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Best kind of weed you have smoked?

villian said:
Unless you know the grower, or bought the genes from the seedbank yourself your not going to know the lineage of a plant 99% of the time.

Dealers just take names they think you recognize and sound good "Blueberry, White Widow" and throw them on any sensemilla they come across, and sell it to you at heavily inflated prices.

But hey, it seems to work :p

This is very true, I see a lot of dealers try to throw out names like Blueberry and Haze all the time. A friend of mine did actually grow some Bubbleberry seeds he ordered online and he is a very experienced grower. I did run into some "white widow" in SC once. I sure as hell believed the girl who sold it to me because it looked like it had snow on it. Hippie chicks with dreads from South Carolina are cool as hell .%)
Cali Mist or Super Cristal , I was lucky enough to stay in Amsterdam for a week when I was working abroad, we smoked around 13 types of MJ but only two types of Hash.
Cali mist was just mindblowing but not heavy in the slightest, you could still talk to people and stuff like that but the super cristal, we must have sat in the Door's coffeeshop for about 7 hours and after smoking SC, twas through bong though and on our second day there which ment we were a little unchilled (Dam is not chilled on arrivel), that might have been why it was so crazy.

ok ok, I'll stick with the Cali Mist, that was my fav. One of the most expensive but top list on the quality factor.
Unless you know the grower, or bought the genes from the seedbank yourself your not going to know the lineage of a plant 99% of the time.

Dealers just take names they think you recognize and sound good "Blueberry, White Widow" and throw them on any sensemilla they come across, and sell it to you at heavily inflated prices.

But hey, it seems to work :p

So true in most cases. The only time I got bud by name was Big Bud, in a bag that had a sticker on it with the club's name and the strain name, Big Bud. I loved that half oz, when I picked it up off my plate there were around 100 little red hairs left there (this shit was covered in them).
Everybody should know by now that my favorite strains come from Hawaii and tropical islands (Hawaiian indica, Maui wowie..ect) I think tropical weed always has a better destinct high to it compared to urban city weed. It's a lil more expensive but worth it.
Some AK-47 I got a last summer was probably the best shit I've come across...
PsychedelicPixie said:
Everybody should know by now that my favorite strains come from Hawaii and tropical islands (Hawaiian indica, Maui wowie..ect) I think tropical weed always has a better destinct high to it compared to urban city weed. It's a lil more expensive but worth it.

i couldnt agree with you more...... i used to live in hawaii and ive had bud from a bunch of different places and in all i gotta say the best i EVER smoked was always in hawaii... my favorite was this mango bud i used to get... it was grown under mango trees so it tasted really good and it was the best id ever gotten.. but then again, the worst weed i ever got in hawaii was about the same as the best stuff ive seem to have found anywhere else so i dont know if that one time counts... there have been many others with no names to make a story with
Not a fucking clue what it was called, but some weed my mate's b/f smoked with us.

Mate said I'd only need three or so drags off the spliff, but I ignored her and me and her bloke smoked about half each after she'd finished smoking.

We were in a giggling tripping out heap on the bed all afternoon watching kids programs and feeling floaty. Great stuff.
#1 White Widow, without a doubt my favorite cannabis high.

Runners up (in no particular order):

Hindu Kush
Purple One
White Rhino

... and of course there's always lots of great "unknown" herbs!

But yeah, White Widow is by far my favorite :)
I've honestly never had anybody tell me "This is such and such a strain" and if they did, I wouldn't believe them. But by far the best weed I've ever had was this shit I got from some guy I didn't know. I smoked it with my ex-girlfriend and as soon as put down the bowl after the last hit, we both looked at each other and knew exactly what was on the other person's mind...We hit the bed and didn't get out for hours. So if anybody knows what strain makes you have incredible sex, I'd really like to know.
My favorites are (from Amsterdam - which I had the luck to be in in April of 2004):

The pre-rolled jamaican shit (dunno the name)
Hawaiian Haze
And, of course, white widow :>
(the Thai joints weren't that bad, either.)
We hit the bed and didn't get out for hours. So if anybody knows what strain makes you have incredible sex, I'd really like to know.

I dunno about weed, but I was given "ecstasy" by a fellow bluelighter that turned out to be speed. I was craving that shit for weeks. Damn bitch :X