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Paraphernalia Best Cannabis Vaporizer 2020


Moderator: OD
Staff member
Apr 17, 2015
So I’m on a health kick after my most recent diagnosis trying to “buy some time.” One thing I wanna do is switch from smoking flower to vaping it. I’ve smoked daily for 15+yrs and smoke pretty much constantly so having a healthier option would be big.

My problem is vaping just doesn’t get me the same high, or at least many of the Vaporizers I’ve tried. I need a vape that burns hot to the point where I’m borderline burning the plant matter I think to get a good enough hit to be satisfied.

Any recommendations on Vaporizers both portal and at home which people here feel happy with?

10yrs ago I tried switching and just never materialized. The volcano commonly used back then didn’t do it for me and the Magic Launch Box just barely scratched the itch. (Although made it possible to smoke anywhere with nothing but a burnt popcorn smell left behind.)

Thanks for any assistance :)

So I’m on a health kick after my most recent diagnosis trying to “buy some time.” One thing I wanna do is switch from smoking flower to vaping it. I’ve smoked daily for 15+yrs and smoke pretty much constantly so having a healthier option would be big.

My problem is vaping just doesn’t get me the same high, or at least many of the Vaporizers I’ve tried. I need a vape that burns hot to the point where I’m borderline burning the plant matter I think to get a good enough hit to be satisfied.

Any recommendations on Vaporizers both portal and at home which people here feel happy with?

10yrs ago I tried switching and just never materialized. The volcano commonly used back then didn’t do it for me and the Magic Launch Box just barely scratched the itch. (Although made it possible to smoke anywhere with nothing but a burnt popcorn smell left behind.)

Thanks for any assistance :)


I’ve been smoking a long time, and only been vaping since 2003-5. Haven’t really *loved* any vapes because they did seem to be lacking something unless I pushed the temperature to 420 and above. The vapes I have and have had are;

Iolite - Used butane, was noisy, cludgy to load, use and refill
Magic Flight Launch Box - nice and it worked but could only hand;e small amounts and I was tired of constant;y buying, stripping and losing AA rechargeables
DaVinci - just sucked
Silver Surfer - this is a home plug in unit and can easily bring your herb to the point of combustion (I used this to smoke when Inhad no source of fire_
Arizer Solo 1 - hate glass stems.
Arizer Solo 2 - hate glass stems
Arizer Extreme Q home vaporizer - loved using the whip, but again too many glass pieces (easy to break and/or lose)
Pax 3 - The ‘slickest’ of the vaporizers I’ve got. It looks like an Apple designed product. I Like it but it’s got the fiddliest grind requirements of any vape I’ve had (I find). A very fine, even grind and packed densely but not tightly. Only had mine for 10 days but impressed with it enough to buy loading cartridges for it. You load the weed into these cartridges in advance and pop them in the Pax 3 - so you can quickly blaze through bowl after bowl if you want with no cleaning.

The Pax 3 comes with a concentrate insert which I haven’t used.

Haven’t tried the Storz & Bickel Mighty or Crafty portables.

I was an avid bucket/gravity bong smoker for close to twenty years and three years ago moved onto a vape as my chest was fucked first one I tried was the snoop g pen and it was so shit it put me off them . Tried the da Vinci which was even worse would be as well throwing weed in the air
But two years ago I was talked into letting a dude off with debt in return for his brand new boxed Mighty by storz & Bickel and holy shit I was impressed they come with lots of extra bits and it’s as good a stone as a bucket imo which is by far the strongest way to get high
Longtime bucket advocate myself.

But I made the switch sometime ago when I bought a glass vapour genie for dmt. When it arrived cracked I complained and they sent another... so I figured why not try the cracked one for weed. It’s never cracked further and I’ve never gone back

Friends have both the volcano and the mighty. Honestly there both ok in both flavour and effect but I prefer my gvg to either ... tho it looks rather fiendish (or phallic, as some friends say lol) and you’ve got to buy a decent butane lighter that can used at a 90 angle and quality butane so it doesn’t clog.

...sometime ago when I bought a glass vapour genie...

Well, i like this alias all the sudden, as it's most appropriate here.

