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Best drug for sleep?

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K'dOUTinAZ said:
Lately the (legit) prescription drugs that I have been using to get sleep:
30mg Temazepam
3mg Alprazolam
700mg Carisoprodol
10mg Cyclobenzaprine
{Yes, I suffer muscle pain and RLS}

I may also take 50mg of hydroxyzine or 50mg of diphenhydramine if I find myself waking during the night. It would be great if I didn't need all these meds in order to sleep. I'm in too deep...
Opiates..WEIRD...for some reasons opiates tend to either keep me up all night scratching myself, or falling asleep lightly and waking up within a 15-20 min period each time. anyone relate?
opiatekrzy said:
Opiates..WEIRD...for some reasons opiates tend to either keep me up all night scratching myself, or falling asleep lightly and waking up within a 15-20 min period each time. anyone relate?
Try taking an antihistamine to prevent scratching and some caffeine to not fall asleep BEFORE taking opiates, so you can enjoy it more and longer.
You're probably allergic to opiates and an antihistamine does wonders. Caffeine will keep you awake though and I hope you're not using opiates to go to sleep - sure they can HELP you sleep, but using them just as a sleep aid is a waste of your health I think.
K'dOUTinAZ said:
Trazadone knocks me on my ass but it leaves me with a four hour hangocer and it is very notorious for its after effects. You'll get your sleep thats for sure but in the morning you'll wish you hadn't taken it but if you are really needing sleep...

trazodone knocked me on my ass the first time i took it

and now a few tmes later, i still cant sleep...

i cannot deal with this insomnia bullshit anymore

swallowing my whole bottle of trazodone woudd be better than staying up late everyday, being exhausted everyday, and going through life feeling like your looking through a window.

cos thats how trazodone makes me feel. its like im looking through a window at the world and i cant stop eating and im depressed.

this drug is not working
Ask your doctor for something better. Or at least notify him/her that the shit ain't working. Tell 'em that you heard from your mom or friend told you that Halcion works well hehe....the shit hits in within 15 minutes and then pounds you on the floor. Your doctor may think that your a drug addict if you just straight out ask for it. Temazepam is another good one but not as effective as Halcion. If you take 2-3 Somas you should get shut eye pretty quick.
I'm in the UK and have found it hard to get anything better than zopiclone off my regular doctor, although I am going to see a different one next week. Although zopiclone is quite good, it tends to loose it's effectiveness for me quickly, like 3-4 weeks. Then it's back to the promethazine for a few weeks. Then sometimes onto diphenhydramine (pretty much useless on it's own), then back to zopiclone again. I had 50mg of promethazine the other night and still only got 2.5 hours sleep :(
I have a bottle of cyclobenzeprine 5 mg from a baseball injury...I took them in the prescribed dose and I felt like shit all day...Will the sleep make that effect go away?....Also, I have moderate asthsma, does this drug depress respiration or heart rate in the 20 mg range?
Generally cyclobenzeprine is prescribed at night because it makes you very drowsy and it builds up in your body so eventually your muscle problems will subside, unlike Soma which works right away. They will deffinitly help with your sleep. I take 10mg at night along with my large combination. I'm not sure if 20mg will lower your hart rate or not though. It does exhibit some CNS depression. Why not just try 10mg first?
half a bottle of vicks nyquil xanax,sex with a shemale and an episode of sienfeld should have you on your way. good luck8(
Shit, I can't remember the last time that I got to sleep without having to use a sleeping aid, alcohol, marijuana, opioids, or combinations of these. It has really screwed up my sleeping cycle, even though I use drugs to get to sleep, I always wake in the night at least three times. I can't imagine how I would get to sleep without drugs or alcohol. The rebound insomnia would be horrific, I would probably be awake for weeks, hurting like hell at night. I should never have started complaining about insomnia with my psychiatrist from 15 and on. Its fucked up.

