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Best Method of Getting High?

I'm a lightweight, so taking small hits out of a pipe over the course of an hour until I'm where I want to be works well.

Omnipresenthuman said it best. Make yourself a gravity bong. There are a lot of folks who say that it wastes weed. I hate to be so "black and white" about it but... anyone who says that wrong, point blank, no bones about it. A well built GB will get you completely toasted with a pinch the size of what one would put in a one-hitter pipe. It is the absolute best in terms of both high, and conservation. You'd do well to try it out and let us know what'cha think.
Omnipresenthuman said it best. Make yourself a gravity bong. There are a lot of folks who say that it wastes weed. I hate to be so "black and white" about it but... anyone who says that wrong, point blank, no bones about it. A well built GB will get you completely toasted with a pinch the size of what one would put in a one-hitter pipe. It is the absolute best in terms of both high, and conservation. You'd do well to try it out and let us know what'cha think.

QFT. this is all the rage in my area right now 0.1 grams of the good stuff one rip and you're stoned dude.
^Aye sir. The GB was the first thing that got me stoned, on that life changing day oh... 5 years ago or so. Seems to be what everyone in my area uses. I honestly have never bought an actual piece. Don't need to spend the money since I've got my GB.
Yea I tried the gravity bong and honestly it's the best thing to date imo.
I've got a nice bong recently as well but the gb just destroys it. thanks everyone for the opinions.

Also what's a nice & affordable(under 50$) vaporizer
I have a high to tolerance also. Have you tried a vaporizer yet? They are awesome and get you super high!
I've found that smoking weed gets me high.


For a first timer I'd go with standard joints, bongs you need to slightly develop a new smoking technique compare to cigarettes, and it's just easy... roll it up and smoke no worries. :)
Shhhh here's the secret... Don't tell anyone! :O
1.Get dank weed that no longer gets you high as you like, 2UTSE ( use the search engine) to learn about making BHO or any other solvent based extraction of thc. 3 goto your local headshop and grab a rig ( bong with a nail and some instead of bowl) 4 heat nail with torch. 5 head to the moon! :)
The good 'ol gravity bong .. Get yourself a bucket with water and gravity bong it by using a cutoff plastic coke bottle and your cone piece affixed to the bottle's lid. Rip a few buckets and tell me you don't get stoned like the noob days!
I usually do the hot knives to get really high, I prefer them over anything else. that or you need to get better weed.
Edibles, make your own canabutter and just start baking some delicious treats. It'll take a while to make it, but if you realize that 1 cookie can get you stoned for 8 hours, you know it's worth it. I don't smoke so it's the only way I can take it. But I've seen my friends turn into immovable objects after 1 of those things. Hell one of my buddies even ended up going into a looptrip haha.
You can refer to a post I did earlier on this thread about how I advised using a gravity bong as one of my best methods of getting high off of weed...I still firmly stand behind that opinion, but just wanted to add a simple method of getting extra high for every pothead out there interested in getting just that little extra bit of goodness from their precious weed dosage. One of the most effective methods I've used recently for getting high is the blanket method - it's essentially using a 'hot box' without having to go into a closet or any of that claustrophobic-room nonsense. Using a pipe, or possibly a bong/bubbler, just seat yourself in a proper enclosure, anywhere where you have a good space set off with flat flooring/space all around you, and put a blanket/sheet all around your body while you position yourself in a simple sitting position, in the 'Indian style' as the school-teachers of your youth used to explain it to you. While completely enclosed in your blanket/sheet, just go ahead and smoke your bowl in your pipe/bong/bubbler - while you're going to be, obviously, just getting the regular high from smoking from your piece of choice, as well, since you are completely closed off from the outside environment, whenever you exhale the smoke that you can't completely inhale in the hits that you take from your piece, you will then be able to breathe in the excess smoke that's still swirling around in the 'atmosphere' - the big deal is that this surrounding 'atmosphere' is itself closed off by your blanket letting you easily 'hotbox' the smoke residue that you have left. Basically, none of the weed goes to waste in this scenario. This method has always served me well - in fact, I make a point of not using this method too often due to the fact that I just get so high when going through with it. Putting a blanket/sheet around your body whilst you're smoking is one of the easiest ways, I've personally found, to increase the high you get off of 'x' amount of weed - I've routinely made use of this method to at least double, if not triple, the effects of the weed which you put into your present 'getting high' session. Good luck everyone, and peace...and please, if anyone's wondering out there, just go ahead and make the step to acquire high-grade chronic weed. Trust me, it's worth it. Be blessed, stay high, keep cool...
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I'm going with some wax/oil melted to the top of a bowl of some top shelf chronic, preferably smoked out of a nice size Glass on Glass binger w/ diffused percs. So fresh, and so clean.

That or one of those perfect edibles that doesn't incapacitate you, yet you feel it's calming presence in the background for the rest of your day, only a bowl away from being completely stoned.
That or one of those perfect edibles that doesn't incapacitate you, yet you feel it's calming presence in the background for the rest of your day, only a bowl away from being completely stoned.

Yumm... I have to admit, the thing I envy the most about those living in medical states is the access to all those edibles (and BHO). I prefer eating my cannabis, but really all I have access to nowadays is super high quality bud. Usually one or two strains to choose from. Makes no sense to cook it. I have to say I haven't seen "schwag" or "middies" in close to a decade.

OP you might want to consider switching to high grade a chillum/one hitter to conserve. I have a low tolerance because I do not smoke very often anymore, but back when I did I was able to conserve a pretty decent amount when switching over to a nice glass hitter. Nowadays, I make a gram last forever, but that is because I really only need a pinch.