Actually it seems the vast majority of vaporists, DMT, Cannabis or else (...), are just unable to appreciate the simple fact that SiC Foam was space-age technology already when the 1st VaporGenie got patented, relatively shortly after Y2K. Then there's this:

( VaporGenie US 7434584 (2008-Oct-14) - Egzoset's fig. 11-12 supplement )

It happens that Silicon Carbide is no ordinary thermal conductor to begin with, while for some puzzling reason it's obvious the owner & inventor of VaporGenie himself still didn't measure its full potential even after including a basic layered structure in that patent. Of course i pointed that out in a few private e-Mails sent to Dan Steinberg, though he won't see it or act on it despite a huge 250+ photo/illustrations diaporama...

And yet a most potent seed was planted 2 decades ago:

Add 1 layer to get a sandwiched Hybrid Core of exceptional value when exploited for its transitional properties, not to mention if the central disc is a Curie-effect "susceptor" then that's becoming a "Bi-Energy" system. Etc., etc. Too bad most people's cognitive functions get frozen the instant they read the word "Egzoset", which i could have changed so many times but refused to do so just for the idea to get some faire consideration, because it was never about Egzoset in the 1st place anyway...

Conveniently juxtapose SiC Foam around a solid metal disc (featured with 17 #53/1.1553 mm dia. holes to serve both as a temporary energy-storage device and then a radiator...) and the Pandora box shall open. Deep slow/steady extraction = cumulated "baking" which translated as decarboxylation but also denaturation combined to secondry/tertiary chemical reactions implying not so noble contaminants NOT filtered by the trichome gland, etc. The later can be targetted and discriminantly heated before the rest on a basis of surface-contact, mass and size, using the exact opposite of the slow/steady method, hence absolutely inaccessible to a vast range of vaporists until they experience something different, like this.

But in a world where citizens of the most powerful country went crazy enough to elect Trump as president i'm afraid none of this matters much anyway...

Still, i'd like to argue the GVG actually BLOCKS the path of evolution since glass is too brittle for enthousiasts to perform similar experience, much less in a context as i just illustrated.

Good day, have fun!! ☮
So I’m on a health kick after my most recent diagnosis trying to “buy some time.” One thing I wanna do is switch from smoking flower to vaping it. I’ve smoked daily for 15+yrs and smoke pretty much constantly so having a healthier option would be big.

My problem is vaping just doesn’t get me the same high, or at least many of the Vaporizers I’ve tried. I need a vape that burns hot to the point where I’m borderline burning the plant matter I think to get a good enough hit to be satisfied.

Any recommendations on Vaporizers both portal and at home which people here feel happy with?

10yrs ago I tried switching and just never materialized. The volcano commonly used back then didn’t do it for me and the Magic Launch Box just barely scratched the itch. (Although made it possible to smoke anywhere with nothing but a burnt popcorn smell left behind.)

Thanks for any assistance :)

I would recommend a handheld. I have a pax 2 I’ve never had a volcano, but I’ve had the box vapor brothers I like it, it’s just really harsh on material until you get the temp down, that’s something I didn’t wanna fool with. With my pax 2 I have 4 easy controls, all explained to me with instructions. It’s easy to clean. Pipe cleaner, pipe scraper with the little bristles rubbing alcohol and your done. My vapor brothers required a magic wand that I had to replace cause I lost it. That was 60 for a self connect. All in all I’d explain more but my simple recommendation is look at a decent hand held. They will cost ***no pricing please*** but it’s a one time expense and you save material in the process. I set aside my ABV for brownies and I’m telling you they still sent me to outer space and that was totally browned material. I wouldn’t get a pax 3 personally I don’t like that you have to have an app to it. One that’s not feature on App Store for apple cause they don’t like identifying with that. All in all pax 2 come back here in a month you’ll wanna send me an ounce you’ll be so happy with it
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After everyone’s suggestions I went with The Mighty Vaporizer... And can’t be happier with the purchase.

Just got it out and filled her up after reading the directions, I’m impressed with the functionality of everything it seems they really thought of a lot of potential issues.

Finely ground up some MAC and set temp to 190C, the taste of terpenes was spectacular and I caught flavors I never could with a normal pipe.

The best part!! I actually coughed and am nice and blazed right now. No flower vape has ever gotten me this high this easy, I’m sold.

Sadly though the price jumped up just as I was about to buy, by quite a bit in fact. Still made the purchase worth it..