I made the same mistake. Completely blew out my sleep cycle. With me it started with chronic cannabis use in high school. Have run the gamut now though. Finished a 6 month benzo w/d in July this year. Currently only on Remeron which does jack shit now but worked well in the beginning. I am 46 now so it has been off and on throughout life. I did have a period of about 11 years of complete sobriety and did start sleeping again after about 3 months. However, I subsequently screwed that up so now I am still doing the battle against insomnia.

K'dout-that rebound insomnia is brutal
Rebound insomnia is one of the worse feelings ever. Your body needs sleep, your tired, but your mind won't let you go to sleep....your noding off all day and then night comes again and your body is even more worn out and tired, needing sleep, but nope, mind won't give....another day goes by, never fully awake during the day and never fully asleep at night. Nights and nights...the sleep deprivation is horrendous, hearing and seeing things that aren't really there, talking back to nobody, reaching to pick up nothing...but there ain't nothing you can do until you give into that....pill....drug.....depressant.....alcohol....pot....

I've had an insomnia rebound that lasted roughly six days without having to take anything, when I finally fell to sleep I was out for 24 hours. It felt so good...

I don't want to go through that ever again so here I am...4mg alprazolam...60mg temazepam...valerian....10mg cyclobenzaprine...1400mg carisoprodol...whatever WAA WAA WAA ;)

I dug the hole, best to make it comfortable
K'dOUTinAZ said:
I have a very good idea that Rohypnol would work the best for insomnia out of all the benzodiazepines but I can't say so because I have never tried them but I have read and heard plenty of information about this drug. It isn't legal in America and haven't seen anybody with it so I never got the chance. Supposedly it is supposed to be the most potent of the hypnotic benzodiazepines. Either way, if this drug is available where you live, go for it! It should work wonders.

They are available in Spain. Legit packaging, not-so-legit sales.

Great work on that other post btw. This should be archived.
Thanx GuggleGum, I'll sell you my body for 24 hours for a packet of Rohypnol ;)

For all those who are taking benzodiazepines for sleep, through experience with just about every single benzodiazepine that is legal in the states, I have come to the conclusion that (in my opinion) alprazolam is the best benzodiazepine for insomnia, even though it is not a hypnotic and not intended for sleep. I came to the conclusion by using different hypnotic benzodiazepines each day of the week, with the exception of one day when I use the alprazolam. dosing according to my tolerance.

Day 1: 120mg Temazepam (Hypnotic)
Day 2: 6mg Estazolam (Hypnotic)
Day 3: 3mg Alprazolam (Anxiolytic)
Day 4: 1.5mg Triazolam (Hypnotic)
Day 5: 150mg Flurazepam (Hpnotic)

My conclusion was that, even though alprazolam is a great drug for anxiety and panic disorder at lower doses, at a dose of 3mg at night, it worked better than any other hypnotic for my insomnia and frequent nightly awakenings. Unlike most hypnotics, alprazolam had no hangover effects either. Tolerance with alprazolam doesn't grow as quickly as the majority of hypnotics.

I just wanted to share this for those who are going back and forth with benzodiazepines, trying to find the right one to work for their insomnia. I just wanted to let those know that alprazolam shares more qualities than just an antipanic and anti-anxiety drug.

I am well aware that taking large doses of many benzodiazepines will knock you out anyway but alprazolam does not aquire a massive dose. This information isn't for those who just want to get knocked out bu those who suffer true insomnia.

P.S. Flurazepam takes the cake for best hypnoti benzodiazepine, it is incredible! Feels sort of like a nice barbiturate.
K'dOUTinAZ said:
Day 1: 120mg Temazepam (Hypnotic)
Day 2: 6mg Estazolam (Hypnotic)
Day 3: 3mg Alprazolam (Anxiolytic)
Day 4: 1.5mg Triazolam (Hypnotic)
Day 5: 150mg Flurazepam (Hpnotic)

Damn, I wish I could get all that off my doctor! Just got another prescription for zopiclone yesterday, took 7.5mg (although I toyed with the idea of 15mg, but decided against it as I want to keep my tolerance down as long as possible) managed to get about 6 hours with only a couple of wake ups, but fell asleep after each one nearly straight away. Which is better than the 3 hours sleep I was getting on promethazine earlier in the week. :\
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