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Best/biggest random drug find?

Zopiclone bandit

Jan 25, 2018
Anyone else ever found stuff that had been dropped or tossed out the window etc?
What has been your best find to date?

Though I have never found a lot of stuff I have no idea why the Gods would do this for me but the last few days I've been finding nice bits of weed (happened 3 days on the run) which kept me nice & stoned in my yard for free (which is always the best price)
Do you know Scrooge McDuck when he jumps and swims into the money? I wanted to jump into that bag and do kinda like him lol.

I can well imagine, oh God I laughed on reading that line.
Made me think back to the time I got access to a palliative care medicine bag, my mates mom was well dead before we raided it & I learned the difference between medical grade morphine & UK street heroin.

You working at a hospital at that time?
Once for a 42 gram lump of hash inside of a tobacco packet outside my school, it made for a quite interesting lunch break lol

Shame it was only soapbar
4.2 or 42? Either way nice find.

I guess finding a small bag of meth? Not much gets overlooked here.
A friend of mine was in the lot at Bonnaroo like... damn like 15, 16 years ago, and there was a huge flood of people exiting, and she bumped her foot against something which turned out to be a giant package of a pound of weed. She looked around and no one was looking for it so she stuffed it in her backpack.

My friend ground scored a bag of DMT at the last festival I was at, he went around asking people if it was theirs and no one claimed it so he kept it.

For me, I found a random baggie with white powder in it once but it didn't smell like coke and knowing how many drugs there are (if I lost a random bag of white powder, it could be almost anything from among ~45 different white powders I have in my collection), I just tossed it. It wasn't much anyway, a few hundred mgs.
After my grandma died I found a package of diazepam (only 2 measly fucking mg, though) and literally over 400 codeine phosphate 30mg pills.

My brother once found a baggie with 7 MDMA pills in it. We had a hell of a weekends hehe.
After my grandma died I found a package of diazepam (only 2 measly fucking mg, though) and literally over 400 codeine phosphate 30mg pills.

My brother once found a baggie with 7 MDMA pills in it. We had a hell of a weekends hehe.
you remember those boxes of 100 cocodomal you used to be able to buy I once found one of them left aboundoned on a seat in the rear of a bus unfortunately I messed up the cwe but still good find
Oh that reminds me, when my ex's grandpa passed away, we were staying in his house while visiting her dad in California (instead of a hotel, by ourselves) and I found bottles and bottles of oxy IR 10mg. At the time I hadn't taken opiates more than a few times with 1-2 Vicodins, so I only took a few and actually found it too strong. Had it been a few years later I would have had a field day,

In fact a number of years later I did something I feel some of the most shame about of anything I've done. My ex's dad, who was slowly dying of congestive heart failure, was on various pain pills and had endless refills (this was before the recent opioid crisis). I was visiting and found a bottle of 100 x 20mg IR oxycodones, that had barely been started. He told me he had gotten these new pain pills but he liked Vicodin better. I took a few, intending to only take those, but of course as we were there for 2 weeks, I kept doing it, and finally I realized I had used them all. I bought some tylenol or something that looked quite similar and put those in there to hide it. I felt like a bag of shit for a long time after that, because I loved her dad, we were close and he was great. Opiate addiction...
Oh that reminds me, when my ex's grandpa passed away, we were staying in his house while visiting her dad in California (instead of a hotel, by ourselves) and I found bottles and bottles of oxy IR 10mg. At the time I hadn't taken opiates more than a few times with 1-2 Vicodins, so I only took a few and actually found it too strong. Had it been a few years later I would have had a field day,

In fact a number of years later I did something I feel some of the most shame about of anything I've done. My ex's dad, who was slowly dying of congestive heart failure, was on various pain pills and had endless refills (this was before the recent opioid crisis). I was visiting and found a bottle of 100 x 20mg IR oxycodones, that had barely been started. He told me he had gotten these new pain pills but he liked Vicodin better. I took a few, intending to only take those, but of course as we were there for 2 weeks, I kept doing it, and finally I realized I had used them all. I bought some tylenol or something that looked quite similar and put those in there to hide it. I felt like a bag of shit for a long time after that, because I loved her dad, we were close and he was great. Opiate addiction...

Addiction makes human-garbage out of all of us. The WORST I have done is stole a bottle of phenobarbital that was my friend's dogs seizure medication. I had full-on panic attacks from guilt after. I went to my friends house to return them (less the three I'd taken) because I couldn't stop thinking about that poor damn dog. When I got there there was a full bottle of those same pills there. They either had more than one bottle or had gotten a new prescription. talk about RELIEF.
I didn't return the pills, though.
My mum gave me some 10/500 codydramol (dihydrocodeine) and for some reason one of those affected me more than the otc ones which supposedly have 7.456mg I have had 5 of those get nothing but that one 10/500 codydramol really have me a nice mellow high probably the biggest I've been off codydramol that drug is so damn unreliable it's a joke when I see people saying it's as good as heroin I'm like an I missing something like literally missing an enzyme or something
Addiction makes human-garbage out of all of us. The WORST I have done is stole a bottle of phenobarbital that was my friend's dogs seizure medication. I had full-on panic attacks from guilt after. I went to my friends house to return them (less the three I'd taken) because I couldn't stop thinking about that poor damn dog. When I got there there was a full bottle of those same pills there. They either had more than one bottle or had gotten a new prescription. talk about RELIEF.
I didn't return the pills, though.
the way I see it their are two addicts one that accept they are addicted and need a substantial supply and stay on top of it for peace of mind and the addicts who deny they are addicted I was the latter until a few months ago and I feel like I'm not kidding myself anymore more sort of enlightened if you will once i accepted that fact that I am addicted I just felt less anxiety sad but true of course I could get of the drugs we all could we could meet up lock ourselves in a room and do yoga and winegums for fun but you know ;)
Tip: look down the drain on the side of the pavement as people drop stuff out their pocket often when getting in/out of their car and it will just float to the nearest drain waiting for the next lucky winner
Tip: look down the drain on the side of the pavement as people drop stuff out their pocket often when getting in/out of their car and it will just float to the nearest drain waiting for the next lucky winner