Now I gotta get their 40 pack of “magazines” to pre load so I can smoke easier.. That’ll make this device perfect.

Anyone here with a Mighty could tell me some tips for use, I’d appreciate it. I read over the handbook a bit but anything from person experience is welcome.

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Salutations G_Chem,

I need a vape that burns hot to the point where I’m borderline burning the plant matter...

Oh please, not again! This is like trying to describe some painting to blind people via cable TV!

Thanks for any assistance...

IMHO there's nothing more i can do which ain't been done before. Sometimes it's better just give up such lost causes where the media in itself becomes a social hobby on its own, while leaving less and less room for the main hobby which communication these convenient/anonymous on-line channels were designed to provide. Too bad media distributors got imperatives of their own...

Wall-of-Shame again.

Good day, have fun!! ☮
No first hand experience but in talking with (and smoking with) friends who have one..

It clogs rather fast, esp if you’re a chronic, so clean it regularly. I mean it’ll still draw but the flavour and air flow will be greatly affected.

Taking it apart becomes easier with practice but can still be difficult if it’s gunky. So buy the replacement kit (with screens and orings) as the orings have been known to tear and it’s easy to poke holes in the screens when taking them out.

Also change the screen on the bottom when it needs it. One friend has done it a few times, the other has not and the difference is paramount.

(Edit - just let the whole top and pieces thereof sit in alcohol ... you can do a couple soaks if it’s real gnarly... you can save the alcohol if your so inclined and evap or just toss it and save the abv instead)

Otherwise I’m sure you’ll figure it. Enjoy
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Never tried the mighty but I really recommend the Arizer Extreme Q as a desktop vaporizer. It's way cheaper than a volcano IIRC, it's glass on glass so it's a clean taste and low maintenance. Plus it has a pretty large adjustable temperature range so you can vape what you want.
I get really thick vapor with this one and can definitely taste the terps at the same time.
One downside is that you need to put at least like 0.3g for it to vape properly.
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After everyone’s suggestions I went with The Mighty Vaporizer... And can’t be happier with the purchase.

Just got it out and filled her up after reading the directions, I’m impressed with the functionality of everything it seems they really thought of a lot of potential issues.

Finely ground up some MAC and set temp to 190C, the taste of terpenes was spectacular and I caught flavors I never could with a normal pipe.

The best part!! I actually coughed and am nice and blazed right now. No flower vape has ever gotten me this high this easy, I’m sold.

Sadly though the price jumped up just as I was about to buy, by quite a bit in fact. Still made the purchase worth it..

Now I gotta get their 40 pack of “magazines” to pre load so I can smoke easier.. That’ll make this device perfect.

Anyone here with a Mighty could tell me some tips for use, I’d appreciate it. I read over the handbook a bit but anything from person experience is welcome.

When it’s time to clean the head off the mighty open it up drop in and simmer in a pan of milk for ten minutes till the oil comes off add chocolate powder 💥 and drink
Thank me later
Ps I throw it in the dishwasher after that to get the rest and milk residue
I’ve been on my vaporbox for 13 years, love it. The volcano is the industry standard for forced air.
I have a portable Flowermate vaporizer and, well ..it's portable. ;) Not that it's not working, but if you are looking for some hard-hitting device, move on. And it's either use xor charge, but I don't see that as a fault of a portable device.

Also have a vapexhale cloud evo; once figured out how to operate most efficient, this thing will flatten you if you don't respect it. 😲 Yes, it's not exactly made for being tossed around and it certainly needs some care and cleaning for optimal functioning (e.g. the heated glass tube (bamboo) doesn't like twisting at all, but which will happen as soon as the coupling to the mouth piece or sleeve or whatever catches resin an get sticky, and fiddling around with these baskets (ELBs), etc.), and yes, it is expensive!

But I remember sitting in front of almost a kilo of cured bud ready to go, asking: "am I really going to combust all that and put that smoke through my lungs?". It was pretty much a no-brainer. As I was financially doing ok back then, I considerd this as an investment in my health. And you can really do everything with it, herb, kief, hash, all sorts of extracts, shatter, wax, honey/oils, you name it. Even though i'm not a non-stop cannabis user (at least not at the moment), I have a hard time imagining a person that will NOT get fucking blasted with this little machine, especially with these strong-ass concentrates around these days. But perhaps it's just a lack of imagination? But if someone uses mostly concentrates, i think a nice dab rig would perhaps be more aestetically pleasing (even more robust or easier to clean) whilst being equally effective.

