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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Best Kubrick Movie

Which is it?

  • Flying Padre

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Day of the Fight

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fear and Desire

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Seafarers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Killer's Kiss

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Killing

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Paths of Glory

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • Spartacus

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lolita

    Votes: 2 2.5%
  • Dr Strangelove

    Votes: 10 12.5%
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey

    Votes: 10 12.5%
  • A Clockwork Orange

    Votes: 18 22.5%
  • Barry Lyndon

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • The Shining

    Votes: 15 18.8%
  • Full Metal Jacket

    Votes: 16 20.0%
  • Eyes Wide Shut

    Votes: 5 6.3%

  • Total voters
I watched both 2001 A Space Odyssey (the night when Mars was at it's closest) and Dr Strangelove for the first time recently. 2001 was certainly ahead of it's time and I could certainly appreciate it technically, but the story never really grabbed me very much. Dr Strangelove on the other had me right from the start and until the very end. It is now my favorite Kubrick film although not by very much. But Dr Stranglove gets the nod purely because I love Peter Sellers, always have and always will despite his over the top portrayl of Dr Strangelove.
I started this thread months ago good to see its still going. I just watched Eyes Wide Shut for the second time as was extremely impressed. I wasn't overly excited after the first viewing but it's a great film. Speilberg in the special features was saying that all Kubricks films take a few views to really grab you, I totally agree. He hated 'The Shining' on first viewing but now its one of his favourite films of all time.
Out of all the Kubrick films ive seen A Clockwork Orange comes close to being my favorite.
I just saw 2001. I must say it's the most thought-provoking Kubrick I've ever seen. Relevant too.
Whoa, old one eh. Well my favorite Kubrick film is probably A Clockwork Orange, although I voted for Eyes Wide Shut because I like it in a different way, and I knew ACO would win.

Also check out "Stanely Kubrick A Life In Pictures" awesome documentary on all of Kubrick's films starting from the beginning, leaving nothing out.
Actually twominds, this very thread angers me for making me choose a favorite from his films!!! :) Seriously though, while I picked ACO, I love every one of his movies I've seen, and I'm amazed how different each one of them is in it's own way...Spartacus, 2001, Dr. Stranglove..the man's genius was undeniable...(gotta give props to the actors where it's due though, such as the previously mentioned Sellers in Strangelove, and Lawerence Olivier in Spartacus (His presence among the Senate and on the bloodied battlefied, simply stunning) ...These people acted like it was NOBODY's business...
Kubrick is a one of a kind.

I love every piece of work by him and am surprised nobody has mentioned the outrageous Lolita.

ACO has without a doubt the best trailer in film history.

ACO and 2001 have always (very slightly) stood out for me from the rest. Each movie I find are of such quality that they're taxing to watch and appreciate, so I really need to be in a specific mood before viewing any of them, and therefore don't watch them that often.

I voted for 2001. It's perfection.

Clockwork and the Shining aside,(and im sure they get enough accolades around here....) i think ill go with the controversial, not as popular but definitely my favorite-- LO-LI-TA . Sue Lyon is THE very definition of lolita....Casting her is an unsurpassed feat IMO...she manages to emote such a coquettish sexuality by just using her eyes. LOLITA is a very entertaining, classic Kubrick at his best.. fans will definitely not miss his trademark dark satirical sense of humor in this one . One of my faves! (i have not seen the Domnique Swain version btw.) trivia: Sue Lyon , the girl who played Lolita, was not even allowed to attend her own movies premiere because she was underage. Sheesh wasnt that a bummer! :\ Cant get that trailer ditty outta my head too .....* .... .....la,la,la,la,la,la,la,la,la,..how did they EVER make a movie about LOLITA? ;)
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I had a hard time picking a favorite but I gave it to A Clockwork Orange. But his movies are versatile and different that I wouldn't always necessarily choose to watch that one over his others, it depends on what kind of mood I'd be in.

The others that came close were Dr. Strangelove, 2001, and the Shining (which wasn't quite as close to the book as it could have been, but was an excellent movie anyways and very dramatic)
lately full metal jacket has been climbing up my list - i think having watched it recently it's had a little more resonance (what with the situation in iraq and all). it still stands up for me :)
^^^^Love the beginning when they are in training with the drill sergant.
i love all of Kubrick's films, but if i had to choose one it'd be 2001. I saw 2001 for the first time earlier this year while on some good acid, I never had a more profound expirience watching a movie ever!! Also this film was WAY before it's time, it was made in the late sixties and looked a whole lot better than most present day movies do. Although all of his films are spectacular, 2001 was groundbraking, inovative, and virtually flawless.

Kubrick set the bar so high that not many directors can come close to his genious.
Full Metal Jacket is definatley my favorite. The Shining was also very intriguing. A Clockwork Orange also fascinated me to no end.
which is your favourite: Stanley Kubrick film?

this is impossible to choose just one! :X
A Clockwork Orange.

Honourable mention goes to...the rest. Well, as i've said in another thread, i've seen The Killing through to Eyes Wide Shut, but none before that.

But I do believe Kubrick's genius was best displayed between '68 and '75 with 2001, Clockwork and Barry Lyndon.

I may be wrong, but I think this director poll will produce the most varied votes so far.
after some consideration, my vote went to 2001: A Space Odyssey. It's was his boldest and most profound work methinks.

EJ said:
i've seen The Killing through to Eyes Wide Shut, but none before that.

same here. i really need to see some of those.
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