best friends


Nov 10, 1999
i don't know about you guys, but i love my best friend. we always roll together and the bond between us has gotten so strong. when we're at raves or in a club and we're rollin' it's almost as if an umbilical cord forms between us. i can't be too far away from him and visa versa. i love it. it seems if one of us gets lost or something i just follow where my heart tells me and *boom* i find him. it really is the coolest thing. anyways, friends are the most speacialist of things and you should cherish them. i know i love mine.
I know exactly what you're talking about! I, myself,used to have what I call 'a rolling buddy'. Me and him were always together, and got along so well...but like I said--used to. I lent him some money so he could get some beans--I ended up asking him for my money a month down the road (I wanted to go Christmas shopping)...he yelled at me...and ended our friendship--(maybe I shouldnt have asked him)But I guess it taught me a lesson--never lend money to someone who rolls--cuz as soon as they get money they will spend it all on beans...heh heh...I hope nothing like that ever happens to you and your friend!!
i feel the exact same way with my two best friends. when we roll together we all just sit there and talk or blow each other up when we are at home or not at a club. but when we go to the clubs or a rave people probably think we turned into a bunch of lesbians....we're always dancing,kissing, and hugging each other. even when we're not rolling we have that special conection. i wouldn't trade my two friends, Debbers and Etard, for anything in the world....except a couple of pills and some k
(just kidding)
My friends are the most special thing to me in this world...without them i would be nothing.
Aw.. Nick, yer post is making me miss my best friend. *poutysniffle*
Heh, I got to feed him is first roll and take him to his first party... He's waaaay out in California. Sigh. And I *totally* understand what you mean by the whole umbilical cord thing.. It's still like that even tho he's so far away.
Loupy, I luv ya!

~*~ Ashke ~*~
I love {{{all}}0 my friends, no matter if they roll or not. In fact, I love all of you guys too!!
But I must admitt that my relationship my rolling friends is way different than with my "sober" friends. At raves people bond in a total different way; giving hugs and basically being more physical and intimate with one another. And I get to talk about doing my favorite drug whenever I want :)
Like Jen said: "when we go to the clubs or a rave people probably think we turned into a bunch of lesbians" LOL
Gotta go play with my friends now

Let yourself be loved. Let love be yourself.
PLUR, Loonie :)
I think I am the luckiest girl in the world to have the 3 best friends that I do. I have been friends with one for over 7 years and the other two for about 6 months now. The best part of our friendships is that we were so close before we ever rolled together. Now, it is just wonderful to be in that state of mind with people who totally understand you and know you. My best friends will be my best friends for the rest of my life and I am a much happier person knowing that. They live far away and I dont get to see them often, but the times we have together are the best and I hope that everyone in the world can find one best friend like the three I have! Love you J-mee, Amy, and Mary! XOXO
Have fun and be careful!
[This message has been edited by Megorit (edited 08 December 1999).]
i love my best friend even though we don't roll together....i've known her all of my 17 years ("met" her when i was three days old) and i've been best friends with her for as long as i can remember. she's like a sister to me, even though i don't get to talk to her all the time (she went away to school) i know that, even though no one i talk to may understand what the hell i'm talking about, at least she always does.
oh, you've made me really miss her now....