Don't really understand why folks demand that vaporizing should make them feel the same as smoking or hitting a bong. If you want that, ..i guess you will have to do exactly that!? If you want to get high and taste the herb alone, and not the taste/smell and tax on the lungs of smoking, then vaping (at least with stationary devices) doesn't seem to leave much left to desire nowadays. Just my opinion, don't think i'm an expert.

Have a good one 🌱
I have a portable Flowermate vaporizer and, well ..it's portable. ;) Not that it's not working, but if you are looking for some hard-hitting device, move on. And it's either use xor charge, but I don't see that as a fault of a portable device.

Also have a vapexhale cloud evo; once figured out how to operate most efficient, this thing will flatten you if you don't respect it. 😲 Yes, it's not exactly made for being tossed around and it certainly needs some care and cleaning for optimal functioning (e.g. the heated glass tube (bamboo) doesn't like twisting at all, but which will happen as soon as the coupling to the mouth piece or sleeve or whatever catches resin an get sticky, and fiddling around with these baskets (ELBs), etc.), and yes, it is expensive!

But I remember sitting in front of almost a kilo of cured bud ready to go, asking: "am I really going to combust all that and put that smoke through my lungs?". It was pretty much a no-brainer. As I was financially doing ok back then, I considerd this as an investment in my health. And you can really do everything with it, herb, kief, hash, all sorts of extracts, shatter, wax, honey/oils, you name it. Even though i'm not a non-stop cannabis user (at least not at the moment), I have a hard time imagining a person that will NOT get fucking blasted with this little machine, especially with these strong-ass concentrates around these days. But perhaps it's just a lack of imagination? But if someone uses mostly concentrates, i think a nice dab rig would perhaps be more aestetically pleasing (even more robust or easier to clean) whilst being equally effective.

Don't really understand why folks demand that vaporizing should make them feel the same as smoking or hitting a bong. If you want that, ..i guess you will have to do exactly that!? If you want to get high and taste the herb alone, and not the taste/smell and tax on the lungs of smoking, then vaping (at least with stationary devices) doesn't seem to leave much left to desire nowadays. Just my opinion, don't think i'm an expert.

Have a good one 🌱
I truly believe the people who are never satisfied with any vape of any kind and insist that smoking is the only way that "works" are responding primarily to the toxic shock of hydrocarbons and tar produced by smoking more than they are the more nuanced effect of cannabinoids and terpenes.

They are looking for a dirty rush that has more to do with poisonous byproducts and oxygen deprivation.
Now that I’ve began trying to vape once again, I think my biggest complaint is the popcorn taste that seems to accompany even the lightest vape hit. It drowns out the terps a bit IMO.

Also for me to truly get high, I have to take it all down in 1 hit. Don’t ask me why, but simply smoking a bowl doesn’t get me the high I want even if I smoke 5x what I would have in 1 hit.

Because of this smoking style I often will pack a bowl for friends then once we finish, burn a single hit down to myself to actually get a buzz. (A single hit usually being about a 1/4 to 1/2 a standard bowl of bud.)

Vaporizers, particularly for flower, are almost never 1 hit and done devices. Even with this mighty, the first hit warms up the flower and vapes off the more volatile terps, not til the second hit do I get a good rip.

Otherwise I’ve been pretty impressed, I feel the high I do achieve from this Mighty Vape while not as intense as I can get from smoking down a single fat hit does last a bit longer overall. Smoked on it before a chemo sesh and didn’t even need to sneak a cart puff in the bathroom that day.

Also I can already tell a difference in how my lungs feel after only a few days of use..

The problem with weed vapes is they are too weak.

Pax3 is decent and convenient and conserves. But it doesn't satisfy the same as a combustion hit.

Kinda thinking those long deep draws may not be as healthy as we think.

Been meaning to get a dynavap for the longest. Ordered one a few months back, but still wasn't shipped 2 weeks later so cancelled it.

There has to be a vape that can vape up a whole bowl in one shot and produce massive vapor.