood the appeal of seeing a cover band week in week out that plays the same songs, i guess it brings out happy memories for a lot of drinkers.

These days i don't work in bars or take pills but when i am tweaking on meth commercial FM radio stations are good enough, even hearing the same ads every 30 mins or so doesn't do my head in but that says more about how much i enjoy meth.
I definitely enjoy more chill slow electronic like Tycho and Album Leaf. They really make you think about love and life.
Deep house (decent) , dark minimal dnb, tekno, dark psytrance. Yee