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Best friend awol after a (probable) bad trip...

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Mar 27, 2016
Hi guys, just registered on bluelight cause I need to talk about this.

We ended the saturday night, three friends at my place, we each took a ~20mg dose of 4-ho-met. Enjoyed tripping music (shpongle, ott...) while it was hitting.

On the come down, one friend went back to his place walking, the other one, my best pal whom I know from high school, more than 15 years ago since when we were 16, went awol while I was nodding...

He left a very disturbing message to his girlfriend, hinting at possible suicidal thoughts and that's the last we heard from him.

It was in the morning, can't say for sure what time it was, I was pretty out of there at that time.

It's now 18h there, he was supposed to get to a job at 17h. Never showed up.

With his girlfriend, we tried looking around the spots where might be brewing his dark mood by himself, with no luck. Tried to find his car, but even if I was with him when he parked it, I'm new in the city and can't recall the exact emplacement. Anyway, no chance at finding his car when touring the whole neighborhood several times.

As you could expect I'm pretty down right now, I've been hitting hard the only opiate I have in stock at the time, U47700 to cope with the distress and the guilt of putting him in that situation. And it's clearly not enough.

The first chance I'll get I'll cope some H and hit the needle hard. If something happened to him I'm not sure I'll be able to handle it even with all the dope in the world.

Fuck this life...
Shit that's not good. Odd that he would react like that after the peak and not on it. Its a substance im really not fond of its far too stimulating for me, maybee he needed to walk off the excess energy and has now crashed out somewhere? If he has tripped a fair bit before I wouldn't be too concerned yet. Is he going though any issues at the moment?
maybee he needed to walk off the excess energy and has now crashed out somewhere? If he has tripped a fair bit before I wouldn't be too concerned yet.

That's what we all hope for but there's something very wrong with the situation, the more time passes the more it seems unlikely. The really frightening thing is the message he sent his gf before disappearing, basically saying something along the line of: "It's either the rope or going away, I can't tell you how indebted I am to you for handling me in my hardest moments, I love you."

Is he going though any issues at the moment?

We all have our demons, in his case, it's a mixture of guilt and regret for very close friends of him who went away too soon or too far away destroying everything around them in the process. He's consicous of it and is usually able to deal with it in all honesty. But there are definitely bad seeds that might give rise to something very unhealthy.

I guess I'm just posting here because I need some people to cheer me up and try to get me to look at this whole situation with a little more optimism, sorry if I'm a bother and it's not appropriate for that forum...

And drugs are not going to help the situation as much as sobering up and going out to search for your friend.
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Just a thought-has anyone contacted law enforcement and reported him missing?
My thoughts too ..... There comes a time when you just need to get The Authorities involved.
I really hope your friend is OK.

Some times people need to get away for a while. And whatever happens, blaming yourself would be simply wrong.
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I agree that the only real option is to contact the police to report a missing person. Chances are your friend just needed some time to himself to think - pscyhedelics can often have that effect and it's usually a positive thing but often needs a little time for processing. If there are any concerns for his mental state or wellbeing and he is uncontactable I do think it best to contact the relevant authorities - certainly a far, far better idea than getting off your face on smack and avoiding the issue. If your friend does get in contact and could maybe do with having a friend to talk to semi-conscious drooling is unlikely to be of much help.

Hopefully your friend is just sleeping it off but if there is real concern for his wellbeing then contacting the police is really the only option - better to have over-reacted than to have under-reacted, I'd say.

Aside from that I don't think speculation will be helpful here so am going to close this thread for now. Feel free to drop me a PM if you want it re-opened but in the meantime I'm closing it to avoid any speculation.
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