best candy for rolling?


Oct 21, 1999
need some advice cause im about ot go stock up, how are lifesavers and nerds when your trippin on X? just give me some of the good ones cause im gonnna get a lot for candy land this sunday
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense"
- Buddha -
the best candy 4 me, is blowpops obviously, but also, fruit roll ups! or these big sweet tarts that turn chewy when u eat em...yummy theyre good!
"damn it feels good to be a gangsta"
the strawberry cream savers........ they are the best..... and tropical life savers....
peace out
much love and lots of huggles
PLUR the way to a better world
dum-dums are awesome cuz they come in a million flavors and they're little, so they don't cut your mouth up when you're really mangled and knashing hard. I've torn up the roof of my mouth on blow-pops many times. Best thing I ever had was this lollipop that had some kinda sour stuff in the center, can't find them anywhere but it was soooo good!
If you can find them Jolly Rancher suckers are intense! Also, sucking a laffy taffy is pretty good, the flavor is so strong, I know it doesn't sound good, but don't chew it up just suck on it , I put it on the roof of my mouth, keeps your mouth watering too!!
Wish I could go to KandyLand but I'm in Georgia visiting family!
THE best candy to roll with has to be the WARHEADS Sour Blow-Pops. Everybody I give 'em to is like these things f'in rawk! You can find them in the candy section at most supermarkets. The sourness, w/ the flavor of the Pop, lasts for about the first 5 mins, and then it turns to just the flavor of the Blow-Pop. Then you have another treat in the middle, gum. The gum kinda sucks tho, only stays soft for about 5-10 mins. Get an f'in ton of these things cuz you won't regret it. Oh yeah, they come in six flavors: Grape, Cherry (?I think?), Sour Apple, Watermelon, Blue
Rasberry. Oh, thats only 5 flavors, man I wish I was good at math
I like anything sour when I am rollin. Sour Patch Kids, War Heads anything, citric acid
lol. There is just something about the sour that gets me goin.
POP ROCKS!!!!! Also those foot shaped suckers that you can dip into Pop Rocks candy. I think its called Crazy Dips or something.
The only bad thing about Pop Rocks is that they leave kind of a bad taste in your mouth, but just drink some water and get over it.