• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Benzydamine hydrosolubility


Bluelight Crew
Nov 26, 2012
Hi everyone, don't know if this is the right section i invite the moderators to move it if necessary.

however, last week I performed an extraction of benzydamine from the OTC Tantum Rosa (or whatever is it called).

So the first time i extracted it I used too little water and the salt saturated and a big part of it didn't dissolve, so I obtained approx. 10 grams of powder (instead of the 3.5 grams that I should have obtained).
It was way too much and I didn't want to eat that much sodium, so I tried to extract it another time.

The problem is that this 2nd extraction didn't work, because apparently the benzydamine dissolved in the water, so when I filtered it (with a paper filter like those used in the labs) little to no powder remained on the filter.
But isn't benzydamine supposed to be non-hydrosoluble? I'm pretty sure it's not (hydro soluble) since the other times that i tried this extraction it worked (I did it with 2 friends of mine and it did get them high, I did not bu that's another story).
Do you need additional help with this? If so I will move this thread to the ADD forum for you.
perhaps you may want to post a link to this "extraction" of yours because i don't know what you tried to do exactly.

Banzydzamine hydrochloride .... Characteristics
A white crystalline powder.
Very soluble in water ; freely soluble in ethanol (96%) and in chloroform; practically insoluble in ether .

if its like a codeine cold water extraction, the extraction relies on the fact that water with a whole bunch of other shit dissolved in it will dissolve less benzydamine than clean pure (or tap) water. so the benzydamine might not immediately dissolve on the first extraction, but as it becomes more pure and you add clean water to it it will dissolve much more readily.

maybe you could salvage it by putting it in the freezer.
the extraction relies on the fact that water with a whole bunch of other shit dissolved in it will dissolve less benzydamine than clean pure (or tap) water. so the benzydamine might not immediately dissolve on the first extraction, but as it becomes more pure and you add clean water to it it will dissolve much more readily.
thanks. this explains a lot to me.

perhaps you may want to post a link to this "extraction" of yours because i don't know what you tried to do exactly.

^^^ this is the extraction I did (the first one)
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