THIS. I always look in the drain and I also look to the side of the path whenever walking and often find drugs or money that way. It's not much but I find coins by the side of the path on a regular basis just walking up my street and back while having a cigarette.
I was trying to kick, when walking along on my way to an AA meeting, I found a bottle of many various opiate pills, including morphine, boxy percocet! Took a bunch right away. Got asked to stop sharing by a guy who thought I looked buzzed.
I was trying to kick, when walking along on my way to an AA meeting, I found a bottle of many various opiate pills, including morphine, boxy percocet! Took a bunch right away. Got asked to stop sharing by a guy who thought I looked buzzed.

I was ALWAYS drunk at AA meetings. To be fair, it was when I was first tapering off alcohol so I HAD to keep drinking to avoid seizure/death. I embarrassed myself the first time there, too. This has happened so often I am now immune to embarrassment. I stopped going after half a dozen meetings because of them ramming religion down your throat. I'm not even just an atheist, I am an anti-theist (I'm against the idea of organized religion as a whole) and it bothered me to the point of not being able to tolerate going.
I found about 50 60 mg morphine and about 100 15 mg morphine and about 100 2 mg ativan in my dying grandpas cabinet. He just switched to liquid everything so i didnt feel guilty about taking them.
Ooh I just remembered another one I feel bad about. When I was looking for houses to buy, back in 2008, my real estate agent showed me this house. While there I had to pee, so I went in the bathroom, and then decided to look in the medicine cabinet and drawers. Much to my surprise, I found massive amounts of completely full pill bottles with drugs, like the most pharmaceuticals I've ever seen in one place. No joke, like 200 clonazepam x 3 bottles, shock full of tiny pills to the top. Same with tramadol, a few full bottles. It looked like this person doesn't use them or didn't use most of them anyway and had built up a huge reserve. There were also some antidepressants and stuff but I din't care about those. I thought about it for a sec, turned the water on, and nabbed a BIG handful of clonaz and a BIG handful of tramadol. I took them from the bottles evenly and it really was barely noticeable. I wrapped them in a paper towel, folded it up, stuck in my pocket... free drugs. I felt kinda bad though. I also felt sketched out that I would get a call and they would have realized I must have taken them. But most likely no one ever noticed, it was an entire drawer chock full of pills, crazy stuff.
Ooh I just remembered another one I feel bad about. When I was looking for houses to buy, back in 2008, my real estate agent showed me this house. While there I had to pee, so I went in the bathroom, and then decided to look in the medicine cabinet and drawers. Much to my surprise, I found massive amounts of completely full pill bottles with drugs, like the most pharmaceuticals I've ever seen in one place. No joke, like 200 clonazepam x 3 bottles, shock full of tiny pills to the top. Same with tramadol, a few full bottles. It looked like this person doesn't use them or didn't use most of them anyway and had built up a huge reserve. There were also some antidepressants and stuff but I din't care about those. I thought about it for a sec, turned the water on, and nabbed a BIG handful of clonaz and a BIG handful of tramadol. I took them from the bottles evenly and it really was barely noticeable. I wrapped them in a paper towel, folded it up, stuck in my pocket... free drugs. I felt kinda bad though. I also felt sketched out that I would get a call and they would have realized I must have taken them. But most likely no one ever noticed, it was an entire drawer chock full of pills, crazy stuff.

I commend you on your restraint, Sir. I would have taken the lot (inc. anti-depressants).
Ooh I just remembered another one I feel bad about. When I was looking for houses to buy, back in 2008, my real estate agent showed me this house. While there I had to pee, so I went in the bathroom, and then decided to look in the medicine cabinet and drawers. Much to my surprise, I found massive amounts of completely full pill bottles with drugs, like the most pharmaceuticals I've ever seen in one place. No joke, like 200 clonazepam x 3 bottles, shock full of tiny pills to the top. Same with tramadol, a few full bottles. It looked like this person doesn't use them or didn't use most of them anyway and had built up a huge reserve. There were also some antidepressants and stuff but I din't care about those. I thought about it for a sec, turned the water on, and nabbed a BIG handful of clonaz and a BIG handful of tramadol. I took them from the bottles evenly and it really was barely noticeable. I wrapped them in a paper towel, folded it up, stuck in my pocket... free drugs. I felt kinda bad though. I also felt sketched out that I would get a call and they would have realized I must have taken them. But most likely no one ever noticed, it was an entire drawer chock full of pills, crazy stuff.
Most people should know to keep that shit locked up.

On the other hand some people legitimately don't like benzos, or they don't work right, or they don't like the effect for the prescribed purpose so they just stop taking them.

It's better humans use them than it get to some other life form or just sit there decaying...forever....

Most humans with their own homes have access to more health care anyways.

The only reason I'd have not taken them is I have my own benzos AND clonazepam SUCKS for me, like the only benzo that I wouldn't do again.
The number one rule if they leave theirprescription drugs or credit cards lying around your supposed to take them